Is this the modern version of bread lines?


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No. People are on ebt and driving a 5 series around here (Detroit). There is no public shame on ebonic bucks like there is in bread lines.

Should people be ashamed of sending their kids to public schools? That's also getting free shit from the gov't. What about Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, free school lunches, heating assistance, public housing, driving on tollfree roads, buying subsidized products, etc? All those are examples of people getting free shit from the gov't.

there's NOWHERE NEAR enough shame associated with it

Wouldnt most of those things be paid via taxes we pay.

Im not a septic but isnt welfare generally aimed at people who dont earn much or pay much if any tax at all

No, there's a difference between the two. One is provided after someone has failed economically. The other are conveniences awarded by a system that implies taxation on income. Do you think people on EBT pay income tax? Yet they enjoy the same benefits as everyone else along with an income for no input at all.

Everyone pays taxes directly or indirectly. Have you ever bought anything? Then you paid sales tax. Ever had a telephone? Then you paid excise taxes (at least in America). Ever had a job? Then you paid payroll and probably income tax. Ever had money? Then you paid indirect tax in the form of inflation.

I agree but not with education. Children need to be challenged in an academic environment to grow. Public schools should, however be a lot less fucking biased in their teachings. Give the kids a chance to form their own opinions. Won't happen but a burger can dream eh?

Exactly. People on EBT are a net drain. What is your argument?

See There really is no difference between EBT and any other government service.

Also, don't blame people on EBT for responding to incentives created by the government. Blame the government for creating those incentives. Don't try to "reform" welfare. Abolish it entirely.

I don't care about someone else's needs. That's not my responsibility. The fact that you like public schools doesn't mean make public schools any different from EBT.

My argument is that everyone pays taxes and everyone gets welfare. It's just that we don't consider things like public schools welfare when they really are. The only way out of this mess is massive austerity.


Yes, I am atheist.

just applied, gotta send back some paperwork, annoying desu senpai IM BROKE NIGGA, sadly even an extra $50 would help me out right now, funny enough once you have 1 welfare program you use, it opens the door for all the others, like instant benefits if you already have ebt or something. sad thing is ill just use it to buy actual food to cook, not frozen $ waste. wanna fill my freezer with meat

>everyone gets welfare
I don't get welfare, I get a return on the income and property taxes I pay annually. I would enjoy a much higher return on that investment if we didn't have so many in our society willing to ignore the social compact and not work for their place in society.

If our president can get away with avoiding millions in taxes than I'll get my 75 bucks a month to help feed myself as I work though college.

EBT is great, money goes right into local grocery stores and the like.

Hope you never have a reason you can't work user.

It's employment/disability insurance. The claim that you don't benefit from it is wrong.

I'm not saying that it's not abused and I'm not saying that the bureaucrats in charge aren't incompetent, but to disagree entirely with the concept is kinda dumb.

Do you drive on roads that aren't toll roads? Then you are getting a free good from the government. That is no different in principle than getting free food from the government.

>social compact
It doesn't exist. It never existed.

Tax is theft.

>I'm not saying that it's not abused and I'm not saying that the bureaucrats in charge aren't incompetent, but to disagree entirely with the concept is kinda dumb.
Not an argument.

I didn't realize breadlines were a junk food subsidy.

>Tax is theft.
You're free to go off the grid or move to a different country.

EBT/Food Stamps run up the price of groceries. I'm tired of paying for people's junk food through my taxes and then turn around and pay 2-3x higher at the store. Some people need food assistance but 70-80% DO NOT.

Don't like the mafia making you pay protection money? You're free to move to another neighborhood.

And unlike the government, the mafia will actually protect you.

It doesn't matter what they need. Let them starve.

Social Security and Medicare are accounts workers pay into. It's not a handout.

SS is a fucked up pyramid scheme though.

False. A bank account is an account you pay into. Your FICA taxes go into the general fund the government uses for all its expenses. The fact that old people paid taxes in the past is no excuse for them living on the taxpayers of today.

No way, bread lines are a sign of scarcity while most of those using EBT are big fat fucks.

Reminded me of this.

>free lunches


Because sugar is subsidized out the ass, which makes sugary cheap shit more common than more filling, less unhealthy shit. And prepacked laziness helps sell it.

Combine that with putting in additional addictives such as caffeine into prepackaged drinks and you get a cycle.

This is the anti bread line.

We have so much food we give it away to niggers for free.

High fructose corn syrup actually.

>EBT is great, money goes right into local grocery stores and the kike.

Niggers and white niggers love sweet food.

Say it with me, "Starve the bums!"

You do realize HFCS is a sugar, right? I'm using simplified language, that doesn't make you a smart cunt trying to one up...

found the bern-out

Starving people increase crime. Keep them nice and complacent.

np, it isn't. welfare for blacks is just reparations for slavery.

so eat less of the same thing you buy. jesus. like you just can't get a small french fries, or a 10" pizza instead of an 18" one.

Ever bought a food product containing an icon of a small "u" within a circle on the packaging? Thats a jew tax.

>asking poorfags to be logical

If you're provided double the food for .10 more you can just feed another person, or you can eat it yourself.

just means its prepared kosher so its good for pasover, no tax


or get it as lunch and then eat the rest for dinner

they're as retarded as birds or fish that have to eat everything on the spot. even fucking bears, dogs, and lions can make a kill last for several meals.

you need a rabbi for it to be kosher, goy

>i-i-is he okay

Feeding them causes them to breed and cause more crime. Shooting them prevents crime.
Niggers and rednecks are animals. What do you expect.
Food companies are just responding to the demands of consumers.

>the demands of consumers
oh yes, the ((((demands of consumers)))))

you tell me

>we really need to save these things because of global warming. they're just cuddly like pandas in the coke santa commercials...

Yes, Jewish consumers. Companies do that to make money.
>A company responding to the desires of its customers! That's unfathomable!

yes, that giant market of 1% of people in america, just like the muslims, we need imams and hallal coke too