2 chubby lebo kids fight over a scooter

Australia is great

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GTFO with that shit, fuckhead

australia is great but they are not australian

↑ two fat Mexican kids fight
>kek out loud anons

What's a lebo?

Most likely lebanese

I bet that scooter does fully hectic skids uleh

fucking arabs in america, how did they get in

and of course, this fat fuck lebo and his older sounding mates will go home tonight to their islamic immigrant parents, who will coddle them and make them feel special. tomorrow they will go to islamic school at 8:30, and learn all day about how islam is the centre of the world.

combine first world, western narcissism from social media, a society that puts you and your beliefs on a pedestal for no reason, a lack of integration by bad parents, a justice system that refuses to prosecute the guilty and a religion that dehumanizes non believers, and what you have here is a little bomb waiting to assault native australians and stand against australias beliefs.

They should not be here. Their parents should never have come here.

It's Australia and from what I read they are pretty strict about their immigration and refugee issues. Ironically Aussie Jews want more Arabs in

>What's a lebo?

An abo + lebanese person nyanya land



This is now a fat kids fighting thread unleash the inner big Macs people.


'Leb' is short for 'Lebo', and 'Lebo' is short for 'Lebanese'

we have a Lebanese problem in Australia

I laughed because in American high schools this common.



I thought they were two fat lesbians fighting over a scooter, slightly disappointed.

seems like you got the shitty ones. most lebanese in Europe, US and Canada are decent.

Check this one out two Mexican big Macs straight chunking them.


wew lad

>first jewtube comment
>Kogarah high
>my childhood neighborhood
>lebs everywhere


My sides are in orbit

>gimme it
when will that accent go extinct?

Our lebs are just some of the Arabs that took over Lebanon


why do lebs behave like bongas in australia?

They have the same vocab as maoris

Compared to you, I'm sure the lebs are decent. But you're forgetting that Australia was forged from ANGLO stock, ANGLO blood and ANGLO labour. We are the mightiest race to ever grace this planet.

When we finally gas the jews, niggers and communists...can we also gas fuckers who record video in portrait? Just a small request user. Sleep on it.


This is what happens when your culture doesn't recognise property

Burn it, burn it now!

Witness another American Classic Two Big Macs fighting again!!!


action begins at 2:00

Kids like these need a father to scare the fat off their backs into getting their shit back.

Fat kids need to fight more, it burns calories.

Sides in orbit. Thank you user. That was fucking glorious.



I'm literally fucking crying


Anyone here watch felony fights?

It's where a bunch of degenerate American criminals go and fight each other.

You get to see something that makes you cringe (not in the embarrassing way but rather that's so fucked up I can't watch kind of way)


People like this faggot filming it encouraging them to fight should fucking kill themselves
They are whats wrong with kids these days, they want to look cool for the older kids so they listen to them and start fighting eachother and its only downhill from there.

white ppl are genetic trash. The older white boy could have stepped in but like his father before him. He is a weakling of a man. Seed of Cain, the first albino. Destined to doom all of humanity. We will make you pay for this white ppl. I promise you.

This is not even fighting. This is just western bullying. Want to see how that feels like?


Too bad your skin didnt matter where it counts white boy. Albino and ashamed of it leper mutants actual subhumans.

your ancestors of rapists and thieves should never have been exiled there emu cuck.

>that image

We wuz scientists an shiieeet

they were both lebanese, dumbass

underbelly: scooter wars when?

>Lebs in Europe are decent

Eat shit and die, goatfucker.

Only America got the Christian ones.


The new Australians

Why did so many people from Lebanon go to Australia?


is narnia in australia?

he should have just taken a photo of the thief with his phone, let him walk away with the scooter and called the police.
he wont get it any real trouble but it would put him on the muslim radar if he ever tried to visit america.

narnia business cunt.

they were just taken advantage of the white boy who is innately evil. In highschool, the white boys would tell this handicapped boy to kick roller backpacks as they laughed.

Youre a pathetic evil albino people and I cant wait to give you whats coming to you. I hate you more than the zionists. At least zionists are quiet. Online, you loser betas become louder than black women irl. Albinos, and ashamed of it.

I read this first as "2 chubby lesbo kids fight over a scooter"

I was disappointed as it would have been much funnier.

It's a synonym for Australian.

i feel like Australia is a magical place with magical creatures

Nig nog at least you have to look into the past for our barbarism check out Africa, plenty of rape and child slaving there


I just watched a bunch of them. The one you linked is the only one worth watching.

Only in Bankstown Maccas, aye Adlay.

awww where the white man and black mama hurt you?

who else here /broadmeadows/?

Aww your whore of amother filed for divorce because she never loved you? Aww. So sad cleatus.

>implying there was anything decent about Kogarah to begin with

The only good thing to come out of Kogarah is the Princes Highway.

92% of underage aids carriers live in subsaharan africa
whites killed leprosy and polio, blacks killed the guy who fertilized their farms for 15years...
or how about the blacks who got syphilis from the cia? You're such smart homo sapiens that you let the white devil sterilize and torture you? das rite!

Lebanese people are based. One made my Sister drive from Tamworth to Sydney so that she can give him a packet of ciggies and a V. They ended up getting married so it's not like she's a slut that he used and abused. People need to travel more and get to know these people and where they come from. Lebanon is more beautiful than any postcard tourist dump you can imagine.The people are even more beautiful.

on second thought, dont watch this.
my heart is fucking racing now, about to donate $100 to the IDF.


The fuck is this ?? Take it down you asshole.

take advantage of your nigger welfare because we know you can't take advantage of anything else!
Also my mom is 100% oneida injun and loves my dad like a traditional woman, does that upset you tyrone? Native and big old Germans getting it on while only whores reject and regret you! Privilege! YEE YEE

that nigger tribal mentality always

Make me, uleh

Nuke Melbourne when?

Also, they can nuke Lakemba while they're at it too.

that squeaky laugh when the kid gets jersey'd

Lakemba has many Australian families in there now who cannot afford to move else where. It's provided them with the opportunity to raise a family in peaceful surrounds. Would be wrong to harm them.

this post deserves honorary digits status

thats pretty insulting considering it was forged on irish labor

>childhood obesity epidemic

>peaceful surrounds
>australian suburb

Lol so what youre telling me is that youre not even white, but a mutt whos lost in despair. Cant even pull women I bet. Sad! Your mother basically got raped lmao, and you know it.

Ok, Arty and Air Strikes. The white families can be JTACs.

Oh piss off you spear chucker

Yes, hello ?? You got a problem besides binge watching Television and insecurity ??

Could you please elaborate on "White families" ??

Those numbers confirm

looks like arncliffe park

the fact that crime has increased 100 fold here, but is being actively covered up by corrupt judges and court system (the day of the rope cant come sooner).
melbournes northern suburbs is on par with some U.S cities now and they are trying to hide it for as long as they can before it comes out.

Nice try ASIO.

LOL okay mate I see where you're coming from bu this is too much. Please, U.S cities ?? More like Canadian ones. There's no crime epidemic, there's no mass murder on the streets like over there. Did you there are more murders in some U.S cities than in Iraq ?!?! (Funny enough, a place close to where the people we're talking about actually originate). No reason to get that far ahead of ourselves.

No no please, I want to hear more about your domestic terror aspirations.

your wig is showing, your honor.


I'm on your side with respects to Judges however only when it comes to light sentences. Having said that, apparently, a survey conducted overseas saw that everyday people would also hand down a light sentence if they too knew all the details of the case like the Judge does.