>yfw Justin Trudeau gets to have sex with this every night while you jack off to anime and cry yourself to sleep after eating 4 Pepperoni Pizza Hot Pockets
Yfw Justin Trudeau gets to have sex with this every night while you jack off to anime and cry yourself to sleep after...
>hot grill dates man with money and prestige
more news at 11
>he gets to watch men have sex with his wife
>implying trudeau isn't in a cuckshed while arab refugees fuck his wife
Who's arm is that tugging at the lady's sleeve? The bull?
>implying he isn't getting cucked like his Dad
I just saw this earlier today
>gets to have sex with this every night
>every night
They've been married like 12 years, user. He'd be lucky to get any once a week at this point.
As a married man who never has a god damn second to himself, devouring 4 pepporini pizza hot pockets while jacking off sounds like pure bliss
I mean look at that picture.
She is literally holding trudeau by the balls.
I wouldn't be surprised if she whispered into his ear "you better let in 100,000 more refugees this week or I'll pop yer balls with my bare hands"
Everybody else gets to have sex with her too.
Thats not how marriage works.
I have sex like three times a week.
Actually Trudeau and his wife are the perfect example of a white, traditionalist family.
Trump on the other hand married some Russian slav woman who he cucked with another woman's children.
Trudeau is shit but that's the one aspect of him that's redeemable.
fuckin eh
>Every night
Someone has a very rose colored goggles idea of how often married couples have sex.
I think you meant to say that his wife has sex every night and he cries himself to sleep
Justin gets pegged by his wife
Yeah, but he's king leaf... I'm good right where I am.
As a single man, devouring 4 hot pockets and jacking off- dear god i want to die its the same shit everyday.
he maybe gets sloppy seconds, but TBQH I think she's a psyop hiding his homosexuality
My gf is more attractive.
Especially by nazi/pol standards.
Is this Canadian intelligence? Who mines this shit
You mean he watches in the corner while she gets spit roasted by two Somalian immigrants
Pepperoni hot pockets are delicious though. I buy the giant packs of them at Costco, shit's dank
Yeah right, bitch. You think that's what I do?
I eat philly cheese steak hot pockets. Get it right.
I'm not jealous of Nero for pretending things are okay while everything burns to the ground, and I'm not jealous of Trudeau.
That describes about 1% of the people on here...and that 1% is still part of our family. Suck my dick, leftist. Saged.
I thought that counted as a win in his book?
Get off that proxy (((Leaf)))
I don't cry about it at all!
The " top of the pyramid " liberals in a nut shell.
> I will act very conservative, reserved, respectful and wholesome but I want everyone else to have the right to be degenerate and pitiful and dumb as fuck instead of making them do as I do which succeeded for me like a fascist would
The only thing more retarded than liberal is rightard
>after eating 4 Pepperoni Pizza Hot Pockets
I want trudeau to prove paternity of his children, then I will respect him in that regard. (not his politics)
Is there a political argument in all that namecalling and assertion?
He loves pizza?
Actually, he's prepping me for next. Right now
My wife is literally 100x hotter than that cow.
Not even joking.