Since asians have high IQ and niggers have best physical body, so why whites have triumphed?
What makes whites so special?
Combination of IQ, EQ, empathy, creativity, passion, aggression..
Just a perfect balance. We're the pinnacle of humanity.
Niggers are shorter and have the highest rate of obesity of any race in the entire world......
Tactical efficiency and precision weaponry
Niggers also arent the best at every sport
>Pretty much any sport dependent on muscle control
Yeah and being better overall parents basically. The species that takes better care of it's children tends to survive and outlast others and keep evolving. White's know what love is and what family means and are willing to fight and protect it.
This leads to a drive to build and maintain stable civilizations. Where the other human races are still a bit more animalistic, which leads to the chimpanzees drive of conquering and subjugating to get extra resources.
>niggers have best physical body
There's more to success than sheer brain power. Whites have many favorable traits that dont show up on IQ tests. Also, thanks for the fap fodder
>niggers have best physical body
No, this is what most blacks look like. Lanklets with orangutan arms
We express a lot more competitive individuality than other races/cultures and we drink a shit load of beer.
When you put these two things together you put stuff in space and wake up in a stranger's front yard the next morning.
Innovative thinking. Asians are less creative than whites.
Environmental and political factors :
Cold winters that kill off nasty diseases but required planning and cooperation to survive
Christianity that unified Europe under a common religion, allowing somewhat limited warfare and lending legitimacy to monarchs across the continent.
Constant competition between different people that had to keep innovating to stay relevant, unlike China that stagnated after becoming unified
this pic is boner inducing
Here's a little higher res.
and they look the best, and they're the most agreeable, and they're responsible for by far the most of any human accomplishments, and extraordinary cultural achievements (Beethoven, Mozart, Michelangelo)
I mean there's no doubt they're the highest-tier race.
>niggers have best physical body
then why are whites the heaviest lifters in the world? see olympic weightlifting, reads like a nordic phonebook.
>niggers have best physical body
When will this meme die?
Most blacks in the us are smaller, weaker, fatter than the average white!
The jewish media scammed you good, bruh!
>best body
wew lad
i think it's our unique looking featuers and creativity.
even the other day i see this really pretty white girl and her white boyfriend walk by and this mexicans girls after she passed said 'they're so pretty' we are truly aesthetic.
The triumph, however, was rather short-lived. The period of European Superiority over Asia is something around 200-300 years, which can't be called a triumph.
As for the niggers, their advantage that shines in primitive and uncivilized hunting and survival, is completely irrelevant.
Because of the stiff upper lip of the British.
whos the girl
>We're the pinnacle of humanity.
So how do you explain liberals? How do you explain democrats? McCain? CNN? Clintons? All those fucking liberals whining about everything (70% or more white by the way)? How do you explain all that?
>whos the girl
funny that you have to ask (((whats))) behind that.
>white people
>most furries
>most trannies
>most feminists
>most libtards
>most serial killers
>most pedos
>most fucked-up people in general
>pinnacle of humanity
The World
Potentially, not cherrypickingly, yes, they are superior.
51% of white women voted Trump, something like 68% of white men voted Trump.
The liberals and commies are mostly non-whites. It's just that kikes put up jewish figureheads who are really loud and obnoxious and they portray themselves as white when they are really kikes.
>ice skating
>horse riding
>water polo
The list goes on.
Black people are only good at football, basketball, baseball, Track, and boxing
greece and rome was far more impressive than anything china did
Alright, so you blame them, that's fine. How do you explain whites being so stupid that they parrot whatever they're told and become liberals? It means they can't think for themselves.
Also, if white people are so superior, how is it that they are so easily controlled and manipulated by Jews?
Common filths on pol now sheeeit
We're the best of both worlds. Not tiny and weak like chinks, and not stupid like niggers.
Post more tits
Least serial killers, asians have the most trannies, most pedo's are found among spics, highest collection of inbreeding is found in Africa and the middle east.
The only thing that you said that was actually right was furries. And there are more gay niggers than whites.
Long term planning due to shitty climate and constant wars.
