Climate Change is Real and You have Cognitive Dissonance if You Don't Agree

>How dare you not accept our evidence that climate change is real?
>Why on earth do you believe we would lie to you?
>When have we ever lied to you except for the election?
>The election was different you filthy goy- I mean guys. We did that because we had to try and stop that racist, sexist, xenophobic, sexophobic white male drump from getting into power. We needed to try and steer you towards the correct voting direction.

>You people obviously suffer from cognitive dissonance to believe we may have some political agenda behind global warming.
>There is no way in hell we would be corrupt enough to try to give the government power to enforce "global warming," laws that squash small businesses out of the market before they can compete with large corporations.

>We have done some (((polls))) that show 97% of scientists agree with global warming.
>When have polls ever been wrong??????
>You goy-sorry guys obviously suffer from COGNITIVE DISSONANCE.

Other urls found in this thread:

>hey maybe the science isn't settled on X, Y, and Z

that's not what cognitive dissonance means you sheath for stingrays

Where did I say that cognitive dissonance means something you fucking dildo?

The way uneducated atheists invoke science is the same way an uneducated religious people invoke the God. Science is not the god of atheism and you will not go to hell for asking a scientist difficult questions, but unfortunately quacks like Bill Nye have set themselves up as the secular priesthood even though they're just partisan hacks seeking to control people.

(I am Christian btw)

I thought it was called global warming.

>tfw psychologically disturbed for not wanting to pay my carbon taxes


Tucker fucking rekt him. Nye was so butt demolished you could see it in his face.


>It is said that Julius Caesar brought the vine to England.
>It is more certain that by the time of the Norman Conquest, vines were grown, and wine made, in a substantial number of monastic institutions in England, especially, southern England. The legacy of street names (such as Vine street or the Vineyards) in London and provincial towns and cities - suggests that vines and vineyards were certainly no great rarities.
>At the time of the compilation of the Domesday Survey in the late eleventh century, vineyards were recorded in 46 places in southern England, from East Anglia through to modern-day Somerset. By the time King Henry VIIIth ascended the throne there were 139 sizeable vineyards in England and Wales - 11 of them owned by the Crown, 67 by noble families and 52 by the church.

>It is not exactly clear why the number of vineyards declined some subsequently have linked it with the dissolution of the monasteries by Henry VIII. Both these factors may have had some part to play but in all probability the decline was gradual (over several centuries) and for more complex reasons.

I'll continue to burn as many dead dinosaurs as I want in my big American V8 as I want thank you very much.

Nah it's called not giving a fuck. I mean who wants to save the world that being infested with shitskins. Not me. I hope the whole planet becomes a toxic desert.

I watched this, Tucker got recked. Embarrassing. You guys are the dumbest of the dumb.

Climate change is real, only a drooling retard would deny that

The question is "Do humans impact climate change" and the answer is either a solid no or only marginally.

You are the drooling retard in this scenario.

Not an argument, you stupid faggot.

>tucker poses question to bill nye cause he wants to learn something, admits it himself
>bill nye starts to answer

Nah it's not real

Earth is a homeostatic environment

tucker lost his spaghetti

bill didn't do that well either

it's a mainstream "news" show so

I fully believe in climate change.

It's why I voted Trump.

Need to save the white race and off all these sub-80 IQ niggers ASAP.

What kind of SUV were we driving back when the last ice age ended? That and cow farts were definitely to blame.

Bill Rye could not answer the very simple question of "What percentage of climate change are humans responsible for?"
If it was solid science and understood by Shill Rye, he would know an approximate figure

>Bill Nye the Bachelors in Engineering Guy

Here is where that 97% number comes from.

Or you can continue to be ignorant I guess.

Man made climate change is a problem.

I don't know why a vocal minority on Sup Forums is so adamant about not addressing the problem.

99% sure they are actual big oil/big coal shills.

Renewable energy is cheaper and more sustainable (and cleaner). Investing into it now would mean a better future for you and your children.

And what can be done about climate change when China exists?

Tucker asked very pointed questions about relevant data and Bill could only answer them with vague generalities about the nature of the problem.

He wants to know to what degree are humans responsible for the rate of climate change and Bill couldn't ducking answer it. The most fundamental question regarding the topic. And it's not because the science isn't out there, it's because Bill Nye is a fucking meme celebrity and has no business talking about an issue that he is clearly ignorant of.

Anyone who is skeptical of climate change is now branded as a 'climate change denier'
farbeit for me to point out the climate change theory, is simply a theory, and how terribly dangerous and unscientific it is, to fully and completely pretend it is an 'un-deniable fact'

In the field of geology, if a scientist claimed the mantle plume theory was a fact... well many time they do; even though they very well can't drill down to the center of the earth and verify it.

