
Homosexuality is a mental illness.
Anyone who is a faggot must go to gulag for reeducation.

Should do like they used to do with kids who get caught smoking. If you get caught having gay sex, you get sent to a camp. Tops have to fuck every boypussy there until they collapse from exhaustion. Bottoms have to get creampied by every single cock in there. If it doesn't fix them, at least everyone will have AIDS by the end.

Not so fast nazi boi. LGBT is cool with the hildawgs.

>not liking cute boys
Uber pleb

Bumping this important thread

Why's it important?

>mental illness
true homosexuality is a natal defect
their attraction to women hasn't been changed and the default is an attraction to men
its a disability

indoctrinated homosexuality and indoctrinated "non-binarism" is a legitimate mental illness and should be zapped accordingly

and by "reeducation" we mean execution, after all, you were born this way, right?

OP's pic is Not a nazi Uniform but NVA. NVA was the east german army, which was pretty much comunist. So the polar opposit of nazi. Retard.


You better correct yourself and say camp or you are getting the copter.

What about bisexuals? Are we half-mentally ill?

Commie scum.

No, you're a fag in denial who experienced some form of platonic attraction to a girl and now think that you're attracted to girls (you aren't)

I'm more attracted to women than men. Easier to get off to.

But aren't gender and sexuality social constructs?

>here, let me tell you what does and does not cause blood to surge to your groin
you are an idiot

bisexuals can figure out their own erections just fine

You meant concentration camp right?

A commie kraut now i've seen it all....

of course is a mental illness
>me at in my childhood and teenagers year
>i was raped many time by father's freind and cousins
>and look at me now im not a fucking homo
>i love bitches with huge asses

homosexuality is a lost battle with your soul

i like this image


dont forget you nigger loving circle jerking faggots on/pol/also count as homosexuals

this pic will never not make me laugh

Finally a europeon says something I can agree with. Kill all the gays and the faggots.

Whats wrong? Mods cannot help you.

the homosexual question

the HQ

Remember, there is no homosexuality.
There's only homosexualism.
Telling that homosexualism is not a disease is propaganda of non-traditional sexualities and must be punished by prison.

Dunno bout Gulag, then they cease to provide wealth for the state. Just refuse them adoption/child privileges and give them "civil unions". Money doesn't care if you are a faggot.

My god that uniform is god tier.