American College of Pediatrics reaches decision: Transgenderism of children is child abuse

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Of course it's child abuse, why are raging liberals so scared of reality?

How exactly can a child make an informed decision about a gender change (will affect them for the rest of their life) when they have no real concept of sexuality before puberty?
How can a child have any real concept of sexuality without sexual experience?

How come we need a panel of doctors to say the obvious?

trans want to delay puberty so secondary sexual characteristics don't develop.

m-f trans are especially obsessed with this, because they want to appear as sexually appealing to men as possible, so they don't want any male traits to develop.

>(((they))) want to appear as sexually appealing to men as possible, so (((they))) don't want any male traits to develop.

It's sad that you have to actually tell people this is child abuse. Of course Huffpo is virtue signaling and denying. 10, 15, 20 years from now there is going to be mass suicides and us standing there saying we told you so.

cant wait the wave of tranny suicide when 20 years later they are an identity-less freak.

holy shit i didnt read your comment i swear, we thought the same, I guess common sense does exist!


People are going to look back at this shit like we look back at the days when the lobotomy was considered a catch-all miracle cure for mental illness.

good decision.

>Transgenderism of children is child abuse

then they have reached an agreement on Fluoride?

>Magic Johnsons son

Just so we are all clear. That is basketball legend Magic Johnson's only son.

that's the left though they claim stuff that any normal person can see is wrong is actually right and that you're satan for being against them

The group's membership as of 2016 is estimated at 500 members,[4][5] in contrast to the AAP's over 60,000 members.[6]

I mean, arguably trying to force any strict gender role on your children could be considered abuse. Particularly because so much of it can be arbitrary and subjective. Differing from culture to culture.

So many people are butthurt because they can't preserve what they believe to be masculine and feminine anymore, and it's this fight to enforce a strict gender dichotomy that corresponds with sex that has conditioned people to blow it off...

You can either accept that there is just a male and female with no limits on how one can behave and express themselves, or you recognize that there is more genders which are categorically designed around set behaviors and expressions. Otherwise you're not going to accomplish anything...



Thank God

Feel like I've been taking crazy pills lately

you're retarded, everyone in this thread is retarded, end.

It won't take that long. Their average life expectancy is early thirties.

This, how was this even a question?

>mass suicides
genuine GID is very rare, like 1 in 10,000

even this new trend of munchausen by virtue signalling mommy is not at all common either (thank god)


Is the world finally waking up, Sup Forums? Is the shockwave of the Trump victory waking people up from their sick, degenerate fantasies?

I can't wait til the trannies start killing themselves in protest :)

>you're retarded, everyone in this thread is retarded, end.

>Shitpost to get your $0.05 to correct the record.
>Can't collect because nickels went to literal whores.


Not an argument

Does no one in this thread know they are just a small group of "Judeo-Christian" shitposters formed about 15 years ago?

give me your tears