See this? This is Italy and reality looks WAY WORSE than in this photo.
When I took this pic, there was a bunch of blacks spread out in the area just about 30 meters behind me. I wanted to take a picture of them as well but decided not to do so out of fear that some of these feral animals would jump me. But I don't think I need to explain the correlation between their presence and shitty, trash infested areas.
When I arrived at the main Milano train station, you instantly notice the large number of Africans there. Mind you, this is NORTHERN Italy. Then you go to the Dome of Milano, one of the most impressive pieces of Western architecture and truly a symbol of Christian Europe, what do you see? Packs of Africans spread around the area in front of the Dome, harrassing tourists and trying to rip them off.
This was one of those moments for me that once again highlighted how Western civilization and white, Christian Europe are dying. Don't even get me started about all the muslims, coalburners and mulattos there.
Whenever there's talk about cucked countries in Europe, DO NOT ignore Italy as it's definitely high up there with the most cucked nations. Go there and see for yourself if you don't believe me!
Not gonna lie, former Italy visitor here. This is hilarious watching this country crash and burn. But in all seriousness, we can't let them slide threads like this.
Charles Harris
Nice digits. HH
Adrian Morales
Out of curiosity, which city was this? I bet it's one of these 3: Naples (probably not), Rome or Bologna.
Lincoln Robinson
It's freaking Milano. This was bad but I can't imagine what it looks like in the south. You're in worse shape than I thought.
Carson Stewart
>RIP in peace >RIP IN PEACE
Oh, my fucking god
Camden King
You probably went there just after the market closed so it was all messy and full of garbage, it happens in poor neighborhoods
Angel Wright
>being new
Bentley Taylor
desu i went to rome in august and it was very white same with florence
Christian Fisher
Than it's probably just a leftover of a marketplace (the empty baskets, the wooden platforms, the open space). Trash is not a problem in the north nor do the people are that filthy.
Still, yes, Milan is nothing remarkable, pretty gray and full of niggers. Roads are like shit in the whole country though, they call it "spending review". As for the south, if you plan any other trip don't you ever hit below the belt of the country,
Jason Phillips
>italy is cucked! >i was afraid of black men 30m from me...
Jaxon Sanchez
So fresh that comet pizza would call you a chicken.
Jose Davis
The main street for shopping is just a three minute walk from that place. It's like you walk from the third into the first world. That's another case of nogs infesting nice neighborhoods.
Cooper Watson
why is there shit spread all over the ground? is there a strike or is this normal?
Justin Sanchez
Looks like a libertarian paradise desu
Luis Allen
If Switzerland is neutral, why do you have a plus sign on your flag?
Zachary Diaz
Really? I'm having a hard time imagining western European cities that aren't infested with niggers nowadays. Seems like it's tough getting around them if one wants to go on a city trip.
Jaxson Lewis
I think the trash has to do with The Mafia more than blacks. Also stop retending you're not mainly responsible for this mountainkike
Bentley Walker
I agree, it looks like they're cleaning up the market or a festa from the night before.
My gf is from Lodi but she lives in England now. Every time we go back to visit her parents we notice how many more Africans there are. Even so, Milan and the surrounding area aren't anywhere near London tier yet.
Hudson Howard
I guess it's just another (((coincidence))) that dozens of Africans congregate right in that area. Thanks for the tip, tough.
Zachary Morris
Just visited italy last january i dont remember it being that dirty
Still milan had the most niggers and mudslimes id seen the whole trip, and several coalburners shit made my blood boil
Grayson Lee
Italy is on the brink of collapse, the banks are completely fucked from;
>“non-performing loans” (NPLs). That’s jargon for loans handed out to companies and households where the borrower has fallen behind with repayments, or is barely paying at all. But the Italian banks have not written off these loans as duds, he says. Instead, billions upon billions are still on the books, written down as worth about 45% to 50% of their original value. The big problem, says Eisman, is that they are not worth anywhere near that much.
