This is what happens when you walk around thinking you're untouchable Sup Forums. Enjoy those 30 years in prison. Faggots. Keep your psychotic murder fantasies in your inbred brains.
This is what happens when you walk around thinking you're untouchable Sup Forums. Enjoy those 30 years in prison. Faggots. Keep your psychotic murder fantasies in your inbred brains.
that's what happens when you leave witnesses
Too long of a sentence for young punks.
Just saying.
A shame you weren't aborted.
this is quite the long sentence for just threatening your own countrymen. Americans really hate each other, and the government hates its citizens
They'll be let free once civil war, race war starts in few years
>Implying that ridiculous sentence won't be overturned
The judge had a clear bias user. They won't be going away for 30 years.
The Jews will be going away soon, though.
meet Jose and Kayla.
they have 3 children, and their hobbies include decoration with the Confederate Flag, gatecrashing small childrens birthday parties, and being verbally abusive to people of color.
Kayla is doing a 6 stretch.
Jose is doing 13.
does Sup Forums want ot be Jose or Kayla? If not, remember now, be nice to persons of color, especially if they are small and having a birthday party. Otherwise, you too, yes, you, could be looking at a 13 stretch. That is all.
Wow, niggers get less for murdering some old lady in a "mugging gone bad".
If this thing involves a gun then yes, the courts do kind of kick your ass.
I thought this was a daily occurrence in bippity boppity boo land
>Americans really hate each other, and the government hates its citizens
True statement, but these extreme punishments are reserved for the goyim. If a precious jew were to say burn down a church?
His punishment would be literally nothing. The judge would apologize to his fellow tribesman and ask him to remember the six million. To be white in this country is a joke.
Why would you post this?
A fucking muzzie spits in a white womans babies face and tells her white people shouldnt breed and they say two months is too harsh a punishment. Race war when!?
Same scene from a different angle.
>Drumpf supporters
Those two kids had to take a class on insensitivity
>dudes get more than double the time despite doing the same crime
>blacks don't even get brought before a court for doing this shit all the time
Cucks still try to say white and male privilege is a thing.
>Jose Ismael Torres
>Media reports them as white
>If they were a victim of something
>Media would report them as Mexican
>Jose Ismael Torres
>Trump supporter
Somehow I don't think so
>Mentally ill and delusional people on the far end of a political spectrum do stupid things that land them prison time
More news at 11.
I hate reasing cases like this they are so unjust objectively sentencing should reflect the crime not be disproportinate to make a statement and beyond what is just.
There are people that physically assault people in the most violent way and get off with a slap on the wrist
jap you're on fire today
what a bunch of bulshit..30 years? thats like for a murder, in my country you are not getting charged for saying bad stuff
fucking commie country usa
fucking (((judges)))
((Jude-ges)) ;^)
>retards doing retarded things get retarded amounts of prison time
Who gives a fuck. When did Sup Forums start concerning itself with defending degenerate nigger dipshits just because they're white?
What's wrong with white ppl?
what is wrong with the government?
>black person says "all whites must die"
>nobody gives a fuck
>white person says "kill niggers"
>gets 30 years
so how is this a crime? screaming words a crime bye bye freedom of speech. did a nigger get hanged ? NO so why are they jailed
>He has a Spaniard last name
>That makes him non-white, hurr durr
Fucking Sup Forums I swear
Because they are white. Zero tolerance for whites in the USA. Now if a precious jew is arrested, they are quickly freed, no matter the crime.
Whites will sit on a jury, and send you and me to jail for decades, just to suck up to the jewish judge and prove they are not 'racists'
My own race is nothing but cucks and retards, and SJW.
>last name
His whole name is foreign, wetback
>Jose Torres
Is this one of the mythical creatures known as "white mexicans" that I keep hearing about so often from our cucaracho friends on this board?
The cuckening of the USA
Could be Cuban.
You know who's a foreign too?
Trumps mother
Contrary to popular belief Sup Forums doesnt hate all immigrants, just the illegal ones that are simply a drain on the country
>just the illegal ones
Nope, the non-white ones in general. They will always end up working in a group against us.
Even if as individuals they might be okay, if they have kids here they've already gone too far.
>Sentence will be overturned on appeal.
>Any decent lawyer will be able to dismiss the association and misapplication of the street gang act.
