Sup Forums is used as a testing ground for public relations and propaganda. Read Edward Bernays' brief...

Sup Forums is used as a testing ground for public relations and propaganda. Read Edward Bernays' brief, classic essay "Engineering Consent."


"To achieve accurate working knowledge
of the receptivity of the public
mind to an idea or ideas, it is necessary
to engage in painstaking research.
Such research should aim to establish a
common denominator between the researcher
and the public. It should disclose
the realities of the objective situation
in which the engineer of consent
has to work. Completed, it provides a
blueprint of action and clarifies the
question of who does what, where,
when, and why. It will indicate the
over-all strategy to be employed, the
themes to be stressed, the organization
needed, the use of media, and the dayto-
day tactics. It should further indicate
how long it will take to win the
public and what are the short- and longterm
trends of public thinking. It will
disclose subconscious and conscious motivations
in public thought, and the actions,
words, and pictures that effect
these motivations. It will reveal public
awareness, the low or high visibility
of ideas in the public mind."

>Sup Forums is used as a testing ground for public relations and propaganda.
No shit. We're active participants here.

doubtful. the denizens of Sup Forums are not representative of the general public, like, at all

I never consented to this and I will sue you for rape.

melania was truly a goddess when she was younger

ill never know what she saw in someone like Trump

It's common knowledge that most popular websites are for the spread of propaganda whether leaning left-wing or right-wing.

A fool is a fool is a fool.

>Sup Forums is actively used and monitored by various institutions with some campaigns of influence meant to test and manipulate
Why do you think we accuse each other of being MSM, CIA, and FBI all the time?
We know this, but you neglect to mention anons play the game right back
Staring into the abyss has the abyss stare back

Someone who could give her a great child she could love and care for

>tfw melania will never let you trade good boy points for fresh tendies and a soft kiss

>Ill never know what a women saw in a wealthy confident powerful man
I doubt women see much in you

This is what all the bm/wf stuff, and numerous other forced topics are about. You are conditioned to play the role of the "evil white badguy". You're useful idiots as much as they are

this, this was obvious long long ago


Does anyone have the picture of all the levels of "pilled" you could be on a scale of 1-10?

1 being the marxist-riddened beta-cuck
10 being iron-pilled + redpilled + actively saving Europa

Slavic girls have a thing for arrogant brutish guys

Also, Donald is rich and was pretty hot himself when he was young

He is a cuck tho for marrying a degenerate slut like her, not like I can blame him for it, because she is too damn hot to think about other than muh dick

Predictive programming indeed. They want white men to hate black men and vice versa.

>somone on the street runs up to your gf and yells BRRRRRRAPPPPPPPPPPFFFTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

What are some motivations behind popular Sup Forums topics lately?

What is the endgame of stormwashing the board?

>ID *.*BoG
what does OP mean by this?

>They think they're in our heads

>We're actually in theirs

Blueberries or Grapes? I'm doing market research.

Trump must have had team members lurking here before he was here in the content.

Emphasis of the consent engineer's
activities will be on the written and
spoken word, geared to the media and
designed for the audiences he is addressing.
He must be sure that his material
fits his public. He must prepare
copy written in simple language and
sixteen-word sentences for the average
school-age public. Some copy will be
aimed at the understanding of people
who have had seventeen years of schooling.
He must familiarize himself with
all media and know how to supply them
with material suitable in quantity and
Primarily, however, the engineer of
consent must create news. News is not
an inanimate thing. It is the overt act
that makes news, and news in turn
shapes the attitudes and actions of people.
A good criterion as to whether
something is or is not news is whether
the event juts out of the pattern of
routine. The developing of events and
circumstances that are not routine is
one of the basic functions of the engineer
of consent.

Prove it

I think PR ops are in for big surprise when they find out general population isn't as retarded as Sup Forums, as retarded as they are.

We're what can happen to a certain proportion of the general public. And we're the living embodiment of a lot of their repressed thoughts. Studying us might be important to help them reverse certain trends or figure out how to control them before things get out of hand.

But I don't think that's what Sup Forums is. This place is too chaotic. There's a lot of factions doing a lot of memery. I think most are just looking for feedback and ideas. And recruiting trolls. And they're OK with interacting with each others. Kind of like a crowd-sourced think tank.


The first chapter of Edward Bernays' book Propaganda is titled "Organizing Chaos."

The hivemind is not exclusive to goin inna Sup Forumsasement I'm 12 and what is this neckbeards.

The hivemind is the presence of all who participate.

Dumb ideas like the democratic party and MSM die of their own lack of validity.

Then what do you propose? Sup Forums should like bm/wf? Then you could say there' conditioning you to racemix and reduce the white population? There's no way to win.

That's why you should just accept there are people who hate bm/wf and no one is pushing it on Sup Forums.

She has the ass of a little boy.