>niggers have best physical body
its because us whites huddled in caves and fires during winters so weird shit went down.
environments cause things to genetically encode thus the reason niggers are useless hteir envionrment made them useless.
all products of the jews.
excuse me goy, but it's jews who have the highest IQ
Except that's bullshit, just look at the UFC heavyweight champ Stipe Miocic is a Croatian, Bisping (Brit) on middleweight and Conor (Irish) on lightweight.
All sports that rely on mental ability niggers suck at, all they really have is basketball and running.
>Since asians have high IQ and niggers have best physical body, so why whites have triumphed?
Orientals have a batshit crazy heiroglypic writing system that kept the majority of their population illiterate well into the 20th century.
Who's the girl
Not a question tee hee ;)
European civilization
Jews are better, sweetie.
This sounds most accurate to me.
Niggers are crazy for steroids, so they're also "good" at football. But virtually every quarterback is a white guy, and virtually every coach. The only 2 positions in the whole game that require a shred of intelligence.
Because we are winning.
Jews are leaches. They are our misfortune.
money and media control
U wot?
liberals aren't white theyr'e mainly shitskins and jews.
the mexicans, niggers, mentally ill white people are liberal because theyr'e the chess piece in destroying western civilization they're put on a pedestal by (((them))) so they lean that way.
literally what better way to subvert whites accomplishments then to demonize them, to flood their countries with useless niggers, mexicans, and muslims, to promote miscenegation to their kids, to poison them in food/water/spirit, to promote 'diversity' sentiment.
if you don't realize this you're ht problem men like me know we know and we're going to do a lot ot make sure the plan doesn't come to fruition.
the white race is about to awaken and it won't be pretty!
They are sneaky and often pose as white. They infiltrate. Easier to pose as white than black or asain.
Jews are savants.
Only a male would point out stupid loop holes rather than succumb to peer pressure and an opportunity to flaunt sexuality over the internet
We're the jack of all trades race. We're not the best at anything, but we're good at everything.
If you have a bucket containing a healthy mix of problems throughout history, and problems of the human condition, and you line up each race and dump the bucket on each of them, whites will fare the best.
This is because their body is naturally built to hoard calories for energy. When you're trying to outrun lions and shit, you burn a lot of fucking energy. So when they eat, their body stores it. The problem occurs from the fact that they're lazy as shit in the west and do little to no physical activity of any note. Out on the African plains, there would be no obesity problem.
Neanderthal DNA is highest in whites. Neanderthals had the largest brains of the ancient human subspecies.
Most people don't realize that hobbits and dwarves and all of that shit were real. Hobbits were a species of island-dwarfism retards named homo florensis, Neanderthal were short but stocky and smart, dwarves.
Pure homo sapiens never experienced significant contact with neanderthals or bred with them. This is why sub-saharan africans look so different. They're 100% homo sapien.
Whites have been obsessed with arms races in all forms of science and warfare since the beginning, or at least for the better half of the last 1000 years
That competitive nature, that was only able to form due to nations so different being neighbors, made races for the top more common
Blacks and Asians didn't really have that
Japanese vs Koreans is a fairly modern rivalry
and otherwise everyone who weren't European were to busy invading or getting invaded, or just remainsed small triibes to start measuring dicks
>responding seriously to his post
come on man
>who holds all the world's records in weight lifting
protip: it's not blacks
>most serial killers
Actually that's brown skins and blacks in 3rd world countries by a huge percentage.
No. Lady boys have been a huge thing in asia forever. Look up lady boys, new halfs, etc, etc. Also tons of black trannies
>feminists, libtards
Can't argue with that one sadly.
Not even close
>fucked up people in general
Damn that's some serious bias you have there
time and prosperity made us weak, lazy, and apathetic
It has little to do with genetics, but simply a historical fluke
>niggers have best physical body
>can't swim
>can't avoid hypothermia
Ah you just made me laugh so hard user. Thanks for that.
>Strong man
Lol fuck off
>Responding to a response responding to a response responding to a response responding to a response responding to a request
>I'm the stupid one
Chink's opinion:
White people are smart, not as smart as asians, but way smarter than niggers. White people also have one very important thing that is required for functional society that Asians don't have much of: Empathy.
