I talked to two Swedes yesterday in Australia

>at a popular tourist spot in Australia for a swim
>two swedes sit next to me
>ask them how they like Australia etc.,
> tell me they are from Sweden
> hide my power level and say "oh Sweden? I heard it is really unsafe their now. There is rapes and grenade attacks everyday"
> Get a 2 minute explanation about how nazi's are making up fake news and Sweden is a paradise and the refugees are awesome

> I've got a scar on my chin from playing footy
> tell them I was in Malmo 5 years ago when I was backpacking in Europe and got beaten by muslims in the street and they gave me this scar

>literally told me "it was probably neo-nazi's dressed up as muslims to make muslims look bad. Neo-nazi's do this it all the time in Sweden"

There you go Sup Forums this is first hand evidence of the Swedish brainwashing. I just walked away after he said that. I couldn't stand to be around such filth.

Other urls found in this thread:


That happened

RIP Sweden, it'a shame really.

nah man it was just sarcasm cool down nigger

>That happened

I am so sick of these threads. NOTHING is going on at the Oscars. The Oscars are the beacon of hope in a bigoted world and you drumpfkins just can't accept someone who isn't your own skin color can win Best Picture. Most of the Oscar voters prefer us blacks to whites in this country because they are sick of the same stale rhetoric pushed by white men. My family took in a white "person" and he is the worst father figure I could possibly have, even though he is younger than me, he has actual life experience. Maybe one day you will all wake up. I get to live in a country where I can be openly homosexual without feeling oppressed like I would if I lived in Dumbfuckistan. Hell, even visiting family here in London, I still see the bigotry that the USA propogates. It leaks through the borders. I am truly free in my home country, and it makes me sad seeing all of your drumpfkins clamor over REAL fake news.

Pic related, me and my Swedish girlfriend.

>nah man it was just sarcasm cool down nigger

bullshit cunt. You know it's true. I should do some undercover recordings. There's swedes everywhere here stealing my sun and dropping bluepills all over the beach.

just spill the pill when around the Swede and they will show you their true side

>the refugees are awesome
they love sucking nigger cock.

russia pls invade us already

You thought Swedes could be reasonable? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

t. dansken

translate comic please.

its to late kiwi. its not about reality any more. the swedes are crazy and dont know what to do any more

you going to have to cut all relations with sweden. they will just drag you down. they arent white any more.

Norway is on par or slightly behind Denmark in anti-rapefugee politics.

Sweden is cucked, but soon Jimmy will rise.

>meets 2 sweedcucks
>expects them to be redpilled

Are you even trying anymore?

He is confirming your statement

>Norway: Stay Away
>Sweden: Stay Away
>Denmark: Stay Away even more

its just a joke.
Beside every time you tighten your immigration laws we look at you and go "We gotta go deeper!"

I can believe it. Swedes are regularly invading our normie forums to defend immigration and to tell us how backwards and racist we are for the 2545243rd time.

It's no wonder even normies show some Schadenfreude to the current situation there.

Nah they're probably still massive faggots like 95% of you. Even on Sup Forums you people are still cringe tier blue pilled faggots even worse than leafs.

I replied to myself. Yes autistic I know

I'm seriouslt considering taking part in an upcoming Swedish civil war. I spent almost 5 years there as a teenager and it's somewhat a second home to me.

This can't be real. I can believe Swedes being pro-refugee but legitimately believing Nazis are dressing up to make refugees look bad? Really?



You were bullshitting at them, so they bullshitted at you. I see nothing wrong here.

Just the mere existence of Sweden bothers me


I can even hear the screaming and explosions from here.

>You were bullshitting at them, so they bullshitted at you. I see nothing wrong here.

But they didn't know I was bullshitting them.

You'd better worry about the Tijuana Chainsaw Massacre Cartels coming to kill you, your family, your neigbours, and your pets because they read a post on a Laotean Printing Forum that invoked Kek and told them to murder a whole village of Wetback Beaners if Kek gave them quads.

I like Fredrik Anderson, he's a good goalie :3

Of course it does.

>Pic related, me and my Swedish girlfriend.
>Finnish in the comment section

>"it was probably neo-nazi's dressed up as muslims to make muslims look bad. Neo-nazi's do this it all the time in Sweden"
I didn't know neo-nazis could instantly tan and learn perfect arabic.

