What does Sup Forums think of the Polish / Poland again?

What does Sup Forums think of the Polish / Poland again?

Even India has a space program.
Poland can't into space.

India has 1.2 bilion poos,Poland just 40 mil,just saying...

I havent' really had any bad experiences with them

I'd like to apologize for the little genocide back in the day

no hard feelings right?

Poles work hard and are good people.
Europeans hate them because jealous they can't have a nation (a nation has a people. a nation is different to a country)

i work with a polish chick that can also speak spanish and is pretty brotier

it might be because shes a lesbian

Pretty based.

>1 post by this id

They're one of the few nations in Europe that has it together fairly well. Then again, I'd be a bit biased because my mom is Polish

>praises a girl for speaking Spanish
You have to go back

Second generation Sup Forumse here. My people are in a sad state compared to my parents' and grandparents' generation.

Sup Forumsbelive a Shity mame This is Russians ukraininans polacks Look Like this
Even her name is Russian

Pic releted Real patriot polacks

As bad as the niggers over here.


A great bunch of lads, honestly, a polish girl told me the other night she couldn't tell the difference between a jew and a a muslim, and that they're both shit.
For some reason they have a strong bullshit detecter from birth.
And Mia a cute.


she speaks American, Pol, and Mexican
its useful because, not recently for some reason, we'd get guest that only speak taco and we'd let hear deal with them

I think a lot of things



I dont know what is going in Poland but I demand an explanation

I'll get myself a polish waifu hopefully and better the race!

Mexicans are basically demi-niggers, so fuck off with that idea

Polish have those tiny slavic eyes I do not like them

Race has ntohing to do with the quality of the person and all things considered things should be judged on an individual level, If any girl in Poland likes me it's their right to choose me and have (pretty much %85) white babies

Thank you, this picture is shopped and it appears on wikipedia on English version, on Polish version image isn't shopped though

I always suspected Poland of being secretly brony

India should first figure out basic sanitation technology. They got their priorities wrong...

The peolpe are okay but they're government is run by cucks.