Prove to me that Communism doesn't work without using History

Prove to me that Communism doesn't work without using History.

>Protip: You can't


>Without using evidence

>no evidence
Thing with you idiots is that once evidence is given, you cucksplain that White Genocide is good

Wtf I love Stalin now

Umm, China? North Korea? Cuba? Vietnam sort of? The entirity of South America?

They couldn't even bullshit it in the bible nigga

Prove to me that history works w/out Communism! Checkmate Atheists!

How would you prove it works without history you dumb fuck


I'll give you the quick rundown:

1)Pick up your communist manifesto. Flip to the end of chapter 2. There's a list of 10 things. Transportation and communication are on the list, which means according to Marxism you aren't allowed to have a cell or a car(no, it's not talking about just the means of production, it's talking about ALL of it).

2)That same list implies a strong government capable of seizing personal property. There is nothing respectful or humanitarian about arbitrarily stealing peoples goods so *YOU* can redistribute it according to your whims.

3)It does call for a stateless society, but state and government are not necessarily the same thing. Heads of state are usually in charge of government, but the state encompasses more than just government.

In communism, the state is dissolved and presided over by the government. That's why true communism is anti religious and anti spiritual. It conflicts with all outside non-communist sub cultures, which is why there are always purges.

4) Read the first sentence of the first chapter of Das Kapital. What does it talk about?

Utility value.

Unfortunately, there's no such thing. All value is derived arbitrarily based on supply and demand.

Pt 2 of the rundown:

1)There's mountains of evidence the holocaust didn't happen. It's just socially awkward to reject it. Now think for a moment, where else does this rule apply when we talk about history?

And basically what this guy is pointing out.

Men are inequal and differnt from each other. You can't put a one size fits all system on people. Also, not everyone can be their own boss. I don't even believe in private property and I find communism absurd.

Without personal gain there is no real motivation, sure under commie fags there's the risk of death, but that will motivate you just enough not to be killed. Humans are shellfish and you can not change that, faggot niiger.

Accept price today isn't settled by supply and demand. Prices are fixed. At most, consumers decide the quantity of a good. People don't barter for price. Companies don't know and can't know what price people want. Most businesses don't use complex economic theory.

This guy gets it. Well done.

>prove to me communism doesn't work without using examples

> prove that communism doesn't work without citing the reasons it didn't work

WTF I love Marx now.

>prove something to me without using facts



And everything you just said is wrong. Go to a dept store and ask if they price match, if so, then that is bartering.

Bartering is still common throughout the world, and capitalism actually is an evolved barter system.

Companies use analytics to determine which prices are best where. That's why the same store uses different prices for different states and adjust for inflation.

You call it "complex economic theory", but it's really not. And it's not up solely to the consumer. It's whatever can establish the bottom line for the business.

Supply and demand is still the basis of businesses moving prices, and you see this especially in small businesses. I'll be amazed if you're over the age of 16 and still haven't noticed this. I worked for a small business and it was talked about all the time. The invisible hand is still the dominant force of economics.


No, supply and demand does very much determine price. The most obvious examples would be micro communities; y'know, isolated towns, prisons, military, etc. The most common example would be rents relative to the city they're in assuming controls have not been placed.

Statisticians and analysts are not only extremely commonly used in most businesses, but they're arguably essential at a certain scale.

No private property - the goyim don't own nothing!
No middle class - every jew owns a couple goyim slavex
From each according to.... - go work for us filthy goyim, you are much stronger than us, we really need it

you got owned pretty good by (((Marx))) and his goyim enslavement program

>Prove to me that Communism doesn't work without using History.
What kind of retardation is that? It's like saying prove that something doesn't work without using evidence that it doesn't work.

Fucking leaf...

Planned economies are by neccessity inefficient. They cause poor use of scarce resources which leads to poverty. Planning certain industries such as steel making is possible because you only need to worry about how much needs to be produced, but anything that requires specific knowledge such as agriculture will fail because a central planner simply cannot know the exact conditions of every plot in the country.

The upshot should be being able to act as essentially a megacorp, every industry should reap the rewards of having economies of scale, the problem with that is now you have no competition to cause innovation and you have a diseconomy of scale where the entity is so large parts of it are unknowingly working against each other.

You mean before or after the nazis tore down the camps in 1944?

lets have a gunfight without any bullets

The incentives to do a good job are very weak and people follow the path of least resistance. So people will not be as productive as in capitalism which has a strong reward system.

In addition the price discovery mechanism and hence the efficient allocation of resources is much better in capitalism because individual humans know better how they value things and what they should pay for things than a central planner.

Competition creates winners and losers and only the stronger better survive much like in nature. This ensures we get to use the best products and services that can possibly exist.

An efficient banking and finance system ensures good ideas get replicated and spread fast across the globe. If a person has a good idea to create a product, he can get a loan or enter the capital markets and that product gets made cheap on a large scale.

In communism you have no good incentives, no good finance mechanism, no price discovery, and the central planner works with very limited information.

In communism a bad project can be allocated a large sum of money just because the central planner thinks it would be a good idea. A lot of time it isn't. And so on and so on.

Don't be retarded. There's more than enough ammo to take down communism-and every round you need comes from the communist "thinkers".