Universal healthcare - yay or nay, why?

Universal healthcare - yay or nay, why?

no. Bullshit

Yay. Cheaper by 2/3rds. We live three years longer. We cured ebola

No. After the amount of bullshit and general incompetence I've seen my grandfather have to deal with from the VA I believe that the federal government needs to be kept far, far away from our health care system.


You banned your feds ever from owning any corporations so you do things super shittily

If it works well for us: yay
If it doesn't work well for us: nay

wew lad, where's my scientific nobel peace prize


Yes. France has the best healthcare in the world and they have universal healthcare and insurance companies. It can be done and almost retarded for the US not to do it.

we'll have it after trumpcare becomes the greatest political failure of our generation

Yay, but only once we have a high trust all white country.

This. And many moooore

What does "universal" mean in this case?

Access to? Everyone has that.

Free for everyone? Pardon me while I call an ambulance to drive me to my yearly doctor's visit.

In a white homogenous society I'd be glad to have it.

The VA is shit because it's run by diversity hire reject a that weren't good enough for the private sector.

An all white country and socialized medicine would be fine, like Scandinavia 20 years ago

It's ruinously expensive and once it's there you can't get rid of it, or face electoral annihilation.

Tories are garbage sorry. As is common law system

i'm a libertarian and i say yes.

it's fucking ridiculous how expensive it is.

nobody should go bankrupt because they got cancer.

i also think private corporations should be able to provide healthcare as well. so if people don't want to rely on the shitty government healthcare and don't mind paying big bucks they can get treatment right away. this pleases everyone.

maybe they should finally release the cure then, for cancer that is
we all know there is one

ive been trying to get my 1095-a for a month now. the larger the structure the shittier everything that it offers.

how's the bernout life

It means everyone is covered no matter what

YAY, as long as it's sourced by the government and not insurance companies. I've thought about it a bit and coverage is something most people would rather not think about...less time worrying about coverage, more time to do awesome things in life. That's my philosophy right now.

VA is highly dependent on what area you are in. In an area with a lot of veterans? You will get a decent scheduled time and an ok doctor. In bumfuck, nowhere? Your VA will be shit, just like most of the doctors in your area


It's YEA or NAY, Leaf.

if a society can afford to buy all of its citizens free healthcare then yes

What a society can "afford" is entirely subjective and up to the citizens or leader of that society.

In the USA this wouldn't work it would require too much change to the system to implement without incurring heavy costs.

at the state level would be where we should begin, much like with the legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington.

France makes it work with insurance companies and they have the best healthcare in the world. The government just has regulations on them and negotiates with them and it works out in the end by giving people more choices.

>Free for everyone? Pardon me while I call an ambulance to drive me to my yearly doctor's visit.
What are you implying? Publicly funded universal health care and paramedic wages are mutually exclusive?

Yay. Lowers inflation and overhead (massive savings), and ultimately if anything beyond law and order are owed to citizens its healthcare.

As a Canadian (ignore flag) I like that healthcare is triaged such that the most good is done for the fewest dollars, instead of the old and rich being allowed to pour all their wealth into hopeless cures.

Is wait times a meme or reality? Just today I booked an appointment at an optometrist at the mall on my lunch break at 12pm, went there at 5pm after work and got new glasses with a new prescription by 6:30PM. Would level of service be normal or to good to be true in Europe?

fucking leaf trying to use a proxy so that you don't get leafposted