Who else supported grew out of the idiotic Trump-support and now is too intelligent too support Trump?

Who else supported grew out of the idiotic Trump-support and now is too intelligent too support Trump?

*else - grew

we cant let this man get the nazi codes

Better than hillary no matter how bad idgaf, I'd rather fall because of him than globalism

i feel the same way bro

man let have the nuclear this we can't codes

If he runs for reelection I prob wont vote for him still made the right choice voteing for him though.

Nope, he's exceeding my expectations. Same with everyone I know who voted for him, even those who were hesitant.

Goldman Sachs not globalism. lmao

The thrill of victory may fade for us. But the agony of defeat will burn inside you for 8 years at least. Enjoy the shekels.

We can't let him near the molecular keys

Yeah I'm done with white supremacy. The whole natsoc bullshit is stupid. I'm marrying my Japanese wife and having beautiful white/jap children. Fuck this white genocide shit. I'm not marrying a western whore who'll cheat on me and age like milk. Sup Forums is one big bluepill. The real redpill is that nothing really matters hedonism is the true way of life.

I used to be an urban dude. Now the nuclear codes suburban rural retard crash and burn


Er darf nicht die Codes zu den nuklearen Sprenköpfen bekommen!

Er darf nicht die Zündpasswörter für die nuklearen Sprengköpfe bekommen!

This is someone pretending to be a CTR shill paid for by the Democratic party.

Weird, 4Chins told me that I didn't solved the captcha for my first post.

captcha is being a nazi lately

Not gonna lie, former ReCaptcha supporter here, it's too fun to watch their """Turing"""" test crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't risk Sup Forums having the Captcha codes.

Not gonna crash, former funny codes here. Also, we can't watch him supporter nuclear man Trump.


So... a double shillgent?