>Jose Torres (lol white hispanic)
>pulling up to an 8 year olds bday party and threatening to "kill y'all niggers"
Pretty fucked up. Wont get them 30 years though.
Punishment must fit the crime. 30 years would be a clear violation of the 8th amendment. 30 years in prison for yelling words will never happen.
If somehow they don't get this overturned, there should be rioting and armed resistance because this sets a terrifying precedence and abuse of judicial power.
Is this a photoshop?
>30 years in prison for saying naughty n word
Why is this allowed?
Why is no one doing anything about it?
Are we forever cucked?
they threatened them with weapons.
>suburban and rural retards have 1 more gf than you ever have or will, which is zero
T. Nerd virgin
>Jose Torres
threatening with weapons doesn't get you 30 years
Too long? 12 years for the guy and 6 for the woman. She'll be out in two. They're fine.
They deserve to lose their children. Hopefully they go to some nice black families while their parents are in prison (they definitely will).
I've been saying it for years, beaners are the most racist niggers on the planet. They hate black people more than anyone else.
>30 years in prision for waving flags around
what the fuck what retard judge served these people, it would be like 4 months maybe 6 but 30 years thats over the line.
so that fat Harambe ghost busters bitch says she wants to punch white women and every black person on the internet calls white people crackers etc
b but this is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse... somehow
Terroristic threats and intimidation is more than yelling words, my friend
They didn't get 30 years, you illiterate racist.
How are "hate crime" laws not, in fact, hate speech laws?
If I shoot a black man, I get X years in prison. If I shoot him after calling him a nigger, I get X+Y years in prison where the additional Y years are for it being a "hate crime" as evidenced by my calling him a nigger, "hate speech".
"Hate crime" is the act of engaging in free speech while in the act of committing a crime. All "hate crime" legislation should be abolished under the First Amendment as unconstitutional.
All activist judges should be hanged.
Can any of you retards read? The woman got six years, the dude got 12. They'll be out in half that.
Watch the video.
If I was one of those niggers I would have shot them, and I would have been justified in doing so.
There have been rapists who have slit throats and left their victims to die who have had shorter sentences.
Yep. They're lucky they weren't shot. It would have been self defense, too.
still over the fucking line for flag waving who fucking cares uh racist flag an shiettt, some blacks have black nationalist afro picks and scream black powa and mexicans punch whites and noone complains about that shit.
>Guy was pointing his shotgun at them and threatening to kill the kids
think that may have been an important factor
A fucking leaf needs to be added to this.
I sincerely doubt they'll both serve the full sentences, but the kicker here was the threats and the gun.
If you want to call a pack of wild niggers a pack of wild niggers there's not much of a crime there. If you're doing it while threatening to kill them and pointing a goddamn shotgun at them... well... you're a fucking idiot.
Learn to read. Its a combined sentence and the deserve it anyway for threatening people with guns.
ok i didnt see shit about that, now that lands you in atleast almost 10 years. Ok thread dismissed for me
I see a couple of white trash idiots who brandished guns in public. If they had just been calling blacks niggers in public, I could support this, but instead they were acting like niggers themselves.
With that said, "hate crime" laws are stupid and it's ridiculous that they probably got more time just because it was racially motivated. Waving around a gun in public doesn't magically become worse just because you were hating niggers while doing it.
>so how is this a crime?
Calls for acts of violence or threatening violence is a criminal act, albeit a fairly low one. Just because you never see BLM or antifa prosecuted for violating it doesn't mean it's not actually law.
Everything above this which they were charged with is in violation of the First Amendment.
Every black who has ever been in trouble has tried babbling about fantasy racists. The major legacy of Obama is a huge number of judges who have started a policy of believing them. These people probably either did nothing or did a much less serious version of what is being claimed.
30 years for that
i just watched the news about the flag on my tv, didnt mention a shot gun just he screamed at the kids and threatened the parents if your gonna ask me.
It's not your speech they're charging you with, it's the fact that your speech proves your intent. You didn't want to just kill someone, you wanted to kill a nigger for just for being a nigger.
This. We must demand Constitutional rights without compromise.
This. What I don't get is - why? What did these retards think was going to happen? I'd understand it more if they had actually gone on a killing spree and forfeited their freedom or lives afterwards. At that point it would be like, okay, generic crazy people, sure, whatever.
