Drumpf BTFO thread? Drumpt BTFO thread.
Anti-Drumpf memes
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This picture is 100% true. Drumpf is an embarrassment.
Pretty much this. He is a fucking coward.
I can't believe Putin is our new president...
Don't proxy in this thread.
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Still better then Hillary, you know it's true.
he's finished
Yeah, a Russian puppet with a low IQ and is easily influenced by Bannon.... You're lucky you don't live in this shit hole
Thanks for the daily reminder that Trump won the presidency
If trump is low iq, what does that say about you?
Proof he has played golf?
*lost popular vote by the largest margin in over 50 years
I hope you're not looking forward to him winning in 2020...
Reply to my thread
I'm with Trudeau here #RESIST
Thank you, my Irish friend. You guys had the right idea when you petitioned to ban him
Who directs rockets by your phone?
Who raids neighbours like a cyclone?
We do, we do!
Who genocides and then dindus?
Who hides behind the evil Jews?
We do, we do!
Who holds back the rocket ruse?
Who robs cockholes of any use?
We do, we do!
Who rigs every damn election?
Who cancels your erection?
We do!
We do!
He's played golf with some important people like Japan's PM. So that shit's politically relevant.
Hemloai adsafa
Aleios mor na fael
mae nave lar lamle
build upon the pyramid tonight?
Klumpft is finished
You should be fucking ashamed of yourself. Your "government" is nothing more than a regime that preys on fair democracies. I hope your country crashes and burns like it did in during the fall of the Soviet Union.
Russians are fucking pigs. Enjoy your diseased ridden backwards shit hole you call a country.
Silly, silly James.
You're mistaking Russia for a tyrannical regime-controlled government.
We know what our government is, and we like it. We desired stricter laws, and we got them: we desired harsher punishments for bad driving, ways to counter smoking spread, and we got that. Now we desire less strict laws, and we will get them.
And you are merely a dog, loyal to the disgusting, faceless machine that you dare call government.
A net of career politicians, trying their hardest to rich off innocents.
Difference is, our government, if to listen to you, preys on foreign innocents, other innocents.
Yours preys on you.
Nigger what
I think you'll like this one too!
>ISIS on the ropes
>Russians might be on friendly terms soon
>Chinese are likely to let Kim Jong UN be overthrown soon
>Jews love us
>muzzies terrified and oil still down with no chance to rise
>immigration executive order WILL be upheld by SCOTUS and several other cases involving immigration will be seen in the coming months
>wall is going up
>immigration crackdown ramping up
>trannies bathroom shit gone
>birthright citizenship likely to be gone within a year or 2
>NATO countries working hard to meet their 2% targets
No, he's doing what he said and likely more to get us where we need to be.
He wants his country on top forever.
>Oh look the "leftist" Serb working on his daily (you) harvest
Have a (you) on me
My name is not James.
"You're mistaking Russia for a tyrannical regime-controlled government"
It is, how long has Putin been in power??
We know what our government is, and we like it. We desired stricter laws, and we got them"
Whatever keeps the soviet steam train rolling...
Your government has illegally invaded other countries and violated the Geneva Convention. You don't know what actual freedom is
Haha wow all these memes are just great fellow 4chans
How do I delete a photo?
It's like almost everyone forgot he had a roast of himself on Comedy Central. He definitely does not have thin skin. He sincerely doesn't give a fuck, it's all an act.
Have you seen his Twitter??
more like Donald Chump
Putin has approval rating in 90% range ever since Crimea. He is viewed hightly positively, as the economic damage that followed the Crimea reunion is seen as imposed by West for messing up your plans.
Additionally, what do you know about freedom? I am free to download anything I desire, copyright be damned. I am free to ever nail my balls to red square if I do desire, worst outcome is someone punches me in the face or I get public order disorder charges or whatever you call that.
Russians live freely, for those who desire to cause anarchy or chaos are taken down. Our media is allowed to say what they want: problem is, nobody is obliged to watch them, so those who spout anti-Russian rhetoric or just get in way of how things should be according to the majority get little to no ad revenue, as very few watch the.
Our most troublesome region by now provides us with high-class troops to send to Ukraine and Syria.
If a ruler is approved by the vast majority. Is he a tyrant? Is his rule unjust?
And what is legal invasion? International law matters for those who are not strong enough to disobey it. And that includes a lot of countries, mister waterboarding.
>Waah Drumpf will get us into another war in the Middle East!
>He could've spent this money on feeding them poor rapefugees!
>Hahaha Drumpf promised to destroy ISIS and didn't do it
>What a coward lmao
Really makest thou thinketh
You too
>Putin has approval rating in 90% range ever since Crimea.
>If a ruler is approved by the vast majority. Is he a tyrant?
t. Levada-Center
>Poorly recapping a wikipedia page
>eloquently explaining
you mean the roast where he demanded that no one be allowed to make jokes about how much money he has? yeah totally not thin skinned.
wtf i hate drumpf now
The media is just salty they don't get to attend tax payer funded parties all the time now like they did with Obama.
fake news
Man, 2ch isn't the majority.
To be fair I don't know of any other good enough sources. Mainly because never had a need to find them, really.
Where can I get less definitely biased towards Putin statistics?
Alright then.
things arent fake just because they expose the shitty man child for the giant faggot he is.
Good point. Sans the language at the end there..
We all know who calls the shots.
Libertarian, didn't vote for him, but when you look at the facts abstractly and what he's attempting to do, I just don't get the autistic screeching from the left.
He has upheld or at least attempted more policies from his campaigning then any other president I'm aware of and it has only been 2 months.
poor media
no trump
no ratings
Takei..the guy who nuked his poll when it wasn't going his way. COWARDICE. (also is a pedo)
You need better heroes user.
Lib central radio show NPR defended Trump today by saying the correspondents dinner was the swamp he is trying to drain. Even leftist are BTFO leftists now
So ignoring the fact that he has never called "The Free Press & Media" "The Enemy of The American People." again? What he had tweeted, that they continually go on about, is: "The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!"
He listed 5 news organizations that have run incorrect stories. That on its own isn't the issue. The issue is that, even when the stories of proven not true, those organizations make very little, or more often, no effort to clear up their mistakes, nor do they do anything to punish those within their organization that consistently produce significantly factually flawed news stories.
They claim that all their stories are completely accurate, and in so doing are refuting that there is any mistake or fabrication of any kind on any article, meaning they lend their personal voucher of credibility as a brand to those false stories. That is why he said those news outlets are part of the fake news that is The Enemy of The American People.