Can you guys red pill me on depression?

Can you guys red pill me on depression?
What causes it?
Has it increased in the world population as we have progressed throughout the years?
How is it cured?

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There's no cure but it can be treated.

It's a fuck up in your reward center. You should get a kick of natural cocaine and heroin when you do things you enjoy, but when that gets fucked up and gay you don't feel the natural dosage, you either don't produce enough or for some reason you've become tolerant to it.

Yes it has increased because now people have time to be depressed, way back then people just had to survive, nobody had time to cry.

Chemical imbalance.
Yes, at least in females, female satisfaction and feelings have gone down consistently over the years.
Realizing that millions of people have it way worse than you, no matter how you look at it, manning the fuck up and forging onwards

caused by lack of direction, mentoring, guidance, modern obsession with materialism and status

I think its real but all treatment is formulated to benefit those who administer treatment, not the patient/person affected

real treatment would not be pills but a technique that fosters mental fortitude and reassessing actual legit desires in life, not artificial ones that are bombarding everyone through media, society, family, doctors.

Bullshit, woman are just allowed to cry about shit now. If they complained before they would have to live outside.

chemical imbalance that is created through ones own personal poor decision making, it is not a random disease like having some weird form of unpreventable cancer.

>accept bad thoughts and anxiety
>don't try to control it, you'll make them bigger
>don't try to avoid your fears
>act accordingly based on your higher values, knowing that your demons will always chatter in the background

good luck user, we're all on the same boat

If you know what you desire, and you have everything you want but you can't feel enjoyment from it, no amount of talking or bullshit techniques will fix that. We just need better drugs, they're getting there.

Just like an autistic brain isn't going to magically repair itself, a clinically depressed brain can't just beat it with willpower.

>what causes it
>How do you cure it?
You've come to the right place.

>Chronic Depression (via crime rates, economic crisis, social isolation)

Soft Genocide Measures Promoted by American Eugenics & Planned Parenthood to reduce US population in 1969.

anti-fertility chemicals in the water, air, food

Modify tax policies
Postpone or avoid marriage (via master degree job requirements, economic crisis)

Encourage increased homosexuality
Educate for family limitation
Fertility control agents in water supply
Encourage women to work
Reduce/eliminate paid maternity leave
Reduce/eliminate social benefits

Chronic Depression (via crime rates, economic crisis, social isolation)
Require women to work and provide few child care facilities
Limit/eliminate publicly-financed medical care, scholarships, housing, loans and subsidies to families with more than N children.
Encourage increased homosexuality
Compulsory education of children

your axons need stimulation and the chemical reserves in your brain are running low.
that's depression.

Exercise is best cure for depression.

Depression is caused by hanging around with dickhead family members, girlfriends or regular "friends" or colleagues etc. in the hope that one day they will grow up.] and treat you in the way you treat them.

They won't.

You just need to ditch the dickheads and do your own thing - even if they are you family.

Also you might have a serotonin imbalance. Try 5-HTP. Its a natural suppliment that boosts serotonin. Good if you live a work in a poor sunlight part of the world like Britain. Also you'll sleep like a fucking baby.

Former depressionfag here,
Your mind and body influence eachother. You think like a depressed person so you feel like one. You feel depressed so you act like it. Change your thoughts and your actions and you will be cured.

Exercise helps. Vitamins help. Sunlight helps. Therapists help. You must stick with it and continue fighting even when you see no hope.


I made a recent discovery, I've done every drug known to man or an analog of it. I finally found something that actually works for anxiety and a bit for depression that isn't Xanax or alcohol, try magnesium about 4-500 mg a day for a while, and a dose of zinc. It has a very noticeable effect, apparently it's the "chill mineral".

Be careful though, the zinc has some weird relationship with copper, and if you have too much copper you will start to expel it with the zinc intake and it can make you very angry at times, like roids. It will pass eventually when the levels stabilize. Apparently these minerals are depleted during stressful times, no wonder...

>Can you guys red pill me on depression?
Sure, I'm on antidepressants right now.

>What causes it?
An overall lack of purpose and a stressful life. I'm not a doctor, so I can't guide you on the scientific part of the thing, but it has to do with neurotransmitters. And it is real.

>Has it increased in the world population as we have progressed throughout the years?
Yes. Don't statistics show that?

>How is it cured?
With antidepressants and therapy if necessary. Also, physical activity.

>zinc, copper

what are you the statue of liberty?

ordered some maca root pills to boost my mood and libido. maca apparently indeed contains a lot of calcium, magnesium and some zinc.

we'll see.

