Women Hate Thread

I beat my wife today. AMA. Also, so the cuck mods don't ban me, this is also a Woman Hate Thread

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What did she do?


>I beat my wife today
OMG same!

>2 digit IQ Muslim beats his wife
>thinks it's news

a fucking tree

>a fucking ugly Christmas sweater


>Woman Hate

Is goat pussy really that good in Lebanon?

Why did you beat her? Was she showing too much ankle cleavage?

Fucking Iv been trying to for us to go out for dinner for three fucking weeks and everyday she comes up with an excuse not to go out. I told her I can't stand staying inside so she said "stand outside then, I'm not going out" I lost my patience with her, gave her a good beating and then went to McDonald's and then had ice cream alone. Its like I have to freaking beg her to go out with me
She wears hijab and covers all her skin except for her face

Let's see some pics of her all covered up.

why doesn't she want to come outside with you?

good for you. bitches have to be kept in line

Thanks for reminding me that muslims are fucking lowlife scum

Was your icecream good

>too much of a beta to get your wife to have a simple dinner with you
>Resort to putting hands on her

You are king cuck my friend.

If you're at the point in which you're gonna a start hitting your woman, it's time to find a new girl. She obviously isn't worth it you loser lmao, anyone who makes you angry enough for you to start beating isn't worth your already worthless time

No. I'm not a cuck
I dk whats gotten into her the last few weeks, she keeps saying no to everything and giving me a hard time and making me feel alone wtf what do I spend all this money on her for. She has these random flashes of attitude that annoy the shit out of me
Yeah, one scoop cookies and cream and one scoop cheesecake. Pretty tasty

>Fucking Iv been trying to for us to go out for dinner for three fucking weeks
Need to beg a woman to go out?

>then went to McDonald's


Well, she burn the coal, she pays the toll.

I hope you got a sundae. McDonald's sundaes are super.

Woah woah woah man do you think he can just up and find a fourth wife? That last one cost him a full five chickens and an AK

How old is she? Do you have children together? What does she do all day?

We're gonna get to the bottom of this lebabro don't worry

>I beat my wife today.

Good for you.

Did she learn her lesson?

Oh no I had Filet-o-Fish at McDonald's. The ice cream was from a local store

>wife wears a hijab
>literal wifebeating
Islam sure is a great religion

Isn't Lebanon supposed to be one of those more developed terrorist countries? I feel like you've got a light skinned terrorist girl who listens to Beyonce and wears mini jeans. You're probably just trolling us.

Obviously you don't know how marriage works in these terrorist places. The husband gets a dowry from the family of the wife; he probably got a few plots of sand and some camels for agreeing to marry her

>McDonalds in Lebanon sells actual ice cream
Fellow burgers, it is time for a migration.

Fine don't be a cuck. Is this an arranged marriage or a normal one?

she's cheating on you stupid cuck. sage and reported for obvious b8 thread you fucking degenerate

Someone care to explain how Lebanon gets a free pass for having fucking leaves on their flag

explain how "if we kill them, they win" I'd still allowed to post on this board

She's 24. No kids yet. She just sits at home all day chit chatting with her friends and watching TV shows and spending my money
She doesn't listen to songs

pretty sure McDonalds sells ice cream on a deserted island in the middle of the ocian. US empire is alive through fastfood chaines

Arabs are alph-

No wonder the Israelis absolutely destroy you worthless subhumans.

Maybe she doesn't want to be seen with such a high maintenance, whiny pussy like you.

McDonalds only "sells" their icecream though, they never actually have it available for some reason or another

We met a few times before the marriage. Usually marriages here arent totally arranged, there's a trial dating period