Is incest wrong even when reproduction is impossible?
Do you think the next step in the liberal agenda is to make it legal?
Is incest wrong even when reproduction is impossible?
Do you think the next step in the liberal agenda is to make it legal?
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I don't see how it could be wrong. I mean, i feel disgust but i cant explain it. Can anybody explain?
>even when reproduction is impossible
I don't want to go around making stuff illegal on the basis of feelings. Why should it be illegal, if no babies are born from it?
>Acceptable in modern Western society
>Family is supposed to stay together
>Relationships frequently end in bitter break-ups
>Wanting to encourage that dynamic in the family unit
>user was a faggot today
Incest should be as criminal as being a homosexual.
As for it being the next step in the liberal agenda, not a chance. If they made it publicly ok, they'd have no insults to throw at conservative southerners.
Are you talking about sisters like in the picture?
Normally you will not feel attracted to someone who you've grown up with. And if you do, there's probably something wrong with your brain. That's not to say, 2 siblings that were separated at birth could not feel like fucking, after they meet up again later in life.
>Normally you will not feel attracted to someone who you've grown up with
What if that someone looks like pic related?
i fucked two sisters one night, would that be considered incest on their part? they werent eating each other or making out or anything like that.
(checked for freedom)
Their next step in Pedophilia. That's the thing they want us to accept so that their horrible actions and punishments will be lessened in the eyes of the public. That's one of the reasons why they are pushing sexual liberation. Degeneracy comes with a bunch of mind-fucking side effects, but they are using Incrementalism to push transgenderism on the young, to inch toward normalizing greater age gaps in sexual partners.
sex is wrong if reproduction is not the OUTCOME, user
More of those girls.
You fucking faggots don't know what consent means?
You are literally retarded
It's pretty fucking disgusting, but it's also none of my business and has no affect on me. So, you go ahead and do your thing, you filthy degenerates. Not gonna get in your way. But not gonna show you any respect, either.
incest is shunned because of potential birth defects caused from breeding with family members. however, you have the same potential for the same defects from knocking up a 40 year old woman and no one is making it illegal for them to breed.
to me, it feels like the whole "why is pot illegal when booze is legal" arguement.
>sisters pleasuring each other
That's like one of my top 3 fetishes. Please make it socially acceptable
Incest is never wrong.
Incest comes before paedophilia, and it should be obvious.
First off they've been pushing incest for a while now - far more incest fantasy porn to normalise it, wheras paedophilia is still considered highly illegal.
Secondly it makes more sense that way around - once sex within the family becomes acceptable, it starts blurring the lines of consent based on parental responsibility. In fact my guess is that they will try to normalize family paedophilia first.
Incest is just plain wrong any way you slice it. That is precisely why (((they))) will promote the shit out of it to the goyim. Goyim will find anything acceptable so long as the idiot box tells them it's ok.
It's the purest form of love
Siblings only. Any other kinda Incest is disgusting.
incest has been pretty normalized with game of thrones desu
Are you talking about homosexuality?
No they want miscegenation.
Friendly reminder third to fourth cousins have the optimum human fitness.
Has it?
>You didn't reproduce
>You are a biological failure
No need to promote failures. And even if you did reproduce everybody knows consequences of inbreeding.
2 of the main characters in the show are brother/sister lovers and their child was also a major character. Im not going to spoil anything
what happened to you?
Incest basically cant be passed as legal almost every religion prohibits it.
What do you mean?
Yes, but only because of religious reasons.
There is still no secular reason to think incest is bad.
Denmark is de facto atheistic tho
Gays are banned in Christianity, but that did not stop the west
>There is still no secular reason to think incest is bad.
Homosexual incest sure but there are lots and lots of secular reasons for why heterosxual incest is bed. Its called inbreeding.
Not enough variation genetically leads to loads of potential birth defects.
no secular reason not too?
I thought
put it well with the whole line blurring parental statement.
why do think a t.v show has made incest normalized? it's fantasy like lord of the rings type shit
>I don't have to go out and meet someone with similar ideals on family-making, fall in love, form a mutually beneficial relationship in which both people are empowered and encouraged to be the very best they can be, form an everlasting and holy bond that will enrich my life and create lots of children to pass those ideals and virtues onto
>I can just fuck my mom and be NEET forever!
[spoiler]and I jack off to incest porn every day, but at least i'm ashamed of it[/spoiler]
If it isn't consensual, it isn't incest, it's rape. By definition, incest is consensual by both parties.
>redditor has shit opinion
What a shock.
I agree with the finnanon. Incest should be discouraged and stigmatized tho, the Middle east is especially in need of an anti-incest campaign
I'm not entirely against it as long as all parties are willing. It's a funny kinda pseudo eugenics shit. I wouldn't be against making it illegal if we did do eugenics shit though.
Ask yourself: is this politics?
you kids are fucked. how hard is it to find someone cool outside of your family? very lame and depressing
Because its one of the most popular tv shows ever. Just like breaking bad glorified drug dealing/production.
Normies will usually start to be more open to an idea if they see it very often on a tv show. Its the frog slowly being boiled kind of thing.
they are talking about if it should be legal
>you kids are fucked.
Not necessarily. Mine would be due to my shit genetics. I'm sure genetically fit people would be fine.
Wrong nigger. Read up genetic sexual attraction.
My sister disgusts me. I still love her as family, but if you were to ask me if I think of her sexually my dick would literally retract into my body
make denmark great again fuck each other cousins! 25% of your country voted for DliketofuckmycousinF, so follow the path!
Regards, the immigrant
i don't watch the show. looks shitty. i guess that's why i think incest is messed up
no they wouldn't be it's the #1 cause of retardation but to you probably a celebration
A population is actually healthiest with occasional consanguineous pairings.
Historically it was common in European tribes and lead to stronger familial ties. It was shut down by the church as means of consolidating power.
Muslim level cousin fucking is deleterious but if cousin fucking happens every 2 or so generations its not so bad and if its every 2-3 generations it actually produces healthier offspring than that of unrelated pairings.
It is commonly used in animal husbandry. (google the term, its not what you think fur fags)
That's by design user, congrats you came out correctly
Dumb leaf
I remember hearing that it is best to get with third cousins or something along those lines.
Atomic family incest has a strong natural taboo against it. This extends even to primates, and is less common than homosexuality among primates. I would guess that it would be extremely hard to normalize. Once you step back a degree to cousins, aunts, uncles the natural taboos fall away. Also note that you share half as much DNA with a cousin than you do with an aunt, uncle or half sibling.
faggot burger
In theory no but there's so much that can go wrong with it that it is rightly frowned upon. It's damaging to the family structure.
>t. former incestfag
Incest is so hot
>former incestfag
That's like saying you can swear off loli.
For centuries Europe has been predominatly exogamous. It explains all the diversity within whites.
t. Only child
I always hear that argument that "you must be an only child to like Incest". It's so stupid. I bet you say all people that like MILFs don't have mothers.
And for centuries Europe has been ruled by the pope. I'm referring to early christian and prechristian times.
Well speaking from experience and understanding it's not good.
ITT: People who can only think with their dicks
Incest is fucking wrong, if you can't reproduce then it means in 99% of cases that you are homosexual, which is just as disgusting as incest.
It was more of a joke but my point is more about how he was so blatantly saying that it was hot. I think it can be attractive too but there is a bit of guilt/disgust in me saying that so I wouldn't come right out the gates saying how hot it was. Also milf porn isn't incest, it's wanting someone ELSE'S mother
Based Deutscher bro
In America, the supreme court ruling that legalized gay marriage, also had the side effect of being usable to instantly take down any incest law.