Borderline symptom. Frequently self-diagnosed. Nice cashcow for pharma and the docs. Although some of them help sometimes.

>How is it cured?
Same as all spiritual problems. The recipe hasn't changed in millenia.

a) Prayer
b) Fasting
c) Physical labor

Excercise, and am sure everyone on this board has a lot of experience win depression but this is a political board. DELETE THIS

>What causes it?
low test
not enough exercise
not enough sun light
shit diet
sitting inside in front of a screen
>How is it cured?
Manning the fuck up
Not sitting in front of the screen all day
Moving your body
Going outside
Not having a shit diet

d.) Listening to Radio Radonezh

Depression is how women deal with misery at a biological level. Men just kill themselves

Also, know that life has a purpose.

I dont know what that purpose is, but there is a point to all this.

Life is supposed to be a test to fuck you up, and when you overcome the bullshit you grow and improve mentally and spiritually.

Each tim some bullshit happens and you overcome it its like doing a bicep-rep in th gym. Slowly you'll become stronger (kinda without knowing it) and more resiliant, and when you are old you'll be all zen like some (not all) old wize guys are and chicks will dig you being all mysterious and shit.

Read books, user. Learn grow and develop.

People with depression don't know what they desire because their reward circuit is all fucked up from modern life which enables great comfort with little effort, plus the dopamine cycle mayhem that media, entertainment, TV, internet surfing, internet porn watching/beating off cause. Social isolation from internet use, etc.

Doctors have no real clue how things like SSRIs work or the long term implications of them, their understanding is rudimentary and subjective.

If you dumped some clinically depressed person on a deserted island and he was forced to survive he would be fixed very quickly.

Depression, depends on the cause. There are a lot of causes. Among men it seems to be common that there is a lack of freedom to expression certain feelings from very young on wards and this lack of compassion/coldness towards men with regards to a basic human need eventually causes depression because it's isolating.

Instead of having your emotional needs partially met by society or family you risk losing things or being isolated if you actually express concern etc. All this adds to depression significantly.

Things are harder for you generally.

Depression can also come from different things and causes though. Sometimes related, sometimes not.

For example bad life events. (Divorced, death of loved one, moving, illness, feeling trapped, being abused, etc.

Depression can also be generated by guilt, if you've been doing wrong, whether you know it or not, or if you did something majorly wrong.

Depression can also come from drugs. If you take any Gaba drug (Benzodiazepines, alcohol, etc.) Or from drug withdrawals (pretty much any addictive drug will give you depression during withdrawals.)

Diet makes some difference.

And then finally when you become depressed enough from real circumstances, you can end up internalising it, seeing bad events etc.. where there really aren't any, that's when your own thoughts start to perpetuate or exacerbate the depression. It beings a compulsion to make yourself depression. That can add, or possibly even become a cause in and off itself.

The general cure in terms of world population is to stop isolating ourselves. In Canada and the States we are a severely lonely culture, we don't have a social structure that promotes togetherness and helping one another out anymore. For example it's pretty abnormal that we don't even know our neighbours, or etc. we tend to be cliquish, make friends not easily, and spend way less time having meaningful face to face interactions (I believe.)

the zinc helps your body utilize/produce testosterone

>If you dumped some clinically depressed person on a deserted island and he was forced to survive he would be fixed very quickly.
I believe this as well. Proper diet and activities. Forcing someone to take responsibility for their own survival.

>Can you guys red pill me on depression?
What causes it?
Has it increased in the world population as we have progressed throughout the years?
How is it cured?


>What causes it?

Lack of self-confidence/self-worth. Either stems from or results in: >Has it increased in the world population as we have progressed throughout the years?

Absolutely. Drug/alcohol culture has become mainstream, both have negative effects on your brain. Additionally, all you see these days through means of media is depressing shit - there's a reason for this - and what isn't is just virtue signaling, AKA phony exhibition of happiness in the name of racking up personal brownie points.

>How is it cured?

Never really cured. Find other things to occupy your time/thoughts. The less you think about it, the less of an effect it has. Don't take anti-depressants.

Part II

Most of our programs to help people who are depressed etc. are just that. Programs, cold, government, institutional, meet once a week, get no real help or no real connections, set up the same as if you're just going to work.

It is no substitute for real relationships that are close with people who are actual friends or care, etc.

