This is how the freedom of speech does

Read the article before you decide the post something. This is frightening and a proof that European Union needs to fall apart immediately.

This is literally 1984 in real life.

Other urls found in this thread:

American should leave the EU, desu.

(((Who))) gets to define "offensive" speech?

Lmao what a bunch of fucking pussies. Jesus Christ man how do these people even exist?

This is good+ but unsmart to only have for inner party. All EU citizens should be monitored samewise for thought crime.

Sorry I mean crimethink. My newspeak is ungood.

it's not fascism when ((((we)))) do it

>The President may decide to interrupt the live broadcasting of the sitting in the case of defamatory, racist or xenophobic language or behaviour by a Member. The President may decide to delete from the audiovisual record of the proceedings those parts of a speech by a Member that contain defamatory, racist, or xenophobic language.

>That decision shall take immediate effect. It shall, however, be subject to confirmation by the Bureau not later than four weeks after it is taken, or, if the Bureau does not meet in that period, at its next meeting.

>The "offending" Member may also be fined up to $9,500.

literally trying to create Oceania

At least you have guns to prot-oh

Why are Europeans such fucking pussies anyway? Why do they march so willingly into slavery?

Holy shit, I can't believe this is real--
>so any right wing candidate?

Makes me glad I'm American,
Wow Europe, stop being Germany's slut.

What a niggardly attitude

It's time for you faggots to crack down on living members of European parliament. You need to start Breviking these mother fuckers.

>The President may decide to interrupt the live broadcasting of the sitting in the case of defamatory, racist or xenophobic language or behaviour by a Member. The President may decide to delete from the audiovisual record of the proceedings those parts of a speech by a Member that contain defamatory, racist, or xenophobic language.

Holy fuck, did based Nigel piss off the EU so much they had to invent a law just to get back at him?

I think this deserves that ancap smiley

I fully and wholly support this sound, great idea without being forced to do it at all nor being afraid to do otherwise.

Freedom and democracy are important.

Just freedom not shitocracy.

Let them crack down on hate speech so more women can get raped by Muslims and never speak up about it because they'll be shunned for racism if they do.

Leftist leadership is the fucking best.

The danger of this is that it's a perfect tool for shutting up the opposition.

It will progress into total fascist totalitarism, the same one they accuse us of.


(((european))) parliament
jews really do control western countries

>tfw one of your fiercest critics keeps bantzing the shit out of your parliamentary members for wasting time with frivolous legislation and creating pointless laws while europe is being invaded so you create an extra law to ban all speeches like his and fine any such speakers to a tune of $9,500.

One question about this article that i have is why is the punishment in dollars, not in euros?

shekels would be too obvious.

petro dollar is the real currency of the world

Daily reminder, hate speech is not free speech

Also, fucking fuck with the damn ads. I understand that Ben Kikero is a jew and ads bring in the shekels but it's like he's rattling his cup in my face every time I go to the site or listen to any of his podcasts. Maybe Ben is in financial trouble but it's like he's whoring himself out for ad money

For a start you need to gtfo and team up with us to partition Bosnia

It's more targeted towards AfD and Le Pen which have only really gained traction because of Farage.

>Daily reminder, hate speech is not free speech


lmao'd hard

Trump should be banned for hate speech. Checkmate atheists

hey faggot oceania already exists and we're it, EU can go fuck it self

oceania is australia and surrounding asian counties, see: phillipines, indonesia, japan etc etc

They were the Europeans that didn't leave when their Kings were cucking and taxing them

Lets just pretend that you are a troll

>your rights end where my feelings begin
Grow thicker skin you fucking pussy.

Hate speech should also be protected otherwise whoever sets the criteria sets the agenda

Yes, I would believe so-Farage must've pissed them off that much that they're doing this.

Your everything is ungood

A fine, huh? What are they going to do if the opposition won't pay it? Send Police after someone who has diplomatic immunity?
People keep forgetting that these EU fucks have no real power.


Because we have no guns and the state will send armed men after us if we try to revolt or defend ourselves. If you harm a burglar then you get fined and face prison time. It's fucking absurd but there's no cultural source to point it out anymore. At least america is too big to be able to control absolutely every media outlet.

