>A young Georgia couple cried in court as they were sentence to a total of 28 years in prison on Monday for committing a hate crime at a young child's birthday party.
>Kayla Rae Norton, 25, and Jose Ismael Torres, 26, drove with a caravan of trucks waving confederate flags and antagonizing a Douglasville, Georgia family as they celebrated a boy's eighth birthday party in 2015.
>Norton expressed regret for her actions that day as she was forgiven in a court room by one of the party's attendees, who told them that 'life is too short for hate'.
So fuckin' what?
This can't be real. Or at least this isn't the entire story.
>Or at least this isn't the entire story.
You might be onto something.
It's a point they want to make to crack down on hate crimes to define it.
This. Something is missing from this story.
What they did may have been rude, but it's clearly an exercise of their first amendment rights.
So they drove around with confederate flags and called people names? How is that illegal?
We're not being told an important part of the story.
article says armed threats, waving a gun or two around? why would they give a fuck about an 8 yo monkey enough to do this as well.
>armed threats
So they threatened them with guns?
They left out the most important detail....
"Torres and Norton were found guilty of yelling racial slurs and threatening to kill partygoers, even the kids. Prosecutors said Torres pointed a shotgun at the party."
Land of the free
>28years in jail for thought crimes
how much meth do you need to threaten an 8yo with a shotgun on his birthday?
a 22 would suffice.
seriously tho why bother a kids party.
Ok, well there you go. No way they will serve the full term though. Probably be let out in 5 or so years w/ good behavior. Fucking idiot white trash.
Undisciplined, dumbass white trash actually behaves like undisciplined, dumbass white trash.
So I'm guessing you didn't read the article the whole way trough then?
>guys don't be angry about 15 years for verbal statements because hey I am speculating they might be let out after 5
kill yourself
There are no hate crimes in Georgia and they were not charged with anything to do with racial slurs or the flag. They were charged with threatening people with guns. I think the penalty is to stiff and they should appeal as much as the law will allow.
Could've just played a NWA album out loud from the truck
well yeah, nigs will nigs, spic gunna spic etc etc.
but why a bday party. mom wouldnt pay the meth dealer?
i need more answers
These idiots should know better, and they shouldn't have done that. I get free speech and that they are showing that, but pointing a gun at a child starts to break the line. These are the idiots that taint the rights reputation
but if there is institutional racism how come white people are going to jail? Check mate Canada.
Well being from Georgia and knowing about the locals, I can assure you that low intelligence and a brain deteriorated by drug use was involved in this "thinking" process.
As for answers I'm checking all the local news affiliates in the Metro Atlanta area for clear, concise reports. Give me about ten minutes.
Pro-life until the moment they're born
Did you miss the part where they pointed guns at the family and threatened to kill them, you mouth breathing cum chugger?
America is done
>Your average whitey
This surprises no one.
That's only the black side of the story. All video evidence came after the police showed up and when they decided to let the whites leave because they felt no crime was committed
>let out in 5
They're going to get raped 10 times a day for 4 years and 364 days then killed
>saying nigger is a crime
Thought america had freedom of speech?
Strongly doubt this is real
rednecks BTFO
Making threats with guns against children deserves life to be honest, that kind of thing mentally scars them, fucking dixie inbred scum