What does it say about Drumpf, Sup Forums?
What does it say about Drumpf, Sup Forums?
I hear Satan wrote the first Occupy Democrat post.
Will you disavow? Huh? Will you? Will you disavow? Why haven't you disavowed? Why won't you just disavow?
>David Duke
>kkk leader
most of the time i hate him, but then i remember he is a narcissist, which is an incurable personality disorder which renders him incapable of true empathy. he can't help himself, he is an animal with a large brain, operating by pure impulse. he deserves our pity, as all personality disordered people do, but they must NEVER be given ANY power or authority. he should have been given a large mansion by his father, and a nice trust fund that he can draw say 100,000 a year from, on the condition that he never start ANY business, and that the employees at his mansion are all managed by his trustee.
It says Drumpf is a great choice tbhfam, MAGA.
What kind of a name is Dick Chibbles, though?
Daily reminder David duke hasnt been associated with the kkk for over 3 decades ..Robert Byrd on the other hand...
>"Nobody knew that healthcare could be so complicated." -President Donald Trump
Notice how they put "pro-rape" in quotations. It's almost as if they know it isn't true, but don't want to be sued for defamation. Really riles up my prefrontal cortex.
Health insurance =//= health care
A true uniter of all people
Whoever made this seriously needs to go outside.
Daily reminder Canadians are not people
Fuck off shill.
Remember to sage.
inside I know Trump is a shitty person, but then I see shit like this and it makes me pissed and want to defend him. I'm so conflicted on the topic.
>inside I know
Translation: MUH FEELS!
Eat shit.
It says that you lost.
I don't know who did this but I sure as hell am glad they did, a nice image detailing shill tactics and how to combat them
chop off those first three words if it flairs your autism then.
Duke endorsed Hillary.
>Occupy Democrats
Every fucking time
why isn't my name on there? i bought a hat.