Dude, you're fucking retarded

This is the type of shit I bring up every time I see an American liberal claim that we should be more like Europe. They don't realize that Europeans do not have the same freedoms of speech that are protect by the Constitution for Americans.

Based brit bong

I'm an Uskok descendant.
My family teamed with serbs into removing kebab for 500 years, and I don't plan on breaking the tradition if necessary.
Serbs have always been my bros, before the politics separated us and people became influenced by the west.

Fuck off

God I am so mad. I want this law enforcement on britiain

>offensive speech

it's like they abandoned their hedonistic god JS Mill and his harm principle.

liberalism is dead, it doesn't exist anymore.

We were lucky to get out

Actually, they do.
Since the "Costa V Enel" case in 60s, the EU law is above the national law.
They even shut the queen up in the case with portugal's fishermen. A fucking queen of Britain.

Fuck you. I hope Teresa enforces even more authororitan stuff

At least we have based snoopers charter and national action was made illegal


>Harm is something that would injure the rights of someone else or set back important interests that benefit others. An example of harm would be assaulting someone, causing them injury. An offence, according to Mill, is something that we would say 'hurt our feelings.'.


... shit.
I was still hoping voting Fillon would be enough. Le Pen it is ...


Harm is good when applied to those who's speech professes harm to other

(Racism, deportation, homophobia, transphobia, sexism)

There is nothing wrong with harming bigots

>1 post by id

I'm right here burger. Had to leave for work.


Did I confuse you now ?

>People keep forgetting that these EU fucks have no real power.

But they do. EU law supersedes national law. We've had recurring problems with this since Sweden has much more lax laws with regards to IP. It's not illegal to download anything for personal use here, and the EU courts hate it.

They also talk brazenly about how their intention is to create an EU army, even though they're coy about what purpose a standing EU army is supposed to serve when we're (allegedly) a coalition of states, not subservient to an "EU state".

The truth is pretty simple. A bunch of globalists and bureaucrats are already erecting a superstate structure over our heads like some corporate created USA and they need the private army to start enforcing what has been being birthed for decades now.

Brexit is the biggest fuck you to their plans so far, and it's clear it's rattled them. But it's also clear they're trying to smooth over any realities of Brexit and make it impossible for any other countries to leave.

that is mill's actually harm principle. you're more than welcome to argue with a dead man. I warn you, he was fucking smart.

>At the age of eight, Mill began studying Latin, the works of Euclid, and algebra, and was appointed schoolmaster to the younger children of the family. His main reading was still history, but he went through all the commonly taught Latin and Greek authors and by the age of ten could read Plato and Demosthenes with ease. His father also thought that it was important for Mill to study and compose poetry. One of Mill's earliest poetry compositions was a continuation of the Iliad. In his spare time, he also enjoyed reading about natural sciences and popular novels, such as Don Quixote and Robinson Crusoe.

so you want to harm them because they say offensive things? thereby advocating harm and giving cause for the "others" to say more offensive things that might lead to actual violence. you see the problem here? as much a i disagree with Mill on many things, his harm principle is based on sound logic in order to stop this madness from continuing.

>Europe should be the same as one country
Why is this retard even considered viable?

So what are the possibilities of this law actually taking effect?

It's one thing to post a headline, but in reality how will this fare?

Because this could seriously backfire as well. So it's either a politician who is so cocky they think they can never lose or a fucking retarded politician.

The White race has been made soft through our prosperity. Soft lives = soft hearts = soft minds.

EU must burn like the jews.

Kek. The EU is just catching up to Britain in hate speech laws. We are fucked regardless

Even Die Linke think this is going too far

Because Germany

Sup Forums

The plebs are starting to think for themselves, ready the squads!

And Yuropoors think Brexit was a mistake lmao

I can't wait to watch the EU crash and burn. This is the future you chose.

>le god chancellor
reminder that germans actually want this

I think the USA, UK, AUS and NZ should just invade and occupy the EU. Eurofucks are pathetic in everyway to thier colonial counterparts. I guess it's true the best blood left the motherland. Eurofucks dont even deserve to live and occupy europe. The colonies should return to europe and reclaim their birthright with Fire and Steel.