And on top of that, if you're male, there are far less programs for you and all the encouragement inhibitors to expressing yourself etc. are not undone in a clinical setting or a 'let's group together once a week under a counsellor' kind of setting. That's not a real relationship, it's forced togetherness.

Etc. etc.

I think I've provided a lot of good answers. One of the things I said in these two posts probably touches on a lot of what causes depression. Hope it was helpful, thanks.

anybody who doesn't say demons is a jewish shill

Nah, it's not low test, i exercise regurarly and it has nothing to do with depression. Sunlight does help but minimally.
Depression is usually related to something that goes wrong or has gone wrong in your life. You can take medicines/drugs to stall it, but until you fix that "whatever is wrong", you can only get by.

Given the status of the board i bet it's something like
>tfw lonely
>tfw no gf
>tfw only anime
>tfw no job

Also, too much carbohydrate in the diet

Ketogenic diets basically preform brain clean where plaques on nuerons that are created from excess carbohydrate are gobbled up by ketones when your brain starts functioning on ketones instead of glycogen

they already put people with epilepsy and alzheimers on ketogenic diets for this reason

The only cure is improving yourself
Starting with excercise, find a hobby that isn't relying on the internet or a computer and have proper looks and hygiene

>How is it cured?

Take 1 ectasy pill, done.
Otherwise look at the sunrise and sunset, it will make you feel incredibly happy.

Big changes should help. Getting a GF ended my depression but exercising can help too. Feeling good about yourself and your situation in life will keep the depression away. If it's family or people you know that are contributing to it, distance yourself from them as best as possible.
Or just take anti depressants and hope it can help.

>magnesium about 4-500 mg a day

So, slightly over the RDI?

Last year I took some supplements that were 100% of the magnesium RDI, it lifted my mood for a couple of weeks. Honestly might just have been placebo effect.
Been wanting to do zinc too, but darn supplements are too expensive for my empty wallet.

One day depressed anons, one day we'll get out of it...

t. jewish shill trying to trick OP into homosexuality

I'm a Christian and I'm all for Prayer and Fasting but physical labor isn't exactly right. Work of some kind, for purpose, something to do, sure, but physical labor specifically doesn't always help depression.

I know this from experience, it can in fact make depression much, much worse. I had a job that was extreme physical labor, and while having major depression and anxiety that kind of thing makes you want to kill yourself.

Make sure the labor you're doing is within your physical means, not overly heavy or stressful, and more importantly probably, that the labor is shared if it's a bit heavier, and not done all by yourself.

This may not apply to everyone but I know for me personally I wanted to hang myself after every single shift of physical labor, it made me feel immensely worse.

Physical labor is used in gulags and prison camps too, to the same effect I'm sure. It has to be qualified more specifically than just saying 'physical labor.'


the only people that benefit from mental health care are people like doctors, therapists, drug makers in the form of money

it takes a lot more human connection and genuine care that is outside the scope of medicine than meeting some therapist for 45 minutes once a week and being on some drugs that bandaid your fucked up dopamine cycle.

I've been in these systems of 'help'

They help no one get better with psychological problems. You go in every week and see the exact same people suffering the exact problems in the exact same light, no one ever gets better. You see this for years and you realize its just a bunch of bullshit so the doctor that wants you on 7 brain fucking medicines can afford her Mercedes Benz

Genetic predisposition to chemical imbalances in the brain and a shitty environment causes depression.
My family is filled with suicidal maniacs, it's not really good for your mind to see your mother trying to kill herself multiple times since you're a child you know?

Do some exercise, surround yourself with positive people, set yourself a goal so you have something to fight for.
And for the love of God, don't chase women who deep inside, you know will hurt you. Depressive people are intrinsically masochistic and being broken hearted is fuel for your depressive personality.

Also, psychs can be awesome or extremely shit, take them with caution.

>depleting your serotonin production for 2 days will help your problems with serotonin production

This is how you spot a retard.

Imbalances is misleading. It's the world that is imbalanced.

>it's the world who's wrong, not me
That's a really egocentric way to see life, you know?

heavy drugs experiences can rewire your brain though, despite the immediate chemical imbalance.

a friend of mine told me
>i literally discovered my brain could feel happiness and that changed my life

not really breh, when everything's perfect we start to get bored and find "first world problems" in everything

then we dwell on them, overthink them and get trapped in our own spiral of anxiety

there is no actual legit science behind RDI

I think theres good argument that vitamin D intake should be more like 100X the RDI

Why do I feel that the "Depression doesn't exist" posters are total retards that have no idea what they're talking about?

for me two factors.