They probably did

I'm practicing my Finnish so that I can go there on sexual vacation

Yeah looks like our refugees

They take/took those pics with young girls

If you live at bondi you cant be redpilled, you maco latte drinking hipster cunt

Its some Finns calling out the obvious pedophile from the comfort of their saunas with wifi, while the Swedecucks are just masturbating in their cucksheds far away from any wifi network

>If you live at bondi you cant be redpilled, you maco latte drinking hipster cunt

>bondi is the only tourist spot in Australia for backpackers

What's wrong with refugees?

The brown skin is the most challenging part


I think President Lord Trump created a powerful Meme #TodayInSweden with his time travel. He basically trolled Sweden and even though the Libtards are chimping out about it, it's going to help make normie Swedes open their eyes. Nows the time to really push the Meme in Sweden.

This is Ami Horowitz. He made a "documentary" about Sweden and how everything is bad there. Trump used it as a reference, and /pol was nodding in agreement.

Just look at that filthy jew. Are you proud of yourself, believing jewish propaganda? /pol used to be better than this.

>There is literally nothing wrong with Sweden.

>NYE 2016 @ Cologne was wonderful, and 150+ grenade attacks in 2015 is making Sweden more diverse and inclusive
t. Swedecuck

My issue with Sweden is that they put 0 effort into national defense.
If Finland decided one day to annex Sweden, we could do it. No questions asked.
Their national defense is based on their neighbours being friendly and keeping the enemies away, like Finland did with the Soviets in WW2.
It's probably also why Swedish women don't like Swedish men; they are not men at all.

>Semites blaming each other for the world's ills.
Just say no to picking a side between the Kikes and the Muzzies m8s

Then why did all of pol take the bait?

I remember this story. This was indeed in Finland. You can kinda see the mongol traits there too.

Because /pol is a huge bluepill.


Did they let you fuck their wives/daughters?

t. Mohammed


I'm so envious, you actually to managed the fine specimen of



God bless the Queen

managed to meet*

>They take/took those pics with young girls


>You can kinda see the mongol traits there too.

Must be Norwegian royal heritage then.

What's wrong with them? They make a fine mix with white phenotype and in return look pretty cool.

>autist can't recognize social cues
color me surprised


He has literally no royal heritage at all, Kek.

Grenade attack in Sweden


Fake news?

>>You can kinda see the mongol traits there too.

What dynasty is that?

Qing dynasty?

Nice LARP faggot.

made me heh
4/10 toothbantz


>RIGHT NOW: Attempted murder with hand grenade
>A man was taken to hospital by ambulance, after a hand grenade detonated near a residential building on Lindängen in Malmö on Monday evening.
>He has received shrapnel wounds in one leg

This is the Sweden we choose

>"it was probably neo-nazi's dressed up as muslims to make muslims look bad. Neo-nazi's do this it all the time in Sweden"
wow lad

>calls people filth
>plays footy

were they blokes or shelias? asking for CIA.

>>calls people filth
>>plays footy

>calls footy players filth
> is croatian

>were they blokes or shelias? asking for CIA.

2 swedish """""""""men""""""""""""

probably about 18-19

It was some lefty single-mother working in an asylum center that allowed it.
Finns in general don't like to get involved in the issues of other families, but in this case they did; there was an outcry that is rarely see in Finland regarding this particular matter.
But alas, regular justice won, as long as there is no evidence of sexual conduct, an underage person is perfectly within their rights to date a 30 yo. sandnigger (and as it was, the mother could not have been any happier).

My only consolation is that this was a random and rare case, one in a ten thousand or so, and as such, it's pointless to get too upset about it.

Sounds like a job for our resident Argentinians.

When will pol finally take a redpill and understand that its not brainwashing and that most swedes enjoy everything that happens in their country?
They know that its not "neo-nazi propaganda", they just tell that to everyone who they think won't understand their values.
To them its not a problem if women are culturally enriched - because that way they help underprivileged. Its not a problem if little children are groomed - because its just a part of a different culture, a real one, unlike their own. Its not a problem if people are killed, beaten or robbed - because thats just a fraction of what those poor refuges experienced every day.

