New gen tank support

So pol ruskies are building the T-15 ,kurganets for urban warfare and metro,my question is does it looks like usa will be loosing more space to russia feature techs how counter them or they dont , recently usa will buy puma from ger ,building new ifv gcv and nothing else awww yea they are going to build an ifv with only 12.7mm gun is this even logigal ruskies build t15 with 1500 def against heat and usa going for ifv with 500mm heat how can thoose even protect its crew or infarty when they cant deploy at first place ;

Other urls found in this thread:,polska-mogla-miec-wlasny-czolg-ale-maszyny-kupujemy-zagranica-bo-anders-mial-plywac

Nice copycats, just like the Chinese

Why the fuck do they need so many tanks for? They need to get their priorities in order.

I think i can penetrate that strv with my fork

Yes, it is tracked vehicle made mainly from metal.

>current year of 2k17 military doctrine

ruski tank looks way better also what a faggy main gun if i ever made a pmc i would buy russian tanks cheap and reliable

dude russia can only afford to build like 20 of those fucking things
we can buy gazillions of pumas that are perfectly resistant to RPGs and iirc have an APS

Actual the one is scrapping and puting in storage olders and upgrading its best tanks bmp-3 t-72 t-90 (i forgot ruskies builds some bmp-4)

but i love tanks senpai

>in 2017


Although cool that ikea thing would suck balls at urban battles so it's more or less the opposite...yours is more a tank destroyer for ambushes on country side,so it doesn't even have turret,try bringing a turret less piece of metal to a urban environment and you'll get so many rpgs from rooftops you won't be able tó shoot at...even turreted normal tanks where fucked up at ground because the couldn't elevate enough...

reminder we made the 1st tank


Yes because this one is like 50 years old

Grozny not ground

Actually usa looks like the 70s russia building more and more and lacking on tech

Whatever happened to the PL-01 stealth tank? I saw it posted before and it's the most aesthetic tank to date

Well i am from greece we made feta!!!Bmpt-72 terminator fking disolves walls in dagestan

>posting some shitty nature photography in a tank thread
user we have to talk.

Latvia look at your window ruskies wolf are ready to atack
stealth on its way pff lol what that thing could get traced with a thermal cam (if it could fly it could be more stealth)

hats feta

What's your opinion of this guy?

>I saw it
I doubt that.

They are in production now I think.

He is old,stupid and has-had a lot of greed thats my opinion

It was a concept vehicle, not intended for production.

The sides are really weak polymers that do very well stealth-wise, but poorly armour-wise. it looks really cool, but it has way too tall of a profile to survive very long in combat.

PL-01 was prototype made by OBRUM company
That company had other project, namely medium tracked family of vehicles Anders
Main vehicles of Anders would be medium tanks, but also utility vehicles of all sorts too
They have developed 2 prototypes in 2010, yet our military has high expectation of Anders project
They require to OBRUM to make those vehicles to be amphibious

7 years later that project is Schroedinger project
They still develop it, even they change some things from one year to another
Back to PL-01. We should have seen working prototype by this time, but maybe that project is a kill that is designed to siphon money from defense budget on something that will never come true

Sorry, I have made a mistake Anders is light tank

Source for all this nonsense:,polska-mogla-miec-wlasny-czolg-ale-maszyny-kupujemy-zagranica-bo-anders-mial-plywac

any attack from the back or sides would annihilate you

if someone picks off your machinegunner, another guy will have free reign to place explosives on the back and/or treads and destroy it


That's dope and expensive as fuck


If they are modern upgraded and well protected they will work on the battlefield. As seen in Syria, if they have proper protection they will work.

Considering Trump just bumped the defence budget, there may be some funding for tank support in there.

Why do russians think their military technology is more advanced that USA when none of it is even is service? You have no idea to what standard this equipment will even operate, and what we know about any of this stuff is not very impressive in all honesty. their next gen equipment is only being seen in parades and still failing like in USA still has The much more modern tank arsenal, the only 6th gen operation aircraft, Stealth aereal technology, and a much more large and modern navy. US is ahead technologically in every respect with exception of rocket motors and anti aircraft weapons, the latter being because we don't need them.

Retarded tank in nerly every aspect.
Covered in sharp edges: I dont know if they are for stealth (retarded for obious reasons) or an atempt to increase armor thickness and probability of recochet, but you know what is better than that? MAKING A LOW; HARD TO HIT TANK.
Thats another thing, you have the ruskies making unmanned turrets, to lower the hight of theit tanks and these geniousses make theirs tall as fuck.
The main cannon is ridiculous too, all that fucking aremor and bulk, but unless its a fucking mac cannon, that only makes it easier to hit.
The big ass muzzle on the cannon is retarded too, yeah it increases accuracy, but recouil is irrelevant, and the gasses going sideways make it a massive hazard for infantry, resulting in an unprotected tank.
The machinegun in top is ridiculous too, it looks like a light mg, for fucks sake, its a vehicle, give it a browning .50 BMG.
The sides of the tank look smooth and crisp, but it isn't a fucking ipad, (because of how thick they are I imagine they are reactive armor) any time one of those bigg ass blocks gets hit, its alarge and specific piece, not an standardised slab, wich i bet, makes the price of each one go even higher.
The track protection is a good indicative of shit suspension, because the wheels have barely 10 cm, just a great way of making a BIG SOLID BULK which will wobble around outside of urban areas.
And those flaws are just the ones wich stand out the most, I bet its even worse than the f22

cyka blyat

>still failing like in
When will this meme ever end

The driver was a fucking retard and stalled the engine. I'm pretty sure tanks don't automatic transmission like an SUV.

The tank rolled away under its own power.

>Proceed to move on its own
>It failed!

Those bants.

abrams has automatic transmission.


The T-15 and bmpt projects have no use, there's a reason why only the khazaks could be pressured into purchasing the bmpt and why even the Russians didn't want it. The UK, US and Aussies proved in Iraq that actually using combined arms is the way to go when you're clearing out urban areas.

Heavy IFV/APCs have a place, but not as "muh undeadable IFV with autocannons is bestest and can just roll through incoming fire!"

As usual, Sup Forums is the absolute worst place to get any information on military matters.

>As usual, Sup Forums is the absolute worst place to get any information.

>strv 103