Put a sock in it, sheeplover. They are our friends and relatives and they need our help.
You can't sate your lust for violence by eradicating the non-European human plague?

>government-government that we have no influence on
>lole they're so pathetic lole

This is interesting, I think that [this post was found offensive by European Anti-offensive internet force, by repliying on this post you put yourself on danger of being jailed for up to 2 years for supporting offensive speech]

Will Visegrad ever be a breakaway region of the EU?

(White) refugees welcome.

Nobody that doesn't have money thinks that brexit was a mistake. Back in 2015 there was a referendum in Greece about whether the citizens accept the terms for the bailout (that by the time of the referendum had been withdrawn) which due to politician rhetorics ("If Greece doesn't accept the bailout, it will have to leave the EU") turned into a Grexit referendum. The politicians, celebs and media; anyone with money propagandized heavily against No. In the end No (which stood for "No to the bailout terms and let's not stay in the EU") got around 61% of the votes.
The next day our socialist leader announced "The greeks voted "No! No, we do not want to leave the EU!".

The average joe only hates to see the UK go because they can't come with. The problem is that the people with the power to shape opinions and policies are untouchable, unaccountable, and unwilling.

You forgot Black Wind. Also your chinks and niggers. Clean your house before you brag about it.

>The next day our socialist leader announced "The greeks voted "No! No, we do not want to leave the EU!".

And he's still alive and in charge. What does that says about us?

>What does that says about us?
My question is...what the fuck happened to Golden Dawn?

Need to make so space first by cleansing your sudaca filth.

Is it really 90% White in Uruguay?
>No niggers
>No chinks

They're still there. They lack the support to do anything substantial though.

seeing more and more articles suggesting this lately, with headlines like "freedom to offend is really freedom to harm"

the west is fucked

No chinks at all
Maybe one nig in a hundred, but most nigs here aren't full nig, more like 25 or 50%, and they've integrated successfully (no nig music, neighborhoods, etc).
About 300 muzzies in the entire country (ambassadors and staff from muzzie countries included)
Our only problem is socialism, but we're working on it.

It would be funny if you didn't have more sudacas than we do (and nigs, gypsies, and muzzies)

at first you were like: OXI OXI OXI OXI
but then you were like: YES!!!!!

Can you type Golden Dawn in the Latin alphabet so that I can read it? kek

That's absolute haram

States in the US are too weak to stand alone and needed to come together to be relevant in the world, each country in europe that wasnt defeated in war had existed for hundreds of years and all had self sustaining economies. Are european states so weak now they cannot stand alone? If thats true why are people in those countries not going after their irresponsible leaders instead of trying to mooch off each other and hope they turn out like america?

Guys, you know that it's only a few decades ago that a giant group of Germans in East Germany literally executed mass numbers of civilians trying to flee out of their territory?

Leftists are not humans. Leftists love death, torture, abuse, total control.

Thanks. Btw I like Rioplatense Spanish.

>This is literally 1984 in real life.

Oh fuck off. I'm tired of hearing this.

While we may not have a right to free speech in Australia, we do have the right to free political speech.
Our High Court recognised that if politicians can't freely speak, and the people can't freely speak about politics and politicians, there can't be free elections.
Fuck leftists.

It says that I'm about to grab a pair of lead pipes and start smacking anarchists in the next protest-turned-riot on the side of the head until they kill me. I have no future to worry about anyway so I might as well go out removing the cancer.

>Get big
>A member comes out of nowhere during a fight and stabs a nobody rapper in cold blood
>He just waits to be arrested and calmly confesses, doesn't even try to resist arrest
>The state brings the legal hammer down on the whole group and tries to outlaw them and kick them out of the Parliament

Don't get me wrong, Golden Dawn is a bunch of dumb apes. But nobody is that stupid and the timing is suspicious.


There's bigger things to worry about than people in a useless, powerless institution getting less YouTube views because they can't make OMG SHOCKING videos any more.

Not like anyone really watches debates.

You can be sure it wont be white males.
Curse of eternal kraut, they didnt exterminate comies and now they pay the price, again.