It's a stealth cross. Oy vey, but we're not in the EU. It's crazy. And they aren't just Africans. They're black as night. I've never seen so many (sub-)humans with such black skin. I was disgusted. Get your shit together Italy! How could a country import so many Africans? It's baffling to me. Took the words right out of my mouth. I left that place just this morning. It's one thing that this situation exists in Italy but it's another that it's in the northern part. I don't want them anywhere near my country.
Jacob Johnson
Duns confirm. Financial collapse imminent.
Jace Davis
And thats the fault of the fucking Italians. The illegal immigrants didn't take out a shit ton of non-performing loans. The truth is Italy has been fucked for a very long fucking time. It is one of the most corrupt places to do business in the western world. Just listen to the 5 star movements townhalls, you'll head nothing but Italians complaining about the level of corruption and the ever changing rules. Italy has done it to itself in their infinite arrogance. The powers that be will blame the immigrants, this that the other. It's sad that the once most powerful empire in human history has devolved to this. Fucking greeks are worse though. Fuck them.
Alexander Roberts
I went to Italy a few years ago it was funny and sad seeing 30-40 apes being chased around every tourist spot. Also saw a nigga almost drown in Venice I tryed to help but I could not see any more niggas around to push in lol. But seriously seeing hurds of groids swarming over every significant monument and church in Europe hawking useless shit and stealing made me woke as fuck
Benjamin Ramirez
> this is the second time Italy has been overrun by barbarian hordes
Where is Julius Caesar when you need him?
James Turner
Can confirm. Been in Venice, Italy and Rome. I was seriously surprised how many niggers there were in Milano, like what the fuck. I don't even see that many here in Sweden. You also have the pajeets who try to sell you expensive shit. Not to mention the graffiti everywhere.
Where is this great """"northern italy""""?
Xavier Johnson
> morning > trash truck > plaza
Was there a festival or large party, in this square, the previous night? Those types of gatherings tend to leave behind a lot of random trash.
Nathan Gutierrez
They both fucked the economy with their corruption AND imported a shitton of Africans. Whatever problem exists is mainly the fault of idiots and traitors in our own countries. External threats will always exist but if our own people turn them into internal ones, it's our own people's fault and they need to be dealt with.
James Bell
Nice market place abruti. You can even see the garbage collectors cleaning the place...
Landon Ortiz
Almost every country in the EU is on the brink, realistically. The signs are all there, its just a matter of time. They have been kicking the can down the road for far too long, its gonna collapse in 2017/18, by most estimates. This guy sums it up perfectly in 2 mins
Exactly, that area was full of these nogs. It made me fucking mad how Italians allow their nice places to get occupied by them. They do nothing but try to rip people off. I was surprised just like you by their number. I did expect them but not nearly that many. Also, there are Africans from everywhere. Obvious economic migrants and Italians don't deport them. Sad! Another thing that caught my attention were the graffitis on EVERY fucking building. Unbelievable. Never seen shit like this. For fuck's sake, why is this allowed? Our market places aren't nearly this filthy.
Benjamin Phillips
Ayden Barnes
>When I took this pic That picture has been taken after a market day. This is normal and the place gets cleaned within a few hours. The asphalt is in bad condition, so what? You will find places like this in every country. Nothing to see here.
Jace Reyes
>This is normal For third world countries, I agree.
Connor Walker
Milano is cuck central, I think the only reason the left won there (Giuseppe Sala, PD) is because of Muhammads and Ahmeds being able to vote. The region is actually controlled by based Lega Nord. In towns controlled by Lega they are very anti-immigrant, destroying gypsy settlements and the like.
Daniel Wilson
>Our market places aren't nearly this filthy. I have no doubt about your autistic sense of cleanliness, but it's always like that after the market. It must be a latin thing.
