(((Wall Street))) BTFO!


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is it true though? no source what so ever.

You need to have more faith in the Emperor.

According to Politifact, a very reputable source for news I might add, the numbers check out but its mostly false.

The shills are missing, what's going on?

It's all cause of obongo's policies, if he only had 1 more mont, he would have fixed EVERYTHING!!

The numbers come from the Treasury department.

>numbers check out
>mostly false

well, im happy enough about the godemperor busting the childsexrings. dont care about the debt to be honest. the monetary system is fucked either way and needs to be replaced by something else

>we cant disproof it, in fact our sources say the numbers are even better than what trump stated, but since we cant say something positive about him we will just say the numbers are meaningless and that his statement still is mostly false
goddam ihate the kikemedia

>Numbers check out
>We don't like the implications
>Mostly false


Guys guys guys, look. Mostly false just means barely true. SO it's a true statement, but don't read too much into it. Don't believe any implcations there might be that I don't like especially.

Anyway, from what I understand, we're still operating on Obama's budget and Trump doesn't really get a crack at this thing until next year? How is he cutting the numbers if it is him doing it?

>B-but we don't like what the numbers say, so they are false

jc we knew they were retarded before, but this takes the cake

Kek, they finally updated your talking points. Gotta work harder man.

haha you just cried a whole two weeks about all the program cuts and hiring freezes, then try to attribute the savings to obongo? sad.

One we get back in power you virgin losers will regret voting trump.

>experts say

Say what? And who are they?

Jesus christ those fucking KIKES.

Kek, not even trying anymore.

>implying you'll survive the upcoming purge

How the fuck are they credible again? Even an anti trump supporter would be flabbergasted

>Maximum intensity mental gymnastics

>tfw playing devils advocate actually does work this way on Sup Forums and I've probably taught shareblue a thing or two

Well fuck. I was just trying to bait you into linking some sort of thing that showed he was actually doing it somehow maybe with that federal hiring freeze being involved I don't really know though. I wouldn't be surprised if he was paying off debt directly with his own money at this point. The guy seems like an unstoppable super hero to me.

If you really want to read it, here's a small list of the cuts


Remember, Trump wants to cut 1 trillion in spending a year.

>iHate the MEDiA
Sent from my iPhone

>iphone is the media

Neat. I am looking forward to a real Trump budget not just him cutting what he can from the Obama one he was left with.

>Experts say


Politifact is a well known left wing propaganda site.

Factcheck.org and snopes.com are more reliable but still lean left.

Anons politifact is right on this one he didnt change any tax legislation yet , its impossible for him to have made a difference in just a few weeks

The more funny are first month of Trump and first month of Obongo
Trump: decrese debt by $12bn
Obongo: increase debt by $200bn

Yet we all remember how hard economic crisis was when Obongo took office, so it isn't comparable too much

Obama didn't have to bail out the banks.

> Numbers are correct
> Mostly False

Mostly false

What legislation has Trump passed through to save us billions of dollars, exactly?

As far as I know the Trump administration has submitted a historically low amount of legislation (if any?) to Congress.

Am I wrong?

People as they wander around British towns and cities today wonder why the better part of a quarter to a third of the people in the streets are not European. People talk vaguely about conspiracies or “it didn’t happen to be like this when I was younger” and this sort of thing. These people are here because accepted governments, New Labour very radically in the decade since their landslide election in ’97, have opened the doors wider and wider and wider, because a system is being introduced whereby capital — money, raw money, moves around the world endlessly. Someone in the city of London or the Hong Kong Exchange or the German and New York markets can put his thumb on a screen and $10 million can move in 20 seconds to the Japanese exchange, and just as money moves, labor moves. Migration is partly the movement of labor, which corresponds to the movement of capital.

We now have it that every Western society is making less and producing less. They have to make their money on the margins. It’s called market utility economics. This means you have to keep wages low; you have to have lots of service sectors; you have to fiddle around post-production; you have to have lots of immigrants coming in from all over the world – this is the theory – and you keep everybody spending — spending on services to keep things going. This is why all of our societies now are endlessly in credit and in debt and in debt upon the debt and then people trade on the debt and they trade on the debts that others have. They have markets on markets that trade on the prospects of debt in the future. Grey markets they’re called.

There’s a crisis that’s going on in world economics at the moment where at the margins markets are shuddering and losing hundreds of points a day and going down 4% or 8% or 10% in a day, in an hour, in New York, in Tokyo, in Hong Kong, in France, in Germany, in Canada,, here, and elsewhere. The Indian and Chinese exchanges are now being added into this global system. China and India will have an economy equal to the US now in 45 years. China will be the equal of the US militarily in 45 years. Chinese diplomats talk of the next century, in which we’ll all be dead, as the Year of the Yellow Man. China certainly dreams of a degree of world domination once they have the economic power so to do.

Other groups do not delude themselves that life is liberal-minded and kindness to others will beget reciprocity at some stage in the future. China is buying Africa now and is arming the insurgency in Iraq. In the next 2 to 3 years, my view is that the America will go down to a catastrophic defeat in Iraq. They are fighting to stave off defeat now. There’s no talk of victory. The greatest general in their generation, Petraeus, who is now in charge of their army inside Iraq . . . And America is partly fighting now for its future in the world. They’ve got too few troops in Iraq and they can’t contain it and if they lose it and it fails as a state and it splits into three a wave of energy will be released across the Middle East, which is already begun, and it will be the greatest boost to radical Islam.

[Note: This is from a speech in 2007, Bowden predicts IS with that last sentence]

It's not just about legislation it's about making a safe market for investments through many means

Top kek

How did he do it Sup Forums? Where is the evidence? I don't belive fake news.

This was meant as a continuation to this

Its actually sort of true. Their were months during the Obama presidency where the debt suddenly dropped like 100 million. We have one month of data for Trump, we have no reason to really believe that the 12 million, or even if it has turned into 100 million already, will mean anything. But even just two months in a row will be a significant difference from the past, so it will not take long to see.

>the numbers check out
>mostly false

What do we replace it with? Do we use Syrian migrants as currency? You fucking retard.

While I support Trump this is kind of a stupid point to make since Trump nor Obama were the ones making budget laws. Congress does that. Now amazingly Congress just went all red and has been majority red in the house for a long while now. So makes you think a bit. It isn't Trump that did this but it sure as hell is Republicans.

>think it's a parody to make fun of politifact bias
>it's actually fucking real

Holy shit


Presidents don't pass legislation. Congress does. This means Obama didn't do anything for the economy nor has Trump. Congress is ALWAYS the ones who pass a budget. The president submits a budget in a request to Congress but Congress doesn't have to follow it nor approve it. They can go an entirely different direction on the budget if they want. This means neither Trump nor Obama gets credit for anything done to the economy it is always Congress. Oddly enough the entire time we have had economic recovery was when we had a Republican controlled House and almost Republican controlled Senate. Now that Republicans control it all we can see how things will go. So no it isn't Trump that caused this but it definitely is a Republican win.

>an understated fact, otherwise completely true
>'mostly false'

Let me guess, Politifact is still full of Jews?
True to form ayyy

>Federal hiring freeze
>Executive action

Trump hasn't passed a budget yet. Does this mean the gains are because of the Obama system?