For a time I thought that modern scientists had really appreciated over the last few hundred years. The reality is the scientists are still terribly stupid and easily swayed by politics; while science and technology itself has somehow progressed despite the 'broken cog', that is the scientist.

Tucker got rekt. Holy fuck what a blowout, embarrassed for him.

It's a completely asinine question.


hahaha you can't answer therefore unlimited free pollution for corporations

Its not that I don't believe, its that I don't care.

(((abramic))) religion

Bill answered all his questions and Tucker went: "blah blah you're dishonest evil person because I'm a denier! WAHH WAHH" and tried to throw insults.

Tuck is a cuck.

>Renewable energy is cheaper and more sustainable (and cleaner)

Nice blanket statement. Go play Retarded Nigger Meme Scientist with other people's money somewhere else, faggot.

Gravity is a theory.

Maybe if you deny it you will float away and make the earth slightly less retarded.

>From the American Association for the Advancement of Science:

>A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not "guesses" but reliable accounts of the real world. The theory of biological evolution is more than "just a theory." It is as factual an explanation of the universe as the atomic theory of matter or the germ theory of disease.

Falling for the "theory" meme. KYS

oil shill

Nye dodged the question repeatedly. He obviously didn't know. But you're right. Tucker let his obvious frustration show.

Bill coulda walked away okay if it wasn't for that weird shit at the end.

>you have to quantify it to prove it exists
You can notice trends without being God.

This, fuck corporations. Small-scale solar would allow a greater degree of economic independence, anyway.

For me, the environment should never be taken lightly, and I support heavy action to address climate change (with due diligence as to who benefits from any so-called solution, of course).

However, it is extremely worrying that """science""" is being used to browbeat any and all dissent.

The rate of climate change is unquantifiable?

Then how in the mother fuck do you know humans are causing it?

(Pro tip: it's clearly quantifiable, just not by Bill)

Putting an exact number on human impact is stupid.

Even if Bill had an exact number, Tucker would just interrupt and move the goalposts.

I can't believe people watch his show and think "wow, what a great debater, truly a modern philosopher".

Why do they keep trying to trap people talking about it like a broad subject? Why don't they just say man made climate change since that's what people are arguing about?

Funny white liberals that don't have kids are more concerned about the earth's future than conservatives who proportionally procreate more

Battery shill

Is glarbel warbuling just really well funded modern-day Lysenkoism?

>tin-foil simian-IQ retard

Why is always the cringiest stormfags who thinking corporations should be allowed to pollute freely with no consequences?

Oh, I know.

Because you're a fucking fat redneck idiot who didn't finish high school.

An example, to illustrate my point:

>friend over at your house turns up the thermostat while you're in the bathroom

>you start sweating 20 minutes later

>Gee, it's almost like it got warmer

>friend says "BUT DO YOU KNOW HOW WARM IT IS?"

Come on.

Bill Nye also forgets the grape varieties used today are different to those in 1750

fuck this twat that offers science and can't hold other variables constant in his examples

I honestly expected Nye to do much better than he did. He's so used to explaining things that he forgot how to debate

The thing is is that it doesn't even matter if climate change isn't real, (which it is). Oil is running out, coal is going to shit, we should be moving toward renewable energies regardless. It'll create millions more new jobs and stimulate the economy. It's just better for the air and our environment, and then there's the disease factor, where so many people working in coal, mines, etc; get lung diseases and shit won't have to anymore and they'll have better working conditions. Plus renewable energy lasts virtually forever, whereas oil is limited.

He didn't though. Bill really exposed himself her for the hack that he is. Tucker should've invited an actual climate scientist onto his show that is capable of explaining data without sperging out and brining someone's kids into the debate.

Dude is a fucking joke

What the fuck were you watching? Nye did not answer one question, he did some circular argument bullshit that always came back to his (((belief))) in a disaster. Nye is a religious zealot and a complete fraud.

>'Humans contribute a lot to climate change'
>'By how much?'
>'Hurr durr stupid asinine question durr'


no one said anything about batteries

where exactly do you think the electricity coming into your house right now is coming from?


>fat redneck idiot who didn't finish high school
>projecting this hard

The answers to all these questions are simple : control of your freedom of movement and suppression of industry

If he didn't know, he shouldn't have called it closed science - which is the point Tucker had issue with.
I don't think many people watch Tucker and think he's a great debator, what he's good at is taking small linguistic slip-ups made by others and hammering them over and over again until they admit that they made a mistake, or they double down.

Dude gravity is a law

Wow you're a fucking dunce.

Oil companies don't give a fuck.

This 10000%

Do your research. I'm not here to educate you.

Fucking left are zealots.

