How will it happen Sup Forums?
What will it look like?
What will happen to other shit, like the nuclear arsenal?
Will mudslimes and niggers attempt their own nationstates?
Balkanization of America
kek i love this one
I like how the nigger thinks california would be dominated and split up by factions with balls
That's a shitty map
>nog speculation
>could ever be accurate
Connecticut is rightful New England clay.
yeah, but new england is a new york underling anyway. So it doesn't matter that much.
I honestly don't thin the spicacans are competent enough to take those areas, california maybe because it is essentially all spics but that much of texas? No way would that clay be given up and the white norther parts of the US would all be together I don't think whites will split in such a racial division, it would be genocide.
Rio Grande area is basically Mexico.
America is not going to balkanize, fuck off with your autistic LARP bullshit.
A civil war in the US would spark WWIII. The moment the world sees our nuclear arsenal in peril it will be a mad dash to secure them. NATO vs. Russia vs. China. Maybe China would skip out on it and flex hard in the Pacific. Meanwhile the Poos and the Paki Poos would probably settle the score with none of the big 3 holding them back.
Sunnis and Israelis fight over oil supplies to fund the wars.
Africa remains unimportant.
Balkanization LARP is the most fun LARP though
I'm a spic and I know the military capability of whites and the military incompetence of spics like the shit mexicans, they would crumble under any sort of organized fighting and this war would be genocide, no way mexican peasants will do anything they'll flee, they left the country they "love" to mooch off another they'll definitely flee back when a gun is pointed at them.
>new republic of Texas
Half our state is over a mile above sea level, so most Texans get altitude sickness when they come up here. That and 50 degrees where I live is considered scorching
>Losing land to Mexico
We'll fucking nuke it first.
No one would go for it... think about it. They would do relevent things in their sphere of influence. It would be an extremely easy moment for China to take the pacific and Russia to take some of Eastern Europe... that would be more realistic and useful for them than going after our nukes.
I guess so.
I think he meant that the sides in the US would be scrambling to secure then and the other parties securing alliances with those sides. Seeing as how nogs are useless they would never be any competent enemy.
I think at first it'll break down broadly between party lines which are already currently defined. The liberal state will be primarily multiracial, with a serving of white cucks, and the right-wing state will be predominantly white, but with a serving of some minority men and women, you know, your Clark or Thomas type.
Now the states will balkanize further down the line, but I believe the right-wing state will remain mostly uniform, ironically, because we'll place our emphasis on a national cultural identity, whereas the liberal state will erode in continued mass immigration, and the fixtures of new boogeymen, it'll descend into chaotic infighting between Asians, Latinos, blacks, etc.
On top of your point,
Liberal multiculturalists also lack the resources and conviction to exert the force necessary to sustain the most rudimentary civilization.
>guns are evil
>taxes are racist
>Jails are sexist
what ever nonsense they can come up with
niggers not gonna own one god damn inch of this here soil
Ahhh, that would make sense. Ally and support a faction to take over.
Denver-fag here, how is that part going to work out?
I so desperately want to be part of the confederate union of great lakes here.
LysAnon here, We deserve the whole slice of cake. Up north too, For our dams.
>new Africa
No, sweetie, if we're going to Balkanize then we might as well mow down every non-white in America.
I'd love to see a movie about this or an alternate timeline/future setting where there's a second civil war. I bet it would sell really well (kind of along the lines of the post-apoc genre, which has been pretty played out)
Anyone recommend any along these lines?
I reality, I think is right.
I dont like it, but its probably the most correct.
>t. drives from Atl to Sea then vice versa every 6 months.
Can someone post the county-level map where Ft. Hood and everything east of the Mississippi is government controlled?
AK and LA should be in Dixie here though.
you're a fucking retard if you think the fascist Midwest is going to be stable at all with Chicago, Milwaukee and Detroit as some of its biggest cities
There was a game based on this concept called Shattered Union. It sucked. Concept was cool though. I'd love for Eugen/Focus Home remake of it that plays more like Red Dragon.
>Live in New Jersey
Would a journey to the west toward Cascadia even be possible?
