PBS is now literally pushing the We Wuz Kangs myth on the public.
There's a trend going on Twitter for it now:
PBS is now literally pushing the We Wuz Kangs myth on the public.
There's a trend going on Twitter for it now:
Other urls found in this thread:
Why don't you watch it? You might learn something.
>We invented Iron
Tell me Sup Forums, is this meme entirely false?
First episode
Nothing wrong with it except the writing comes off as a bit too defensive.
But what do you expect? They're talking about legit African contributions but all their lives people have been telling them that Africa never had anything to contribute. Of course they're going to be defensive.
We wuz kangz has gone beyond just crank history shit its being pushed as actual education material and politicaly. Needs to stop.
cucks actually want taxes to pay for this shit
About as true as the claim that Niggers built america. no they didn't build shit. They were farm equipment.
And in egypt it was exactly the same.
Sorry Klaus, wrong again
Besides the egyptians and carthaginians, what else would they cover? Isn't it fine if they do portray them as their actual skin colour and not as WE WUZ KANGS?
its not WE WUZ, these were great civilizations and none of them have anything to do with any of today's dindus.
Nice try Schlomo.
It'd be extremely difficult considering that they can't go "WE WUZ CRTAGINIANS N SHEEIT" because it is very well documented that they are light skinned and are from modern day Lebanon where the Phoenicians lived. There's really NEVER been an actual African civilization (in terms of race) that has ever created a successful society without direct foreign influence controlling the growth. Even then, that's a VERY low number of civilizations that could fit that.
Nice how you slipped in that equivocation.
Funny how whenever Africans achieve something, somehow it's because they're partly white, or had white influence, or whatever.
I thought we pulled the plug on PBS?
Songhay, Zimbabwe, Zulu, Nri, just off the top of my head.
Africa is a lot bigger than you probably realize, and there's a lot of real history (and pre-history) there that should be better known. That's why it's always so disappointing to see shows like this, usually they gloss over or miss completely the real stuff and spend a lot of time getting moist over some crackpot with a ludicrous theory that doesn't even make sense.
The egypt thing is stupid anyway because the "black" people near egypt were east african. Not negroid west africans.
Its like saying irish were responsible for japan.
Was hoping that image was the one with the slightly smaller Africa within it. You've disappointed me.
Guarantee 80% of it will be North Africa, the rest being West Africa around Mali.
Deep in DA CONGO never produced anything. I'm sure they'll talk of "Great Zimbabwe" though. Despite the fact it was still well behind its time.
That fucking fake ass nigger 'doctuh" Louis Gates, introduced some shit on PBS for historical bullshit on niggers throughout the world. The one in particualr that was so laughable was the history of nigger in Mexico. Gates made it seem that Mexico was saved by niggers from Spain. The majority were both of Meztizo and Pure Bloods, with 1 or 2 niggers here and there, Not to mention giving prominence to so village nigger that make up less than 6% of the population, as if they created the whole country itself.
Oh shit, they WOKE
Africa looks more like a flacid cock.
>Africa's Great Civilizations
Why are they making a fifteen second long show?
Egyptians weren't niggers
Jesus christ lmao
this is why this shit is getting defunded
Man please don't post those racist comments, imagine being a kid watching these video, or the professor.
Cmon pol..
>Great Zimbabwe
>not built by itinerant Arabs
You're really falling for the "we wuz" narrative.
Axum Kingdom. So yeah, not entirely false.
I remember taking this humanities class back in 09 and some nig was going on about the whole kangz shit. I was only 19 at the time and not very red pulled but had an extensive knowledge of history and then completely shut his shit down. I asked if he knew where he African ancestors came from said no "we wiz stolen from the motherland" or some other such nonsense. I then went on to explain how the vast majority of African slaves in North America came from the western cape and how it was the Arabs and northern Africans that started the African slave trade. The. Went on to explain how Egypt was a multicultural society that he leaders of different and mixed races and how his ancestors most likely had absolutely nothing to do and never reached or even knew of the Nile river valley. Professor backed me up, then it was the whole "bix nood muh dick cracka" bullshit. Was fucking excellent, honeslty thinking of going back to get a minor in marketing just to fuck with this current generation of faggots entering college.
>Besides the egyptians and carthaginians, what else would they cover?
In all honest i dont think Africans had any civilsation at all until they met people from Asia (middleeast) and Europeans.