>Oil is running out

No, it is absolutely not, you fucking abject retard. Jesus Christ, HOW MANY FUCKING RETARDS AND SHAREBLUE SHILLS ARE ON THIS BOARD RIGHT NOW

Nice proxy chink

Solar Panels:
Strip mines for rare earth metals
Toxic chemicals that you Rice Kikes dump anywhere

Other "Green" sources have drawbacks

But good work you reduced muh carbon footprint!

well said

Of course it's real. HAARP has been real for decades

Not an argument.

>Prey upon miseducated and retarded millennials by getting a nostalgic TV personality from their childhood to shill for the global warming agenda scam that forces people to pay (((carbon taxes))) to the government
>Not even a scientist just a bachelors in mechanical engineering
>I'm fucking Bill Nye the Science guy, bow down to me as I am all knowing and 2nd most powerful meme scientist in history

I used to take the global warming meme at face value and just accepted it, and fuck if I know maybe it is real, but if the last couple years have taught me anything it's that the media and every world government, politician, and educational institution cannot be fucking trusted.

>Just look at this warming graph goy that conveniently starts in the middle of the little ice age and ends in present day, I mean just LOOK at how much temperatures have spiked!

I think it's much more likely that the global warming push is nothing but a scam used to justify more taxation under the guise of helping the Earth, Al fucking Gore said the ice caps would be completely melted by 2015 and it didn't happen, not even close, and even if the Earth is fucking warming it's a hell of a lot better than cooling, if this shit helped us dodge an ice age we should be thanking Exxon-Mobil

Tucker was an asshole in this interview

Shitskins like warm weather.

Let me fix your shitty example

>multiple friends over at your house during a party
>a chink turns up the thermostat
>everybody starts sweating
>"Gee, it's almost like it got warmer. All the white people in the room, give me money and I'll fix your thermostat"

which question

Even though this is a troll post...

>redpill 'em

>Tucker was an asshole in this interview
To this guy?


I'm not arguing for (((carbon taxes))), you fucking sperg, I'm just saying that we have a problem.

Tucker is literally that smuggie about making a typo. And people eat that shit up as "owning" one of those ebil leftists.


Do you want a link to the video?

I like tucker but this is a pretty crappy debate.
tucker went in with his one unanswerable gotcha question which he knew was unanswerable, but seemed to think the fact that it is unanswerable proves that global warming should be ignored.

What's going on

no i watched the video i just want to know which question you're talking about

It normally works out better when he brings people on and makes them defend some half-baked tweet they made one time 3 years ago at 4AM. People aren't willing to admit they made a mistake so he gets to yell at them for a while, I guess.

lol, don't forget the chinese made (b/c of regulations in USA), toxic for the environment batteries that are necessary for the energy storage in solar and the fact that it still doesn't provide as much energy/volume of storage space as fuel oil does.

>use science as a way to brand somebody a sinner
>ostracize sinners, encourage ridicule on them
>sinners aren't "saved" until they agree with science
>science isn't aware so doesn't give a fuck

To think they could drop the sham and start a church for all that sweet donation money.

That's what he does in every interview. He's a one trick pony.

10 fuckin 10

I especially like the use of the tired as hell leftypol mascot to make them look at it closer

Occam's razor tells me the one on the left is more likely. Get fukt.

Bill knows he lost and his credibility is in tatters, hence the "i will get my revenge!!" closing monologue

Tucker literally would not stop interjecting into Nye's responses. He would start answering the question and Tucker would just yell "You dont actually know this do you?" Let him finish his goddamn point

Yeah it is real but isn't the question if it is man made?
Also isn't there a thing in science that almost everything we know might be proven wrong in the future and scientist are usually humble

Also also Bill Nye is just an engineer
You might as well have Dora the Explorer on your news program to talk about immigration.

>Unironically prays to the king of the jews
>insults those who do not, with the claim that they are implicitly pathetic and mindless with an assortment of mass produced fedora memes from 2008

Wew lad maybe it's time for you to take out the cross dildo

This. SJW's focus on non-issues, and they deserve nothing less than getting skewered, but it isn't helpful to take a real issue and scream into a mailbox over it.

Not that all proponent of an issue are worth listening to, of course, but still.

you obviously dont know how tithe and offering money is handled

you took that from wikipedia, which says it's from the American Association for the Advancement of Science; but doesn't actually cite it. Go ahead, try and find it on the AAAS's site. You won't. Only a million others who have cited the exact same content from wikipedia.

further, it is actually the 'Law of Gravity', not 'Theory of Gravity'

However even if we followed your premise, many theories have gone on to be proven wrong or expanded upon at later times. To rule out healthy skepticism is arrogant. Some problems are unsolvable, some phenomenon unverifiable.

Good point.

You assume the left is simple for them. It isn't, nor is it the path of the most shekels.
the only good lefty memes are good after we put a little spin on them.