Society requires citizens that trust each other. As John Derbyshire have noted, the Chinese don't trust each other, we would rather trust white people because we give each other reasons not to trust each other.
Chinese believe in winning at all cost. Individually, we think a white person is stupid for trusting people, and for being trustworthy instead of taking all that you could to win. There is this almost-paradox where we DO recognize the importance of trust, where we do get that the reason whites have a society is because they trust each other, but a Chinese person't can't do that easily, not with each other first, that's why Chinese prefer to live in white neighbourhoods, but unlike niggers, we want to to stay white and may take measures to preserve its whiteness and fit in.
Ancedote: white drama sub teacher comes to my Asian HS, tries the falling back trust exercise - asian girl behind him takes step back and he falls.
I disagree.
White people aren't brought up to think the best they can do with their lives is to throw a ball in a hoop.
Blacks know their only shot at making it is to do so.
Dwarfs were not smart, they were clock-work brains created by lower angel that created trees and all animals.
When Sauron gave them rings of power he couldn't do shit to them because they are so dumb. They never took off those rings and just used them to build those 7 Dwarven Kingdoms.
>If I run fast enough I can build a space-faring civilisation
>We're not the best at anything
Building amazing civilizations
Whites have more geniuses. Asians have higher AVERAGE IQ but their bell curve is narrow. Few retards, few geniuses. Whites have many retards, many geniuses. Our geniuses have brought us farther, faster.
Interdarsting. They ran DNA test on Otzi the Iceman and found out he had more Neanderthal DNA that we do.
That is wrong. Ancient China literally had an absolute(!) majority of the world's GDP, severally times bigger military than Romans ever had, all key ancient innovations, and, of course, the silk road caused continuous financial crisis of Rome. Greeks can't even compete. Did I mention that Rome was BTFOed by Huns, who were BTFOed by China, and that China is the only initial civilisation that was never BTFOed to this very day?
I trust what you have to say about whites, niggers and the Chinese. I'm white.
This is insufferable smugness.
This is why you're hated by the rest of humanity.
T. My Father
>Dominating in virtually every single sport. Creating virtually every invention in existence. Flying to the moon, conquering the entire world twice.
>We're not best at anything
Shills are mainly using Brazilian flags now for some reason.
I wish Germans traded autism for empathy.
China was btfo when commies destroyed most of the art produced by ancestors.
I think of that as being a sum total of a race. Because we don't fall short in any areas, our civilization ends up not falling short.
I can i agree to an extent. I'd say asians are smarter than whites, but white people are obsessive with stuff and very passionate about the things they do. Like if you think black people like weed, theres one white guy who blows them out of the water. Think you like anime? theres probably a white dude who has every anime in a collection of somesort in his house.
White people have this drive to do whatever it takes no matter what the cost, socially, emotionally,
Us asians only know how to save money at any cost. It's like we are machiavelli's perfect society.
Your father was probably a lefty homo who'd sell out his nation and people for good boy points
Lemme give you a rundown McNigger.
During Christian ruled Europe the act of lending money on interest was strictly prohibited by the Pope for all Christians. This was called usury. To take money on interest was also a sin. So Christians could not lend money to each other on interests and all money lending was basically a donation. So obviously nobody went into the business of lending money because nobody wanted to be excommunicated.
But then we introduce the Jew. In Christian Europe Jews were discriminated against for being heathens and so Jews found it hard to find jobs in basically everything because nobody wanted to hire a heathen. Although the Jews were able to lend money out on interests since there was no sin against it in Judaism. So Jews practically got forced in money lending. Essentially becoming the only gateway of loans in Europe is a pretty powerful thing. Jews became very wealthy especially when lending to big ticket clients like Monarchs and governments. Jews used this wealth to fund propoganda to get people to see usury as not such a bad thing and that Jews weren't evil either so the jews could increase their customer base. The Jews spent a ton of money on pro-jew and pro-usury publications and sometimes blackmailed monarchs into being pro-jew pro-usury publically. And we have the birth of the Jewish financial and media system.
Simple answer