Dutch Sup Forums

Foreigner friendly edition.
Two weeks to go lads!

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Hurray for /ourguy/ Thierry










De zetels Bart, overhandig ze.

This is the foreigner friendly edition

What kind of runes are these?

Whats this thread about? Is there other places outside of the US, France, England, and Germany?


I just learned about Pim Fortuyn.
Crazy stuff.
Hopefully Geert can form a coalition.




Based Pim
>Hopefully Geert can form a coalition.
Don't get your hopes up.

We're trying to prevent a literal second coming of Trudeau from becoming out prime minister

That's all I have


I'm not.
I can't believe how lenient your legal sytem is. 18 years and you do 12 for assassination?

>dat gevoel als je premier wilt zijn maar nooit een kans zal hebben

Can I get a quick rundown ?

No excuses, it's bad.
>geen kans

Wanner krijgen we Bregbucks?
Basisinkomen voor wie achterloopt.

>Leftist cucks bow to Jesse Klaver
>Real name Yasser Feras
>For some reason propped up as the left's messiah by the media
>Diversity is our strength
>We shouldn't focus on numbers so much when creating policy (actual campaign point)
>Pledged to have 50% female secretarys (ministers)
>Muh environment
>Party's name is literally GreenLeft
>Finished VMBO, the lowest type of high school, and a social work studies
>Fucking manlet
>It's our duty to take in more refugees
>These people are highly educated and just want peace
>Tax everything lmao

Er is nog altijd het praktijkonderwijs onder het VMBO.

Do you have hope? Are his chances good?

If you can avoid our hellhole, then there is no cost too high for what must be done. God bless brothers

Thanks mate. That guy sounds like the apocalypse. Does he have a serious chance ?

To win it all? No. He will probably gain a lot of house seats though.

He's behind Geert and the VVD in the polls by a significant margin. He could end up prime minister if he finds enough parties to form a coalition with to exclude both the VVD and the PVV but that is no small task.

So 2 weeks until you start the process of leaving the EU?


He literally sounds and looks like Trudeau.

I was in Lisbon last summer and met some guys from the Netherlands. They were truck drivers, and totally broke the mold of how I pictured Dutch men. I'd been to Amsterdam before, but its obviously not too representative of your country as a whole. Hope the foreign media isn't influencing your compatriots too much either.

Must be a clusterfuck with you guys literally surrounded by the most pompus countries on Earth.

>I'd been to Amsterdam before, but its obviously not too representative of your country as a whole
Yep, especially the touristic parts. In the non-touristic parts you'll meet more or less the average Dutch city dweller, but that's still not the country as a whole.

So majority of the country would be Green/Leftists, sort of like us then?

Ive only followed Geert in the run-up to your election. Ill try and see who else is running. 18+ to vote there? Lol I dont know why I picture Holland as having the vote be the same as consent age.

No, the majority of the country is somehwere near the political center and votes strategically to keep the guy they dislike out of office.
Our age of consent is 16, you expected that? I heard 16 year olds can vote in Austria.

>tfw Rutte really thinks he'll get 41 seats in the election and nobody else will get close to 20

Wishful thinking of is het gewoon een klapmongool?

>no fvd
Ik verlang terug naar de tijd zonder captcha, zelfs als 'ie een keertje goed is moet ik er nog tien invullen....

Nobody can be this delusional.

Maybe a purposeful over estimation to boost his image as an 'optimist'? They've been pushing that word a lot the past week

FvD are polling 2 seats in De Hond's polls, which is great. They've got my vote. Do you happen to have the rare piano-Thierry pepe btw?

Also turn on legacy captcha, it's much easier for me

Thanks for the advice, here it is.
I am voting for Yernaz Ramautarsing, but I have to say Maurice de Hoax is not really trustworthy.

>I am voting for Yernaz Ramautarsing
He's like #6 or #8 on the list right?

Can anyone clearly explain how preference votes (voorkeurstemmen) work? I want to vote Hiddema but I don't want to impact anyone's chances.

Going for Hiddema myself. If he gets into parliament the party will get enough publicity to grow.

MdH hasn't been very wrong before iirc. What bothers me is that in other polls the PVV has been dropping like a stone, but not in all polls at the same time. So in poll A they drop 6 seats, then the same happens in poll B 3 weeks later. Feels like the polls are being massaged to make PVV look like a sinking ship. We've seen this shit with the polls in the US, so it's not outside the realm of possibility.