One, the crushing weight of realizing just what living is, especially in this fucked up era, as a white non cucked male living in the most retarded country on earth. See it like this, life is easy if you are a shortsighted nigger or a blown out lefty, nothing to worry about in the future due to your idiotism and simple minded political persuasion, not a worry about consequences of their actions and policys, because as we all know, they never see these in action, they go to bed every night with a smile wondering what clothing they will wear on tomorrow's big elite party. meanwhile a man of normality and reason looks at this world and wonders if perhaps it would be better to not wake up tomorrow.

Two, much like many have pointed out in this thread, chemical imbalance, fucked up dopamine reward levels, sort of like a druggie landing hard after his last high, but here is where many break or make themselves, you must realize that why you feel so lost and down in darkness is because your brain plays tricks on you, your own mind betraying you. hard to say just right of the bat but take control of it, know that it is all a false phase, you're better than this, convert it all to anger, use that anger to slog trough it, it will pass.

try maca breh, doesn't cost much and has a bit of everything.

gonna try it as a dick booster for an upcoming weekend with my long distance date.

Yes it can. After I tried to off myself I literally had to reset and reevaluate myself and make changes. It took me a while but I got my shit together with no drugs. Drugs just fuck with how your brain works.

>What causes it?

If you want the one hour long red-pill.

It's biochemical imbalances in the brain, it has a genetic predisposition and it is triggered by stress.

Bullshit, autism and depression aren't in any way analogous. Depression absolutely must be fixed through willpower because no one but you can make you do anything. If you just give up then you will never get better, regardless of which expensive and not understood placebo they sell you.

can anyone give me the REAL pill on depression?

what is the difference between depression and "depression"?

whats the difference between just moping and acting like victim, and, supposedly, actually having a doctor diagnosed condition?

Overpopulation, which leads to a lack of meaningful social roles in society


Industrialization, which has insulated us from the natural environment and all it's associated stressors (which are good for us)

In my uneducated opinion anyway

>Lack of sex
>You Have no idea


+ cut out sugar

To a degree, the outcome is the same for both: an inability to feel pleasure. This could be caused by chemical imbalance, traumatic experiences, a world-view that is incompatible with reality, or a combination of all three.

Regarding those who are "moping and acting like a victim', keep in mind that what is easy for you to do/accept/deal with is not necessarily easy for others. Consumer culture places no value on being grateful for what we have, only on us wishing for and *needing* more: this can be very damaging to the psyche of those who really buy into that culture.

"Depression" is feeling sad because something you were emotionally invested in didn't work out as planned.

Depression is being unable to relate to people, followed by constant moodflows and laying in bed for 12 hours, unable to sleep, thinkng to yourself the benefits of not waking up the next day.

Many causes, primarily due to poor diet and sleep leading to loss of focus, disarray and lethargic body. This is amplified if you live in a dysfunctional family or unable to have a successful career. Being under constant pressure to put food on the table and never have enough resources is the primary reason people commit sudoku.

Our bodies are meant to feel some level of stress to maintain alertness and sharpen our reflexes but prolonged exposure to extreme stress creates depression. If you don't experience happiness and pleasure, your body does not release endorphins that make you happy and satisfied. You experience a sharp decline in serotonin which makes you want to sudoku.

I didn't understand it till I became mentally ill myself. You have no control over your thoughts and behavior when you are balls deep in depression for prolonged periods of time.

If you can take anxiety and depression without need for escapism then you will end up as one tough bastard.

>>tfw lonely
>>tfw no gf
>>tfw only anime
>>tfw no job

that isnt depression m8

>and spend way less time having meaningful face to face interactions (I believe.)

Some of the funniest things I've ever heard I've seen on Sup Forums, it's a different era now too senpai, we can replace a lot of these face-to-face interactions with the internet.
Everything from banking to ordering food (or guns even) can be done from inside my bedroom with a broadband connection.
My boomer father that still can't figure out how to organize files on his computer still doesn't understand that last part

If you got more than you expected - it's happiness, if you get less - it's sadness and depression.
If you are a poorfag there is no way how to avoid it, you can live without depression only in case if you are a richfag.
As a temporary option between (You) now and your suicide - start doing something useful, take some area where you can make achievments step by step, it can be anything from a to z : stock exchange and trades, programming, trolling shitskin creatures on the internet and IRL, and etc. Maybe it will pull you in and replace your depression with permanent busyness.

>What causes it
Never having to truly struggle for anything