This is the truth of Stockholm Syndrome. They just love people who destroy their country and abuse them as much as possible. The sooner pol takes this final redpill, the sooner we can all admit that theres no saving them and try to end their suffering for the good of humanity.

http contra nu/ kommentar1561.html

> And as I watched reality, talking to people and reading blogs began to understand that this country tends to self-destruction, I fell in terror. It seemed to me that he no longer has to Sweden for help. But in August last year when the then Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt month before the election, when it was clear that Sweden sinking under the weight of immigrants, made a speech in which he called the Swedes to open our hearts to migrants and nobody protested, then I realized that However, I had some hope yet. And that day I lost it.

> That night I could not sleep. I was then on the sea in Chalupy. And in the middle of the night then I went on an empty beach and a few hours break off the pain, anger and despair. Not so much over Sweden because humility and submissiveness that nation makes me scorn as over Europe. The loss of all those values ??that have always been dear to me, that shaped me.

> Equality, freedom, fraternity, democracy. Because if we do not take sharply to work on their defense, then we divide the fate of Sweden, the country which was the first in Europe has led to self-destruction.

>There's swedes everywhere here stealing my sun and dropping bluepills all over the beach.
>Stealing my sun
>Dropping blue pills all over the beach
Thanks m8, I kek'd heartily, have a (you).


>Not one blonde


sounds like your typical blue-pilled sweds.

the white upper-class can be ignorant as fuck.

>the white upper-class can be ignorant as fuck.

they looked like rich boys. They had leather beach bags. That seems pretty faggy to me.

So they didn't start to talk about feminism and homoshit too?
>some actually do this....
Not all though..

Dunno if bait or not, but this be true story, happened into a couple of times

>Be user about 6-7 years ago
>Be at party with coworkers at this rooftop thing
>Party Swedes appear
>And there it goes
>Actually takes 2-3 minutes and they fucking start to talk about homoshit and feminism
>Fucking shit man

It's very different, some are utterly lost like that, others fed up of all the sick crap

You don't approuch people here and talk about fucking homos and feminism..... or politics for that matter but at least no homoshit and that crap

that's swear words, most common
"Din jævla homo!"
"Faens homo faen"
and those permutations

Women I suppose?

>Women I suppose?
nah 2 dudes.

I work in this tourist area so I talk to all Euro's (white people are the only people that backpack, well some Asians too).

I'm always trying to drop redpills on Euro's because I know most backpackers are left wing faggots.

Most blue pilled are Swedish men
Probably most red pilled are English men but they are usually working class soccer lads

Off topic, but I used to work with cruise tourists, and a couple from Tasmania was genuinely the nicest people I met there. They were amazed I even knew of their far away island.

Americans panics if I ask if they're Americans, spics don't speak English, Germans are robots and the Brits/French were fucking arrogant posh fuckers.

This does not surprise me at all.
Generation boomer is massively brainwashed and generations XYZ are not much better.

I deal with euro's everday and I get on best with Norwegians. Swedes all seem like weird faggots and Germans just try to not act like a robot but it just comes off weird.

Also germans keep 5 cent and 10 cent coins on them and always want to pay the correct change instead of just give me a note and I give them change.

I actually learnt alot of nordic bantz from Sup Forums and whenever I talked to Norwegians and Danes I tease Sweden. They love it.

Then again, you are posting copypasta. What is one to think?


You're a faggot for making that up. If Europe has anything to fear its from idiots like you that make up fake news.

I dunno man.. leafs are pretty fucking bad. maybe its just a proximity thing.


>You're a faggot for making that up. If Europe has anything to fear its from idiots like you that make up fake news.

Thankyou for your input CEO of BBC

Oi what did I tell you about using this board Pia!

Er ikke mye Pia, altså.

Remind me why we're wasting our time fighting each other?

No one seems to hate niggers or muzzies on this board anymore, it's constantly:

>haha Swedes/Germans are cucked
>Slavs =/= white
>M U S L I M M A Y O R
>African football team
>mongol rape babies

Is it really just a joke to you guys?

>t. Swedecuck

>Remind me why we're wasting our time fighting each other?
I'm not laughing at Swedes. I'm shedding light on the amount of brainwashing going on.

Especially after the #lastnightinsweden thing when Swedes were all over the internet defending it.