Chief Constable simon bailey, don't prosecute pedos with 'low risk'. Destroy him pol.
>"risk assessment for pedophiles"
He's on. BBC right now.
Sorry for terrible English using phone.
Fucking tosser
Shamelese self bump. God damn it pol stop replying to shill posts and get in here
I'll bump for you sir
What does the statement mean?
Before I get hysterical about it...
I hate pedophilia but what is a low risk pedophile, in this mans view?
Let's clarify the statements first.
He was on the TV at 7:48 on bbc breakfast, he said that people viewing kiddy porn and older pedos are "low risk". Then he went to say that Britain arrests 400 sexual abuser (men) a month and kept on reverting back to that point.
Older males and kiddy porn viewers
>That nose
Yup he's a jew
Ok. I agree this doesn't seem like a good solution.
Having said that it's conceivable people could have obtained cp by mistake, is it not?
What's the answer then user, I think it's a paradox - the more it's demonized the more it gets pushed underground.
Surely the objective should be to reduce the offense rate, and rehabilitate the offenders after punishment?
No comment
People like Milo
Viewing kiddie porn is not much of a big deal, however producing it is. Also he wants no prosecution for older pedos...
This is the same as that other constable fuckhead who allowed an entire town of mudslime shits to run a child sex ring for years because the they were afraid of being labeled as "racist".
Milo was abused as child but he enjoyed it. I dunno I don't really support him aside from the antisjw thing. PS. Fuckoff and stop trying to slide this thread with a milo debate.
Godbless you leaf.
Spread this shit.
Start a fire!
You said viewing in your first post. Clearly producing it warrants something severe.
I think it's crazy to not punish people for this based on their age.
It's just very dangerous to dehumanize people for it; Because can't solve this if we are not prepared to confront why people do this and how to rehabilitate them.
Starting to doubt your intentions in replying to this thread gladly kys - you won't be missed peso scum
I think pedophilia is reprehensible.
Intentions are to protect as many children from getting abused as possible.
my hypothesis is by demonizing people it pushes it underground.
If you punish people so severely how do you stop them trying to hide it. If you don't focus on rehabilitation how do you stop them reoffending. (like I said it's a paradox)
What do you think the answer is?
Let me put it another way- what's more important:-
1. Stopping children being abused
2. Punishing the criminals
Cucks falling for the femanist meme have been basically putting men - and it is 99% men - in jail for years for literally having a wank.
>muh abusssse
Looking at a pic is the same as doing what the pic shows.
I have been to the moon and currently shot JFK
That's an irish/anglo name.
The idea is that consuming CP creates a market for it, thus increases the chance of abuse.
All you cunts are like normies and want to murder paedos, yo get off on it more than protecting children. It's disgusting and you're sicker than they are.
And the most retarded and unsupported idea there is.
The idea you 'consume' images freely available magically makes it profitable to produce more.
>Sup Forums wants to go after low-risk """pedophiles"""
Most '''''pedophiles''''' are family members, the issue is actually incest.
*Chief Cuntstable