Early explorers were vary detailed about them and they were just cannibal savages.
they were barbaric as they come when we arrived. they had no wheel, no calendar, no written language. how the fuck were they suppose to record history?
don't believe the social "scientists", they're all guessing.
What do you consider civilisation? Towns and cities where people live permanently?
Sure, itinerant Arabs thousands of miles off course built a city far, far from the coast, maintained it for generations, then disappeared without a trace. Just because you don't want to admit that black people can build things.
Africans had the first steel at least.
No. This shit is insane.
shaka was ok, the rest were shit mate.
>usually they gloss over or miss completely the real stuff
The problem with a lot of the "real stuff," is the oral history doesn't match the archaeology and then you have some areas where just about no real archaeology was done. Taking the oral history at face value is like pretending the Torah or the Iliad is an exact historical account, total nonsense. The majority of it was made up to aggrandize someone who came much later.
With Mali and Songhai there are third party historical accounts. With most of the interior there is nothing to go on but folk legend. Interesting stories for sure, but nothing evident enough to be more than Kangz-tier. Africans were never known for their historicity.
>25th dynasty
>after all the cool shit had been done
>men with guns in an entrenched position vs men with wooden spears and shields
There were some great kingdoms in West Africa that's for sure, at least in terms of size and wealth. But all their rulers ever did was spend money hiring arabs and berbers to build them big mosques while most of their people wallowed in the dirt. Their technology advancement was negligible.
This is how the Australian aborigines are zero historical records all oral. Yet their word is supposed to be undisputable.
Its just fact and what usually happens if you mention it around a leftist is they get triggered.
>men vs. (((men)))
That poor little nigglet, those eyes :(
Whose fault is it they hadnt invented guns?
No one is arguing with you there, still, Zulu are an interesting page in history and Shaka Zulu is a great story to tell, and so is the war with the England, and how the culture has intermingled or interacted with south african culture.
No doubt there are african tribes who used iron tools and weaponry even while europeans and and middle easterns did.
No doubt they build cities and civilizations, perhaps even codes of law.
But since they didn't write anything fucking down they left 0 cultural footprint on the world.
We know about the assyrians using iron very early on. We know about the phoenician traders and early system of writing. We know about greek philosophers and conquerors.
Why? Because they left monuments and wrote that fucking shit down. I don't care about black history because there barely is any black history.
>Not enjoying comfy doccos
Havent seen this one. But ive seen plenty about africa civilisations. They can be pretty cool if they keep it true to facts etc. When they start saying shit like
>equal to rome
>more advanced than the force that colonised them
It becomes boring as batshit. When they tell the facts and how those people lived its really interesting
>inb4 hurr durrr still savages
Yea that may be true but they can still be fascinating.
Not watching these things because hurr niggers is stupid. Watch them and learn and if you cant tell whats lies and whats true yoyrs retarded and shouldnt be allowed to have an opinion
indeed. we have quite a storied history for such a "new" country.
The thing about kangz logic and why its so crazy is blacks don't have a limit to what they claim.
They claim anything was invented by them if they hear one fake history meme about something.
All civilsations they claim are blacks.
You do not see this from white people, look at weebs they are obsessed with japan but never claim to actually be japanese.
The only other group ive seen like this is turkish we wuzers but thats another topic.
>Construction of the stone buildings started in the 11th century and continued for over 300 years.[2] The ruins at Great Zimbabwe are some of the oldest and largest structures located in Southern Africa, and are the second oldest after nearby Mapungubwe in South Africa.
>by 1100 they were able to make fucking stone huts
But yeah, negroids totally aren't retarded.
>tfw 2 lieutenants against zulu prince
couldn't be more relevant,
These two adventurers, one from the icy north
and the other a native, are about to make the
jungle even steamier. Because it's been such a
while since I last drew people in love.
Unfortunately the backdrop was an
afterthought when setting up this piece's
composition. If I were to take another shot at
it, I would have moved the couple a little to the
right, and maybe add a curious dinosaur
peeking from the undergrowth. The girl's
costume drew a few influences from concept
art for the game Diablo III's female Witch
Doctor, but I wasn't sure how to dress the guy
besides making him shirtless. In the end he
came out resembling a blond Conan.
