It feels like heaven's so far away

It feels like heaven's so far away

Other urls found in this thread:

>Women doing landscaping work

What a fucking cuck.

90's and 00's punk rock thread.

Gardening not effeminate enough for you?

Heaven isn't too far away, closer to it everyday....

1950s art really unsettles me for some reason.

Uncanny valley shit. Makes me shudder desu.

The 50s grow distant everyday, in time and spirit

yeah that time was really heaven. An unfortunate woman married to an alcoholic abusive husband often was forced to stay with him because she had no other ways to support herself in a male-dominated workplace. So, because society gave her no choices, she suffered in an abusive relationship with no good options to deal with it. Sounds like hell if you ask me.

women are more unhappier today

Good thing nobody asked you then.

most women are unhappy in the workplace, they are natural homemakers

why is that a bad thing?

>1950's advertisements shows how things actually were back then
meme needs to stop

Jesus Christ, look at that phoney Norman Rockwell shite.

>back when the traditional familial unit was celebrated in advertisements

what do you have against this meme?

>expecting virgin autists to sympathise with women

Where do you think you are?

That's because heaven doesn't exist



My day was actually very similar to this. Except I was smoking food rather than grilling it. No need for nostalgia user, just get out and make it happen.

How can you make it happen with niggers and faggots constantly in your face. Seems like the nuclear family is dead.

>Everyone in the 50's was a cheating alcoholic, because anything else would fly in the narrative of modern America being just spiffy!
>Also, even though they were all cheating alcoholics, they were religious zealots who tried to repress sexuality.

~t. Liberal with a smartphone just before he heads into the bathroom to blow an old San Francisco man's dick for a bit of heroin.

>An unfortunate woman married to an alcoholic abusive husband often was forced to stay with him

Good, let that be a lesson to other girls who would fuck the first thing that looks at them.

how do you not see what is wrong with getting your understanding of history from period advertisements presenting an idealized, unrealistic picture to sell product?

>cheating alcoholics, they were religious zealots
i don't see a contradiction.

Jelly leaf-person?

It's because you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

because that represents the ideal of the time, what people strived towards

seeing how the white nuclear family is frowned upon now is sickening

Because now ads are essentially, look how dumb father's are guys!

Haha fuck all male role models right!
Ever suffering women!
Etc etc

this started with the simpsons

And yet women are unhappier today than they were in the "oppressive" 50s

I was making fun of the "A FUCKING LEAF" meme you moron. How do you get jealousy out of that?

Gardening is the role of the housewife

Ah the ol' everyone in the 50s was an alcoholic and depressed and oppressed meme