This is what the women are saying now

This is what the women are saying now


>fix yo ears
Hard up bitches be hard up

I hope that guy wraps his tool. Don't knock her up, bro.

>When she turns 30


At 35 I've been watching women f*** whatever bad boy they wanted for about 20 years while I studied and worked and improved myself physically, mentally, and economically. Now that my sex drives are no longer a 24 hour emergency, and their attractiveness is declining, or maybe they even have a kid or two, I am suddenly being chased and the "nice guys" are "so awesome" and they "always admired me". Trouble is: I no longer want you. You got literally NOTHING I want. I have seen other men fucked over in divorce and with custody and visitation. I am well aware of men trapped in sexless marriages working their ass off cause its "cheaper to keep her." I am well aware of cheats and cuckolds, and women who "had their fun" so can't be bothered anymore when they "settle down". I am well aware that often women seem to dole out sex like doggie treats to "train us" and slowly try to ween us off it while still expecting to keep the benifits they get while reminding us they have no obligation. The result is sex of ever decreasing quantity and quality until it reaches zero within a couple years at best, and in the meantime your leeching off the fruits of our labor go up... and that is off of fruit from trees we were busy planting and growing back when you were fucking the football team and were actually very desirable and we were going hungry during the horniest period of our lives. You don't respect the value of these trees, but feel entitled to them. By the time you realized "nice guy" value, nice guys have realized you are the worst possible investment one can make. Both the costs and the odds create an extremely negative Expected Value, with little to no reward even if it "works". So we skip it.

Some of us learn to be assholes or pickup artists to get laid by playing your huge female inconsistencies (like screaming "rape culture" while flicking your bean to 50 Shades, or saying you like "nice" while fucking the bad). Some of us just skip you at your age and keep getting younger models every so often. Some of us will just skip it altogether (MGTOW/Sexodus/Marriage Strike), and some men will still fall into your spiders web. (Fortunately the last category is shrinking.) And many of us go through some combination of the above. In any case I find what you say to be absolutely despicable. And a growing number of men are seeing and feeling the same. Hence us opting out of marriage and parenthood, working part time, playing video games and dicking around on youtube. And btw, don't bother lying about your sexual history to a man. At this point we know every slut on the planet (most women) lies to reduce her apparent past, especially when looking for a serious relationship. No matter what you say we assume it's many many times more. Slut power won. So go get your own stem field job (you are indeed quite welcome there despite the feminist propaganda) and support yourself and your kid(s) (which I am not going to father). You need a nice guy like you need a bicycle. You need his money and support like oxygen. But you got nothing left to barter for it with. And you are 15-20 years to late. We just don't care anymore.

Kek this

THis is a parody news site,
it's a joke

Wrinkled my think sack.
Nice pasta, saved.


nice quads

What makes him not mister right? Not even gay, but he seems like an attractive guy. Does he still live with his parents or something?

wh-what is that user

And this is why I stopped chasing bitchy skirts and had fun with my life!

very funny when men think what women mean by mr. right is the most handsome man and thats all

He definitely isn't ugly but he looks kind of goofy. You can tell he is a blue pilles nice guy just by his expression. Hence why he is good enough but isn't going to soak any panties

A think sack, before and after wrinkling.

man does must feel like shit now

Nice quads manigguh


Doug is a monsanto product.

They are even more degenerate at that age. Probably divorced and needs someone to pay those bills.

It's not impossible to find a woman who is worth keeping around, though. My wife was awesome when we first got together. Was sweet, caring and did whatever I wanted in the bedroom. Then I married her and I fell into the old cliche of being a nice, boring, 'good' husband.

Then I just started acting like I did when she first met me. I give her shit, I don't take her seriously, I teasingly mock her mood swings instead of appeasing his frivolous, emotional mood swings that women seem to be made of, and I just plain do whatever the fuck I want. Now I get sex, good sex, again, and she's back to being a good wife.

The struggle to change her back to it was a long, hard one, though. Once they see weakness in you it's just female nature to exploit it and then hate you for being able to be exploited. You have to be extremely consistent to change her view of you back to being the one in charge. Women, fundamentally broken extreme feminazis notwithstanding, love to submit to a man who deserves it.

>The cat lady meme
nothing scares women more.

That's a very funny picture, can I save it user? Might want to post it somewhere else ya know!

OK but only if you promise to make sure no one saves it from you.

>durrr rape culture and rape fetish female inconsistancy!
hey collosal retard. do you not know what a taboo is? this is basic bitch stuff when it comes to the origin of fetishes so you don't have to change your overall retarded views but you do need to stop saying shit this dumb.