This autistic guy just made a black Egyptians mod for civ Vl
Afaik Africa has no written history but they did have medical texts and stuff that were reasonably advanced. Western Africa was no joke for awhile, but they squandered their unbelievable wealth and reach and somehow devolved into a people that sold each other into slavery for a couple rifles.
we wuz nuclear physicists n sheeit
You're like Australia B
They had guns. The rifles on the zulu side probably outnumbered the rifles on the afrikaans side, depending on which source you read.
probably from the ear wrecking screeches they do, to this day
fucking sad isn't it. they always troll us in sport as well, especially cricket.
we do have our moments though.
someone please give me a (you)
This guy is the new chrischan
You're confused. Arabs living in North Africa had reasonably advanced medical texts after conquering Iran, Syria, Byzantium, and raiding and capturing Greeks and Spaniards for several generations. I wouldn't suggest they didn't innovate at all, but it was mostly trying to record the knowledge of their slaves and conquered libraries.
The Arab conquests covered all of the old Christian empire, much of Eastern Europe, they took the entire Mediterranean for centuries and raided all of Southern Europe, and they completely captured North Africa and Spain. This was the intellectual center of the world at the time, it's no surprise they had advanced technology after everything was said and done.
Well he's definitely an autist, he's not a bad artist though
Why would you assume that they were thousands of miles off course?
They were likely scouting out new trade routes and decided Zimbabwe was a good place to set up a base
In any case, there's literally no evidence that it was built by niggers.
They found arab pottery and artifacts that could only have come via the Silk Road trading network there.
Yet somehow we are to believe that sub saharans built it, used to trade with the far east, then magically one day forgot everything that made them civilized in the first place.
All of the evidence points to it not being built by sub saharans. The only reason they perpetuate that nonsense is to give them self esteem so they can say "we wuz kangs".
The trailer didn't say anything about race. Looked interesting.
It's not a city either. It's just a fort.
I remember seeing loads of blacks trying to kickstart black supremacist video games. They were full ancient aliens level insane. They even managed to get the help of some shit libcuck artists. They were all pathetic failures.
Cherry picking the ONE Nubian dynasty after Egypt was long established
>They found arab pottery and artifacts that could only have come via the Silk Road trading network there.
arabs were sailing the indian ocean down to madagascar and mozambique at the same time, no reason the pottery couldn't be taken inland
Right, but the point is it was taken inland by non-niggers
It's really annoying that people even give credence to the notion that niggers built Great Zimbabwe when all the evidence suggests that's impossible.
There were some native kingdoms in Africa with very primitive cities and technology. But not very extensive, they knew some basic metal making, but again this was below Dark Middle Ages technology level.
>they knew some basic metal making
Copper and gold?
>this was below Dark Middle Ages technology level
Basic metalworking is possible in the stone age using native metals that require no processing at all. The rest of the world was mining on a large scale and some parts had access to steel even in prehistory. Extracting metal from ore, or even reliably locating, accessing, and breaking up ore is what Africans could not do.
It may look like basic metalworking and advanced Middle Ages metalworking are fairly similar in concept but there is a massive gap in technology. Natives in America used copper tools to help shape flint because it was heavy and hard, but they were ultimately making stone tools.
Cool link
I was thinking about this today, and how whenever you see anglosphere team up group shots or comics or whatever its always New Zealand and I was thinking, why the fuck would they put in new zeland before SA
yeah actually, fuck, Irish should be yellow soldier and south africa should be black solider and new zealand should be uuuuh Alpha 5!
>The last Dynasty of Egypt was nigger controlled before Egypt collapsed
Why do niggers ruin everything?
oh shit someone get tyrone to say "we wuz kings n shit" on youtube PLEASE!
t-the war isn't fair, wez iz hav no gunz p-put down your guns and fite us 1 on 1 white boi
The closest places they would have actually wanted to go were a long ways away. Madagascar, yes, and that's a very long ways away from Great Zimbabwe. Arabs stuck to the coasts, and particularly to areas that had navigable harbors and trading opportunities, even when they were active in Madagascar they rarely if ever made landfall on the continent, there were few places to harbor and nothing there to attract them. Your theory requires them not only to make landfall on the south-east african coast somewhere, but then to march inland for several hundred miles. There's no logical reason for them to have done that, and no evidence whatsoever that they did.
It's not 'just a fort' but as is typical with ancient cities the walls of the fort are the most obvious thing surviving.
Is that the poor bugger who died recently?
i checked his deviant he's been drawing black egyptians since literally 2013, at least.
what in the fuck man
Even the Russians figured out throwing enough bodies works how could Africans not.
Russians had guns and higher IQ
Is that a map of how we should have devided it up?
Just gonna leave this here
>queens were muzzled
>chanting of certain words
Because no one wanted to hear dindu nufins for hours on end.
pretty much