How do we perpetuate the landwhale problem?

How do we perpetuate the landwhale problem?

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How do we perpetuate the landwhale problem?

How do we perpetuate the landwhale problem?

Perpetuate it? Why the fuck would you want to do that?

Sorry about that, sometimes their fat folds cause an echoing effect

just feed them more, they will end themselves

You hit them in the wallet. If you are over a healthy BMI you must pay for all your own medical care at double price. anyone that is obese faces spot fines of £500.

Alternatively send the to FAT JAIL Where they are forced to run on hamster wheels that generate electricity until they are a health BMI.

This. Even the fat burger knows.

I think a bullet to the head is a much more cost-friendly alternative

We could even harvest and render the fat into fuel.

I like this idea

Can you Faggot start doing it so we can make a vastly superior version in 10 years

We could sell them to niggers, I hear they like fat arses? And they're stupid too!

Why would you want to perpetuate the landwhale problem?
Look up that word m8.

Goddamn English people are dumb.

You need to fine the BEHAVIOR, not the state. Right now you can buy a 16 ounce bag of potato chips (you would call them crisps) for $4.00 at wal-mart. Tax those potato chips a bit, and people would stop shoving their faces with them so much.

Meanwhile, fining fat people would just get them upset at you, and seeing as you're a silly English faggot, they'd probably kick your skinny little ass.

Them tiger stripes tho mmmm

I think you and I are the only people in this thread to've pointed that out. OP needs a dictionary.

OP, if you do anything in the course of your life, learn how to speak your own language.

Wow looks like someone has an inferiority complex here.

What I said would work.If you fine the state they will realize that staying in that state will cost them lots of money because of this they will change their state either willingly through exercise or unwillingly through not being able to afford as much food due to fines.


I like big girls. You should see this enormous and freakishly tall bbw that comes into my pizza place. she is 6' tall and has, even for her BBW size, the craziest ass and thighs I have ever seen. legs the size of redwoods and an ass where each cheek is the belly of a hippo. and she wears super mini skirts too. No shame in her game. I dont care for how she has a gizzard neck a woman carries their weight in their faces is important and very sensitive to disqualification....but other than that she is by far the absolute sexiest female that comes in. and I live in a college town. This woman is a genetic freak and one day i will bury my face between her hatchet pussy and expierience oneness with her labia.

t. jamal

haha no. Thats my other worry. As much as she dresses out, with such a unigue and, believe me, mouthwatering body, theres no way jamal hasnt been up in it a million times. If she ever comes in wearing rebel flag gear im hitting it tho. (unlikely. She has that look that says...niggers been here)

Well good luck on your repulsive quest I guess but please don't let her reproduce.

keep growing corn non-stop

Also farm subsidies need to go into green vegetables and fruits, not corn

My BMI is above average but my bodyfat percentage is below average. BMI isn't always a good indicator of health.

Shes been blacked so much that her ass has AIDS

I would be glad to fuck her tbqh.

The are obvious exceptions for when Zeus and Chad who hit the gym every day are walking down the street thats what having a brain is for. 95% of the time BMI is a good indicator of how fat someone is.


I don't know anything about it.

Take off the clothes and that whale will look distusting as fuck. And btw gl fucking that thing unless you got a 8"+ dick to reach through all the lard.

Fat tax. If you can tax cigarettes you can tax French fries.

I would voluntarily sign up for fat jail (or camp or whatever) but they're damn expensive.

Going back to using whale oil, eh?

Where all the japs at?

first acceptable post
If that thing would be thrown inside a waste burning powerplant, do you think the burning of the fat stored inside her would produce enough energy to vaporise the water?
Asking for a friend
noble idea
Eat less, and hit the gym. Noone will make fun of you.

Convince them that insulin is part of the patriarchy.