Welcome to the Salty Shekel. How Jewish are you?
Welcome to the Salty Shekel. How Jewish are you?
My car can stop on a dime and pick it up.
My great grandfather got gassed six times at Auschwitz.
I lie about conquering my neighbors.
I once went to a store that was accidentally out of a product and only complained about it for 1 day
I made out with my girlfriend in the theater when we were watching Schindler's List
I watch porn backwards so I can see the hooker giving the guy money
My friend and I created the first copper wire when we both found the same penny.
This one time my whole family drove thirty minutes outside of Boca to catch an early bird special where tipping wasn't allowed.
I always take a penny but never leave one.
Yeah, so?
I played dominoes on pizza for breakfast without any walnuts.
Yeah, so?
I find that the more i learn about biblical/Jewish history the more I dislike them. I can't see how Christans lIke Pastor Hagee can hold them in such high regard
Oy vey goyim! I'm so Jewish I can only eat Christian baby foreskins or I get sick
Sup Forums tier thread
Not politics not current events
>Sup Forums tier thread
>Not politics not current events
Sup Forums tier thread
Not politics not current events
>Sup Forums tier thread
>Not politics not current events
Yeah, so?
I once had hamatashen while talking to my great uncle yahzid about his friend in Hollywood
I'll have you know that I'm so Jewish when I go sailing I just use my nose as a sail
One time during Yom Kippur we didn't have anything kosher.
I got my rabbi to bless dinner.
I'll have you know I went to Auschwit and I was only gassed 6 times
Sup Forums tier thread
Not politics not current events
>Sup Forums tier thread
>Not politics not current events
I control the media and promote globalism and progressive topics such as homosexuality, transsexualism and feminism to slowly but surely kill white men and ruin Western civilization.
There were 14 of us and we were driving a Volkswagon Beetle.
Someone dropped a shekel outside the Auschwitz bath houses. How I'm here enjoying this autistic website.
I whine in a nasally voice consistently
Without any matzo
Sup Forums tier thread
Not politics not current events
>Sup Forums tier thread
>Not politics not current events
Sup Forums tier thread
Not politics not current events
>Sup Forums tier thread
>Not politics not current events
Sup Forums tier thread
Not politics not current events
>Sup Forums tier thread
>Not politics not current events
You are the face of autism
I had a barmitzva when I was 13. It was pretty fun. A lot of my friends were there and there was a dj. Good times.
You are such a faggot it pains me to know you exist.
Having said that I'm so Jewish I once chased a penny down a hill while clenching a bagel between my teeth on the way to my nephews Bar mitzvah
A four shekel entrance fee?
Who has a three shekel entrance fee?
What do you need two shekels for?
I never hesitate to pick up change found on the ground.
I search trash cans for bottles to get the change
My son asked for $50 to go out with his friends for the night so I gave him $40 and he got frustrated and asked why I gave him $30.
I called a man an anti-Semite in a church.
I'm not jewish
Kys. Seriously no one will miss you
Today I discovered 9 eggs had gone off. I went to the supermarket and bought caged eggs. came home, replaced the bad eggs with good new eggs. returned the bad eggs to the supermarket and claimed it was because i hadn't realized they weren't free range.
how jewish i am!? once a beggar asked me for change and i screamed at him for beign a anti-semite for 20 minutes
I make youtube videos talking about politics telling things everyone wants to hear at first but then i say something anyone would disagree with so they comment on my videos thus making my channel active and attraction more people. My vids are being watched by retarted teenagers that's why i can allow myself to do anything. I also pump my vids with ads for that sweet revenue and have a patreon so people give me money without me needing to do anything.
I drive a bulldozer everyday around the israeli and palestinian border, and any dark child in the way gets gassed by the chambers inside the vehicle.
NIGGER nothing more I just wanted to say NIGGER.