Kevin King
via morgagni after the market. nothing to see here. fuck off fascist, find better arguments or go suck grillo's cock
Wyatt Sanchez
> PD voter
suck more mohamed cock
Ayden Collins
Go suck the dicks of those niggers you love so much. Plenty to choose from in that area.
Zachary Brown
I love this post. It perfectly summarizes the level of cuckoldry the average italian has. First of all because of the blatant guilt from the fascist era, then for actually thinking that Grillo is far-right when he's nothing more than a populist leftist, alongside his party of refugee welcome cucks.
typical italian sub-normals who can only think from within their little compartments. I asked for better arguments, because yours are pathetic. If I was opposed to your ideas I would sit back and chew the popcorn
Alexander Thomas
>comparing street parade with over 1 million visitors to a local market place
Nathaniel Sanders
Looks like the south. Why is South Italy so shit while North Italy is god tier? Is there a reason for it?
Chase Davis
Colton Collins
North Italy being god tier is a meme
Xavier Phillips
His argument was weak because that's what any market aftermath looks like. It still doesn't excuse your commie-tier talking points.
>muh fuck off fascist >comparing center-left grillo to fascist
Let me guess, center-right are literally Hitler?
Ryan Garcia
Where I live the previous mayor kicked out all gypsyes and beggars
Gabriel Lee
To be fair Milano is a shithole, shouldn't be used to represent the whole area
Daniel Murphy
This Also, most north Italians dislike immigrants
Joshua Wright
>North Italy is god tier Have you ever been there? It's an overpopulated industrial area, a kingdom of concrete.
Noah Morales
the mafia is many thing but not "dirty"
Evan Hughes
based Mayor I was surprised because if it's so bad up there, it must be absolute hell in the south. I hope you get out of the EU soon and close the borders for good.
Oliver Miller
>I was surprised because if it's so bad up there, it must be absolute hell in the south Well i'm sure you can find areas that look bad like the one you posted in pretty much every city in italy, the south may be hell but for other reasons, certainly not because there is a mess after a full day of open air market
Alexander Perez
It's mainly an urban thing. The countryside is still fine imho
Christopher Cruz
I agree with everything OP except: > RIP in peace Italy There will be no peace and we don't deserve it either. Of course the longer it takes people to wake up the deeper and lasting the damage will be.
Jacob Cook
The mafia rules the trash collect in the south, their only goal being profit they do it in the cheapest way possible (when they do it), hence the garbage everywhere.
Lucas Moore
Yea so how about someone bombs the fuck outta of us plox
Jack Stewart
It's not just the trash in market places but also on many street corners, the hideous graffitis on literally every building (wtf) and the already large and growing number of nogs shitting up everything.
Joseph Ramirez
I wouldn't use the term 'cucked' for the garbage and infrastructure thing, it's more of a typical shitalian lack of organization and self-respect in big ass highly packed cities like Milan. Our big cities are shit regardless of niggers and sandniggers.
Easton Jackson
I'm aware of their presence in the south but I'll have to look more into the Italian mafia. Anybody know their level of activity in the north?
Nolan Cruz
Yeah the graffiti make it look very trashy, i wish they would just genocide those faggots making them, the nogs are probably in Milano because they're trying to get on a train to go to Germany or something, there were a lot of reports months ago about "refugees" camping near the central station
Brandon Gomez
Well, the problem is going to be exacerbated thanks to cultural enrichment.
James Johnson
How is it even possible that all these buildings are smeared with those graffitis? Don't you have some kind of laws against that or something? I was wondering about nogs wanting to hop on a train as well and I know there's a lot of these nogs in Como wanting to travel north. Thankfully, our border patrol are intercepting these invaders to the point that (((Amnesty International))) is calling us out.
Jonathan Cruz
They're everywhere. I remember buying Yu-gi-oh cards at a newspaper stand in Varese(town directly at the Swiss border basically) and the clerk was telling the old lady before me in line about how he refused to pay pizzo or whatever to the mafia and the next day he got delivered week old newspapers instead of fresh ones out of print. It's unbelievable.
