How is it possible to work in some wagie job while seeing Chad and Stacey couples everywhere and knowing that society sees you as a loser (I'm a retailcuck)?
I hate all those people with lives on easy mode. All those posh people who easily pass graduate job interviews that I can never pass.
All those Oscars attending actors who get everything given to them on a plate due to their looks.
I was served by an attractive girl at Starbucks and then decided not to spend money there anymore (also due to other SJW tier stuff the company does).
Carter Campbell
Lately it seems that Sup Forums is really trying to reinforce the notion that the average poster here is a complete loser.
Carter Flores
T.ugly low t Omega male loser failure at life cuck R9k, friend , wrong board
Joseph White
K. Keep me posted.
Ian Long
white pussy is valuable thing, in the future you will need to be wealthy to have one
Ryder Fisher
Not wanna lie, Chad here, I don't even see you when I go shopping with Stacey.
Now I gotta go, will pick up Stace with my new Porsche GT3 and drive to the local club.
Cheerio, Chad
Alexander Walker
gene editing when
Sebastian Mitchell
You accept that egalitarianism is a farce and move on with your life.
Charles Sanchez
This thread is /r9k/ as fuck.
If you're redpilled you'll save your money, acquire education and skills to get better employment, and become wealthy. Fuck normies.
Jaxson Howard
Join communists m8 and then fuck up posh people
Leo Butler
Can we just ban the followng threads >Why does Chad do x? >Why are white males dropping out of society >any and all btfo threads that having nothing to do with politics > how do we fix white women Make Sup Forums Great Again I wish they would make me a mod because cucked nigger loving mod team seems to only take down pizza gate and ayylmao threads.
James Sanders
>Join communists NO
Sort yourself out. Don't give in to resentment.
Hunter Wilson
Also OP the fix is hanging yourself. If you're above the age of 22 and working a minimum wage job it's time to off yee self.
Camden Cox
Tell the mods to update the sticky then. Or at least fucking enforce it.
Joshua Campbell
you need to kill them all user
Jackson Hall
>Don't give in to resentment are you kidding me? Why wouldn't you want a revenge over the demoralized, utilitarian, globalist elite? if they're not loyal to you, why should you be towards them? Why shouldn't you try to destroy their lives if they did something to destroy yours? Look at all those people in the USA on opioids who failed at their lives because of deindustrialization
Jacob Scott
>cheerio >chad
That's amusing
Levi Watson
Wyatt Flores
suicide is always an option. Nobody regrets it, trust me.
Nathan Thomas
Sort your shit out basically. Negative views/beliefs/perceptions will manifest themselves.
Join BOTA, sort your shit out.
Ayden Rogers
Sort yourself out
Jaxon Howard
Sadly will never happen Janitors are busy removing pizzagate threads Fuck the mods
Ryder Hall
>All those Oscars attending actors who get everything given to them on a plate due to their looks. nigger all those people are sex slaves. every-last-person at the oscars has eaten out HUNDREDS of jew assholes
Wyatt Smith
Shouldn't you be in your cuckshed right now, Hanz?
Did you see that your Führer, Mutter Merkel, just announced that anyone visiting Germany has as much right to Germany as you? I might go there just to take a shit on some German couples door entrance.
Luis Jenkins
I'm pretty fucking ugly, I'd say a 3/10. My wife is a solid 8/10. Confidence.
What you lack in charisma make up for with ability. We need more scientists and engineers than hair stylists and baristas. I went to UCD a few weeks ago and holy fuck scientist girls are hot as hell, genuinely interesting, and able to hold a conversation that does not include pop-culture.
David Cruz
After taking this test it turns out I'm a cyborg and it isn't that bad, unless you're a wizard I don't see why you have to whine, and ultimately it's your own fault for not playing the cards you were dealt correctly.
What are your scores? Share feels and post your ramblings about privilege
Elijah Butler
Any that could talk about obscure, surrealist art films or Russian literature?
Evan Garcia
I got 117 but I'm definitely not a Chad right now this test is pretty bare bones
Sebastian Hill
I almost never see chad/stacy couples, usually there is some mismatch between either partner
Too bad there's 1 women in science for every 6 men
Henry James
It certainly needs some individual rankings, you can ace a lot of the items in mental, accomplishment, and bonus round while picking only a few items in physical or social and still come out as a chad
Jacob Edwards
Resentment is only going to lead to more suffering for the sake of suffering.