>my patch is such a socialist shithole that even of the powers in a dystopian future fantasy, none want to claim it.
PA would never be in an empire or ever left another faggot stat take their land.
We have no neighbor states who like us. Fuck NY, Fuck NJ, Fuck DE, Fuck OH, and WV is too dirty to mess with.
>Takes care of black revolts
Such is life under Trudeau
So I am making a map. Would Kansas be under TX control or midwest control.
Feel bad for you ontario.
Know that atleast, You house one of the county that's a most likely place to survive a zombie apocalypse.
Worse, fucking Montreal.
Too many zombies in the making, plus winter. Outlook for survival not so good.
Why is that map so fucking retarded? Everything is an empire, and Canada also gets balkanized, but fucking mexico is going to get bigger?
I support an independent Quebec. I hear that the Ethnic French are leaving France for Quebec which is pretty funny.
If zombies happen, Trudeau's gonna blow the bridges up.
Quarantaine zone for sure. Tunnels and metros are gonna be blocked too.
C'est cool de vivre sur la rive nord.
Part of them are coming to the Plateau, A sort of High upped Hipster area with Jews living all around.
Also, I guess the thrill of Snow.
>If zombies happen, Trudeau's gonna blow the bridges up.
If they dont bite you, you lose.
We will welcome the zombies that America is trying to deport.
I literally cant even wait
Minneapolis/St. Paul could also be the capital too, you know, it's still part of the territory
Las Vegas would be know as free city
>Eastern PA, Central PA, and Western PA would be a part of the same country
Start with China, you chink fuckface. Balkanize China first.
posting relevant maps based off of economic regions of the US.
I like how toledo really is MI clay
>If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the windows
This. Modern China is an abomination that will create chaos eventually if it isn't split into several smaller nations based off ethnic groups like Manchu, Han (divide it into more subcategories like Shanghainese), Inner Mongolian, Tibetan, Uyghur, and etc.
This one is interesting because it shows the hard boundaries that physical cash does not cross in the US. Its based off the data plugged into in which people track dollar bills by serial number.
So if cash isn't crossing those lines, people aren't crossing those lines either.
>giving the nigs all of Louisiana
I'd die before they take all the Cajun food
>New Cuba
Over my dead fucking body.
One Florida one Republic or nothing motherfucker.
Even the hood niggers would join in on a mass burning/lynching of Cubans if they tried to claim South Florida.
Combined with you can see it really is.
Interesting. Is this just because the US is so big, or do people from different regions just don't feel like going far?
Not really balkanized, because they are still subordinate to the fed, just reorganized.
Nice thumbnail, OP.
What's the difference?
A little of column A, a little of column B. People don't generally move beyond 200 miles, 322Km, past their birthplace. And the US is huge, the US is 2800 miles across.
Well if it's just because it's so big, that's an economic thing, people don't have the time or money to travel. But if they don't feel like going in the first place, they might not care about the region at all, lends itself better to balkanizing.
This originally started as a concept for a speculative fiction series.... but it ended up becoming a joke.
I might write something about an AnCap America though, albeit with a more serious approach.
>Well if it's just because it's so big, that's an economic thing, people don't have the time or money to travel.
That can also be spun into balkanization in a "sour grapes" sort of way if the cards are played right.
>Capital: Seattle
>Star is on the other side of Puget sound
Why are Americans so interested on "aztlan"?
Aztlan is literally mentioned once in the educational system México.
It's a fucking unknown territory that's probably on the actual state of Guadalajara that doesn't even hold any relevance.
It always makes me laugh, these balthimazation maps, they always give the proposed nations names like "FEDERATION" and "UNION" and so on.
It is funny to me because each separate "nation" would call itself "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" and the names would be what they call the others.
It succinctly describes the brown goblin demographic that comprises most of Mexico (and California.)
Interesting how close this map of dialects matches the balkanization map. It also compares well to political divisions.
So it's a CHICANO doesn't know shit about Mexican culture and history but still tries hard to be "Mexican" episode.
Would plane travel even be possible in a situation like this?
>belkanization of America
dumb map florida would never survive