How do you envision the heavenly kingdom of god?

How do you envision the heavenly kingdom of god?

And how do we bring this heavenly kingdom about?

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Virtual reality

Fufill our natural role as dominant leaders of the world, that means wiping out the parasitic jews/africans/middle easterners, you'd be surprised at how good the world will be after that.

Tasmania is literally the garden of Eden I give 0 fucks about getting to cloud heaven. Snakes and apples and shit. Sometimes we can even ski.

Experience it for yourself with 85mg of DMT.

i want to buy the bible but all my entourage is atheist and i dont wanna get bullied

Keep loving that sandnigger in space motherfucker, thats what got us in this fucking situation in the first place. Fucking Germans man.. YOU HAD ONE JOB!!!!!

by being trapped in hell and not knowing

Take a hit of dmt and you can see for your self

Europe is fucked because of liberal nihilism
only Christianity can save us

find purpose in life by taking part in the great project to build the kingdom of god.

the power of the ballot

- It's a post scarcity society

- It's where human beings are more physically, mentally, and spiritually developed, in balance, to encourage the growth of super powers

- It's where there is no veil between this realm, and other concurrent realms

- It's space bound as well

- Understanding the inner and outer cosmos

- It's where humanity has found a perfect, spiritual, mental, and physical balance with the planet, and all it's resources

Technology and spirituality are fully understood in how they affect each others development

Abandon the entourage brother, they wont be there when His kingdom comes; But you can!

then how does it make sense, that Jesus said, "the heavenly kingdom is here"
like in right now

you haven't lived until you have spoken your mind with zero fucks to give what others think about you.

Dmt is what is released when you die what ever your belief system is that is what you will see and experience / if you believe in the bible and you sinned you trap your self in a lower dimensions until you forgive your self just have no guilt and enjoy your experience give no fucks brah

your existence must be very painful

okay keep believing in your imaginary tulpa jesus (it will save you)

Big breasts everywhere.
God must be a huge titted Godess.

I dont think it can be imagined. If the spiritual realm is separated from the material. Then using everyday images to portray it will be necessarily inaccurate.

Simply put: Heaven is inconcievable to the living human mind.

I believe it's a dimensional thing. We are 4 dimensional beings living in a 3 dimensional space. Carl sagans interpretation of the 4th dimension helped me understand this

Kind of this but not as vague. The higher dimension is a very real thing. Even more real than this one. It's not subjective to ones personal beliefs.

I'm in the opinion that phrase was a metaphor for a society that operates on complete truth, intuition, by the symbolic heart, and if we achieve that, we can achieve great things for the world around us

Heaven doesn't exist, brah. It's all bullshit. People didn't understand the world back then.

They looked up, and saw white fluffy clouds. They looked down, and saw red hot magma.

Gee, I wonder if there's any correlation there lmao.

It's all fairy tale bullshit and none of it is true. Christianity isn't based on reality. If people forgot about Christianity and the Bible ceased to exist, it would never come back. The same isn't true for science. If people forgot science and all the knowledge we learned from it people would eventually say, "Hey, things fall towards the Earth. I'll call this 'gravity'." Science would come right motherfucking back.


Well user. When I think of heaven, deliver me in a black winged bird. I think of flyin. Down into,a sea of pens and feathers and all off the instruments of faith and sex and his in the belly of a black winged bird.

Religious leaders purposely dumbed down spiritual truths for posters like the above because humanity exists in quite a fraught dark age.

They don't believe youre responsible enough to know the kind of information and knowledge of understanding the spiritual realm. This is why there's secret societies that continue the mystery school teachings which reveal the entire truth about reality, including heaven and hell.

It also partially fuels the efforts of some shills who have it in their best interest that humanity is not aware of these truths

I picture it like minecraft creative mode, but more creative options and not made out of cubes

This is true, there are some sources that say aeons ago, in previous eras, the human being was more psychically and supernaturally empowered, as told of in particular myths from around the world.

There's accounts of the superhuman, in previous eras im convinced humanity simply understood the esoteric and spiritual laws to such an extent, they could manipulate matter and reality with consciousness itself.

So relatively speaking, it would seem like heaven on earth, if we could have that ability, and fully, positively, utilize it

The kingdom of heaven is within you. At least thats what i thought Jesus said.

Ap 20, 4.

We're going strong with instating judges.