Instead they wanted to put a shotgun in some niggies' faces and... walk away? Wait for the cops to come pick them up? Did they not realize what was coming? Stupid. Just really stupid. Guessing they're on meth or something.
Clearly you've never met an old Asian person
What difference does it make if a murderer wants to kill someone just for being black or kill someone just for fun? The fact they're trying to kill someone as a premeditated crime without self-defense justification is all that matters.
To examine motivation any further than
1. Was it a reasonable case of self-defense?
2. Was it premeditated?
is to violate the First Amendment.
People get threatened with weapons in America every day no one gets 30 years
Jose is a name used in Spain, retard. Could very well be Cuban.
>30 yrs
>terroristick threats
This is the worst thing sandniggers have done to this country. A fucking year is a long time in jail. They flew a flag and insulted people. WTF is this country coming to?
I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm just telling you how it is.
>With that said, "hate crime" laws are stupid and it's ridiculous that they probably got more time just because it was racially motivated. Waving around a gun in public doesn't magically become worse just because you were hating niggers while doing it.
Agreed, but the point of the law is to make an example out of white trash idiots like these. So the law is working.
I know how it is, and how it is is clearly in violation of the First Amendment. Unfortunately, certain judges are happy to see the Constitution violated when it fits their agenda.
We need to press the case that this is a First Amendment violation and call for an end to "hate crime" legislation.
too early for this shit nigel.
Meanwhile, under obunga you can't even have pinups anymore. Any milfafs know if they reversed that?
Cuban = Mexican
Everything south of the border is Mexico.
That's what I learned here.
Jesus fucking Christ
I swear you racists are all illiterate morons
No wonder you love Trump
They didn't get 30 years for waving a flag
They got 12+6 for threatening to kill children and waving guns
The children will be twice the racists the parents are in that case.
>Don't hurt anybody
>charged with "making terroristic threats" for a bit of cheeky banter
>13 years in prison
This country is going to hell.
No, the point of the law is to harshly punish wrongthink. I don't think that they needed to go to jail for 30 years for this shit. They probably would have gotten 1/4th of the time if they had done the exact same thing minus making it racial. I find that to be absurd, and there's no reason point to it - and it will ALWAYS be abused if possible. White guy kills a black guy always becomes a game where the DA tries to "prove" the white guy is racist. Why? Because you can give them twenty more years for that shit. Dumb law.
>the point of the law is to make an example out of
That's not supposed to be the point of any law. The point of laws in the US is to stop one person from violating another person's rights.
Pointing a gun at someone and threatening them is a crime and correctly so. Pointing a gun at someone and threatening them while calling them a nigger is the same crime plus free speech.
"Making an example out of" someone for engaging in free speech in addition to their crime is terrible precedent and completely undermines the rule of law.
Same thing, and did they really threaten children or was it niglets? Fuck you nigger
30 fucking years.
God damn, if driving around with a confederate flag can earn you up to 30 years in prison I might as well run over a pack of niggers in a BLM protest.
AntiFags are getting 10 years for assaulting trashcans during the inauguration.
I see nothing wrong here.
Read the fucking article you dimwit, nobody got 30 years.
Go back to the_donald or wherever your low IQ ilk came from. Sup Forums is a board for intelligent people.
They threatened to kill party goers and he pointed a shotgun at someone. At a fucking child's birthday party.
Those faggots deserve to rot in prison. Let some dignified white people race their children. People like that don't deserve to be in society.
Hitler was sentenced to prison too. Political criminals in the US who stand up against ZOG and the anti-white Jewish extremist agenda are persecuted with the harshest extend of the law. The goyim are considered as cattle for the chosen people to lord over and if one of them steps out of line they will shut them down. Make no mistake, the Jews are the Aryans most fervent and committed enemy. Like in the parable The Time Machine by HG Wells, the Aryan Eloi are too naive, child-like and innocent to resist the depraved and brutal Semitic reign of terror of the Morlock who parasitically prey on the Eloi as food.
This is a holy war for our race's survival and it will only end when the naive and child-like Aryans stand up against the Jewish bullying and Jewish terror, this insurmountable Goliath, to once and for all rectify the cosmic injustice and atrocities our race has had to suffer at the hands of these depraved Jews.
Still to long of a sentence.