Dear "build the wall" retards, just a friendly reminder of the following:

Dear "build the wall" retards, just a friendly reminder of the following:

Planes exist.

You can easily buy cheap tickets for them.

Visas are easy to obtain and then overstay.

The wall will cost $25 of taxpayer money.

You did this to yourselves.

Have a nice day.

Well then let them take a plane and be detained at the airport and sent back.

Airports have jails.

Enjoy your flight!


>Never flew out of the country before

wow holy shit

>The wall will cost $25 of taxpayer money.
i didnt know they were so cheap. ill finance the whole thing myself, with a second one on the northern border.
no need to thank me, anons

>1 post by this ID

t. paco


Ask how Australia deals with them

>the wall will cost $25 of taxpayer money.



I've had conversations with mexican business owners who wish they could pay their employees more just so their employees could buy enough groceries for the week. the man is a dyed in the wool socialist who believes that capitalism would mean nobody gets paid what they need to survive but will defend the very taxation on income that's starving his own employees.
and the kicker: he owns a grocery store.
paying his employees more would increase the taxes and destroy his business in the process.

saving up for a plane ticket means risking starving to death for the weaker family members.

A plane ticket is cheap for us. for them it's potentially sacrificing a family member.

get out more. get out of your mother's basement and go learn about the world. we really do live in a relative paradise.

Wow Trump is good at negotiating holy shit.

>Visas are easy to obtain
Thank you for identifying the problem!

That's American engineering my German friend


> 1 post by this ID

The Butt Huuuurt. When will you ass clowns run out of that 40 million.

Let alone the ecological devastation we would unleash upon ourselves.
Literally shooting ourselves in the foot

OP is massive faggot


Lets all go back to the 2 weeks after his inaguration when the nation was in a complete uproar over immigrants being detained at airports.

Okay, now that you realize how fucking stupid you are, go away.