Sort yourself out, try to make the world a better place. THAT DOESN'T MEAN SERVING THE GLOBALISTS. But don't make everyone else's life worse just to make things worse.
What OP needs to do is get his life in order, marry, have many white children, and raise them properly. You should do the same.
Jose Watson
Hey I can talk with u about russian literature :*
Isaiah Collins
Have you read pic related?
Michael Myers
No love for Bely's Petersburg?
Aiden Cook
Department is key. Do a walk through and find out where females congregate. Also interdisciplinary mingling is great. You learn about their studies and they learn about yours.
Film tastes would be based on the individuals, GE requires some study of Russian Lit, even if it only goes as far as Tolstoy. Based on the region, the interest is more on Spanish literature, as you can find original translations of Cervantes and such generally easy and don't have to worry about cyrillic.
Point is, Let Chads fuck Stacey, Stacey will end up fat with 3 kids, a pain killer addiction and a boat. Their life is not yours, find a nerdy girl, find an apartment near her lab that you can work from. Enjoy an easy $210k household income with a rent of $700.00, and have fun in Belize, Athens and Alaska when you are feeling adventurious.
Michael Green
Once all these NEET "capitalists" are kicked out of mommies basement and forced to work a job to survive, they will see the truth is communism has it right.
Do you think its fair that chads are born with good looks, height, money and get all the girls while you get nothing? That's capitalism, genetic capitalism. Wait till you actually have to work and see how the rich live and get by in this world.
Brandon Cook
>That's capitalism, genetic capitalism.
I legit can't tell if you're trying to be satirical or not.
Logan Taylor
You're a genetic failure, and you are a loser. Face it, evolution socially and biologically has determined your inescapable fate. Neck yourself you fucking faggot.
Nolan Hall
Autistic screeching: the post.
Life isn't fair, faggo. Tough titty. You can complain and wish things were easier, or you can SORT YOURSELF OUT and do something with your life.
But you won't because that requires effort.
Andrew Price
>Life isn't fair life isn't fair exactly - this is why people are justified to snap back against the globalist elites
Connor Williams
it's a mixture of newfags, r9k crossboarders, actual external ops, and native trolls who think pretending to be retarded/shilling is funny.
Jason Ortiz
Got 126 and i'm a fucking loser
Robert Cook
I will get my white pussy from Poland. Thanks bro.
Eli Kelly
"communism" is not snapping back against the elites. They own it.
Go your own way. Acquire stable wealth, avoid degeneracy, have many white children in a traditional family. That'll spite them the most.
Michael Perez
Life is unfair but capitalism makes it even more unfair. You're just a pussy afraid to attack a corrupt system.
Adam Rivera
Watch Clerks. It tells you how to deal with it.
Logan Foster
123. Geezer, how can people be below 100 on that?
Dominic Turner
Yup. Fuck red front AND reaction
same op, im a fuckin cleaner
Nathan Lee
stay away from youtube vloggers aka " my life is so great i literally get paid to do nothing while you wage slave". Im going to kill myself soon
Camden Hill
> Yfw you realize the same people browse Sup Forums and /r9k/
Life is unfair so deal with it. Your facial asthetics are bad? Go get satisfaction elswhere. Focus on your job or some other activity.
Jordan Kelly
I got 140. And would consider myself not succesful. Just normal. Having had Sex with multiple partners a Job and a Flat, being educated, not being fat and not being mentally damaged makes you already succesful ?
This is just being a normal person. Succesful is if you have all of the above and excel in one or more fields way above the norm. Like running a succesful company. Or being ace in a Sport or saving little children in doctors without borders out of the goodness of your heart and having a private plane that you pilot yourself like my friend.
This chart has a very low baseline for success.
Logan Martinez
>"Capitalism is unfair!" >"You're just a pussy afraid to attack a corrupt system. >"I don't have wealth, so nobody else should!' >"I should be given things I didn't work for!" >"Baby want ass play! Baby NEED ass play!" >"I did nothing to get ass play, so it's unfair that you didn't give baby ass play."
Jaxon Gutierrez
You need to stop working at retail for a start. I'd start by getting some minor work experience or volunteer charity work on your time off. Just something to put on your CV.
Then start going for job interviews that are not shit. They don't have to pay well, but they should at least sound interesting.