Liam Gomez
1) I know he's a fascist by the way he mixes all the nigger/christian/white talk, spewing nonsense
2) you are even more cucked that I thought if you think Grillo is of the left, Grillo is a creature of the secret service and it is there to block the actual communists to ever come back. casaleggio and the triumvirate are all police and agents of various nature. wake up and smell the espresso
Joshua Hall
>Don't you have some kind of laws against that or something? Of course, they are also supposed to pay the cleaning themselves when they are caught... so never
Ian Jenkins
oohdear... i must say, it realy changed since....10 years last time i was in Milaan for a job, i remember the market there, do they still do market days there? i also remembered how it looked like before they layed asfalt on that square, on normal days it's a parking lot. look at it now ...... ;(
Cooper Richardson
"freaking" Milano you speak as if milan is something not trashy in the first place
Gavin Davis
You don't have to be fascist to want Europe to remain majority white and Christian, you pathetic cuck. Go look at the opinion polls and what Europeans think about immigration & Islam. Are all of them facsists? Of course they are to you. Everyone who doesn't buy into your idiotic narrative is a fascist.. Keep importing the third world, while expecting that could somehow be beneficial for your little experiment to create a commie utopia. You limp wristed commie cucks will be amongst the first to be raped and beheaded by your precious pets from the third world.
Nicholas Jenkins
Topkek Fucking mafia
Nathan Carter
I visited Verona last september, it was pretty nice, didnt saw many blacks around
Justin Rivera
>I know he's a fascist
The mere fact that you find this note-worthy in motherfucking Sup Forums really tells me you should either lurk more or fuck off to /leftypol/. Besides, wanting to be remain an ethnic majority in your own country doesn't make you an anti-democracy nazi.
>Grillo is a creature of the secret service and it is there to block the actual communists to ever come back.
You got that right, except replace "communists" with "right wing".
Just to give an example: My dad is a fervent right-winger, and guess what, he intends to vote M5S (the secret agent party as you say) rather than an actual right wing party like Lega. Grillo uses the same populist tactics as Salvini, except Grillo is a fraud, as you say.
It's an anti-right party, not an anti-left one. Because all the M5S politicians in the parliament are pro-EU, pro-refugees leftists. Grillo, the only M5S guy that uses populist center-right rethoric, is surprisingly, not in the parliament, but still the frontman of the party.
Ian Foster
Then what are the great northern regions? If it's not Milano then I don't know. It was actually crazy, I actually felt fear when I walked past groups of them. They were like wild hyenas, thinking I would get attacked somehow.
Christopher Gutierrez
>The mere fact that you find this note-worthy in motherfucking Sup Forums really tells me you should either lurk more or fuck off to /leftypol/.
Pol isn't right wing, it's just contrarian. And for the last eight years obama/sjw were in charge.
Tyler Hughes
Are you from some sleepy town of 40 people? Italy has some of the least globalized metro areas considering the pop. Compared to Paris and London which are just NYC part 2 and 3, Rome might as well be another planet. captcha giotto.
Adam Anderson
I don't really have a great idea because i'm not from the north. But basically all the places controlled by Lega Nord are anti-immigrant.
Sup Forums is contrarian right-wing. Otherwise places like /leftypol/ wouldn't exist at all. Just because there is a right-wing politician that doesn't make it necessarily good.
Joshua Thomas
>You got that right, except replace "communists" with "right wing".
Most of the police and secret service is right wing -- fascism in Italy have always been establishment.
Anyway I can agree with you that Grillo is a creature -- which is to say, NOT spontaneous.
He was placed there to block actual democracy, of whatever nature, to happen.
I am far from being a lefty, but I know that Italian fascism is degenerate and polluted to the core and should be disposed of. The burgers on this board have no idea.