Is everyone on Sup Forums a massive loser?
mostly on Sup Forums: but the autistic nucleated a revival of reactionary nativism which has now hit the mainstream of european and north american politics.... so no go fuck yourself.
We be trend-setters and shit now.
Nah I'm fucking awesome man
I don't know where this autistic neet meme came from. I know several people irl who post on Sup Forums and all of them are by all accounts successful,including myself tbqhfam.
Because you're saying this on a literal anime image board. Of course you're an autistic neet. At least I can admit it
Of course. If I wasn't a loser, I wouldn't be here posting mongolian watercolor art on the daily.
Na. Just a lot of young kiddos on here that are projecting their insecurities and uncertain futures.
Some of us are a bit on the older side and have careers and a family. In fact it is pretty rare for me to even post here in the evening as I generally post from my office.
Look at how White males voted. Do you REALLY think we all have dissimilar views from Sup Forums? Politically a lot of what is said on Sup Forums is just how a large group of white men really feel.
Mature a little bit and you will see that your views really become more right-wing.
I can only speak for myself
I'm sure other people are normal though
Maybe, who cares
People eat faggot like Jeff Tucker for 1st breakfast
Of course not.
you're not even taking into consideration the lurkers, imagine if Sup Forums had a display counter for number of individual IP addresses viewing a thread
richfag here, guess not
who cares
No, everyone on Sup Forums is a massive faggot.
Hey shill
>leader is a Dominican
wat aboot second breeaaakfast
No but these liberatarians are about to get b00led
I'm sending all the guys they doxxed $50 in the mail.
Godspeed gents.
good guy. I hate the fact that they have to doxx everyone and paint them as losers just because they have different POV than them.
Because this board is obviously still about anime yeah.
I have a degree, working on a second. I'm married and am paying for a house. I'm happily married to a woman I dated for eight years. I have two dogs, and my only complaint is work in my area. I'm not mad about it.
Stop projecting and grow up.