When you go for an interview you should always wear a suit. It doesn't matter if one isn't needed. Sometimes the employer will be like "Oh this was only a casual interview." No, fuck that. You should always wear a suit.
Also, act like you're the shit. You literally have to convince yourself that you're perfect for like 20 minutes. Then just speak to your interviewer like a normal person.
Thomas Cook
Confidence is key. I know deadbeats working shitty jobs with great girlfriends. I also know guys who have had their life handed to them on a platter and they can't find anyone who likes them.
Be friendly, confident, make an effort and you'll see that there are women who like you and employers who trust you.
Luke Brooks
$200k here. Shadilay!
Jayden James
82 pts here. Sounds about right.
Adrian Miller
stop hanging out on online forums and go outside. talk to your perceived adversaries and learn real life information and you will see how greatly it contrast to what's circulated in these online forums
your perception of reality is still skewed, yes, there will always be people born into higher positions on the social ladder than you, but it literally means nothing to you and your personal pursuit of that status if that's what you want out of life.
The ability, no, the desire to leave your offspring in a better position that you started is natural, as the opposite would be detrimental to evolution.
stop fucking watching the oscars, its a circlejerk for the wealthy and privileged.
stop spending so much time on sites like these, people here tend to gather and hyperfocus on all the idiosyncrocies of our still very primitive existence on this planet
out of sight, out of mind, all these things serve only as distractions. stay focused on your growth and it come, where were your parents at when they were your age, ask yourself if your own bloodline has evolved. that should be your main focus
Kevin Flores
>Succesful is if you have all of the above and excel in one or more fields way above the norm. Like running a succesful company. Or being ace in a Sport or saving little children in doctors without borders out of the goodness of your heart and having a private plane that you pilot yourself like my friend. >success can be measured in subjective definitions
Kraut pls...
Luis King
>implying mods/ jannies give a shit
only when it gets out of hand like the alien threads, then NOTHING will get done about Sup Forums
Aiden Cooper
CHECKED Kek requires us to purge ALL newfags, make Sup Forums great again!
Connor Young
Tfw graduated private uni with no debt. Saved $27k myself so far. Just turned 24. Been dating QT Lithuania for 3 yrs. Renting from her mom I just pay 500 a month. Salary position as Internal Auditor for 51k a year.
Next 3-4 years time to buy own property and 1488 the Earth.
Fuck off cucks.
Also lift.
Charles Green
/r9k/ faggots just kill yourselves, nobody cares about your fucking problems.
Xavier Campbell
105 but I feel aspie af
Jaxson Watson
yeah I'm pretty normal and i got a 131, shit test
Ryan Ramirez
One of the biggest Chads I know works 3 jobs including construction and professional soccer player. Honestly couldn't be happier not to be like him.
Juan Anderson
and then you die of cancer at the age of 35. sorry user
Samuel Fisher
Women are attracted to unevolved men. The closer to gorilla the man is the moister they get. I'm such a loser I've actually partially transcended the physical world. I am a chosen one.
Chase Gonzalez
Life is as it is.
Will you fight it or whine like a cuck?.
John Hall
Don't let wage city hold you down. I poured concrete for 4 years. Every night I was working freelance and scheming bigger plans.
I'm making close to 200k now. From 20-26 I was a wage cuck. Find a way to make money doing something you love.
Do it for free or next to nothing, then eventually someone will pay you.
The worst thing you can do is get home from work, jerk off, smoke pot, and play video games. Get to work faggot.
Logan Jenkins
I'm 32 and still working shit jobs.
Logan Jackson
Muhammad, who's fault is that?
Lucas Martinez
>sweden >transcended
pick one and only one
Leo Hernandez
Shit nigger im a 7.8/10 and my wifes a 7.. Ive fucked 9.5 swedish girls, 9/10 actresses amd singers and shit..
Dont be so negative OP. Be confident and remember that what Dtacy and Cgad has is superficial.. Aim for a Family. A white family.
And to learn to type on a phone.
Jaxon Johnson
When you see a Hollywood celebrity, just remember: unless they're one of the chosen people, they had to let some slimy old shekel master use them to fulfill their own sexual gratuity.
Ryan Wilson
>How is it possible to work in some wagie job while seeing Chad and Stacey couples everywhere and knowing that society sees you as a loser (I'm a retailcuck)? Easy. I'm not a filthy lazy commie fagot.
Landon Lopez
This. Fuck OP and his beta projection. This isn't even politics.