Let's say a party gets enough votes for three seats, but someone down the ballot gets more votes than the third place, then the seat goes to the candidate with more votes.

Okay so it cannnot impact the seats of the party as a whole? Even with restzetels?

As far as I know, it works as follows:

Party A gets enough votes total for say, 5 seats. However, a lot of people voted for #7 on the list. If he gets enough votes, #7 will get a seat instead of the lowest ranked member who would otherwise get a seat (in this case #5). The treshold for a candidate to get a preferential vote seat is something like 25% of the votes needed for a whole seat.

This threshold is 50% for the Senate, and 10% in the EP.

I am too 89 IQ to understand restzetels :(

Thanks guys.

Also recently learned Holland's greatest chess player is #28 on the list. Kek.
>With Loek van Wely, FvD will checkmate Mark Rutte
>inb4 someone calls Anish Giri Dutch

Forgot pic, fugg

Nope, restzetels are something completely different.

There's an X amount of votes needed to obtain a seat. We call this the kiesdeler. The first round of seat allocation is basically amount of votes for a party divided by the kiesdeler, rounded down.
Because of this rounding we end up with empty seats. What happens then is that for every party, the amount of votes is divided by the amount of seats they got, plus one. The party with the highest result gets the rest seat. For more than one rest seat this procedure is repeated. This calculation favours large parties, which is why you'll sometimes see smaller parties do a lijstverbinding, which means they act as a single larger party in these calculations instead of multiple smaller ones to get more chance of a rest seat.

As for the affecting the amount of seats as a whole, no that cannot happen by voting for a lower placed candidate. As you can see in my previous post, seat allocation to parties is only based on the amount of total votes the party got. The individual candidates become relevant when the party has to divide their seats amongst their candidates.

Do note however that preferential vote seats don't happen too often, usually only one or two per election. In TK2012 only Omtzigt (CDA) got a preferential seat.

Thanks for explaining anons.

I'm actually glad Omtzigt got a seat. He is one of the best MEPs despite being CDA

Hoeveel dimensies schaak is hij aan het spelen confrères?


Interview met Geert door de baas van afbeelding gerelateerd.

Heeft Geert nou een keppeltje op of lijkt dat maar zo door de belichting?

Zolang Greet de zetels maar overhandigt maakt het niet uit wat hij draagt.

Wat bedoelt hij hiermee?

>wanneer je beseft dat Loek van Wely op de lijst staat om lowkey adviseur multidimensioneel schaken te zijn

How is it possible the only other links for this image come here?
Who is the chick on the right?

It's her sister.

Kek heeft Oeteldonk gezegend. Uit dankbaarheid is er zelfs een restaurant in Den Bosch naar Hem genoemd.


>deze tijdlijn

What does Nederpol think of VNL?

jan roos is a meme

Beetje jammer dat Jan Roos erbij zit.

Party for sour VVD disappointees
>muh car
>muh mortgage

If it wasn't for the fact that I really, really want Thierry and Theo in the Kamer, I'd vote for them.

Hoe kunnen we FvD meer onder de aandacht brengen?

Praat erover op sociale media en in het echte leven.
Van het mediakartel hoeven we niets te verwachten.

Jezus, deze kalende marxist is echt te belachelijk voor woorden

M-maar ik wil muh gratis bregbux

Meme party. All brawn no brain

I'm seriously afraid that this supreme cuck will get many votes. my kikebook is flooded with white girls liking groen links shit

>niet op sp stemmen

haha stelletje nep communisten

Praat met vrienden, familie en kennissen. Is denk ik veel effectiever dan een slechte Facebook meme of post. De beste kans is bij VVD, CDA en hoogopgeleide PVV stemmers die uncucked rechts willen stemmen maar wel nuance en respectvolle mensen in de kamer willen

Rustig aan MC

White girls liking groen links is only a small part of the electorate though. You're probably in university living in a uni town, so you dont get any exposure to the white trash parts of the internet, and not to mention all the old people who only visit Facebook once a week to like pictures of their grandchildren

Just Pokemon Go to the Polls and vote for PVV or FvD

Dit. Mijn ouders hebben jaren VVD gestemd, en gaan dit na de afgelopen 4 jaar niet snel nog een keer doen. Beiden overgehaald om op FvD te stemmen.

Great article.


Is there a way i might get some family members to vote FvD? I think PVV might be bit too much for them to handle.

well yeah that's true, most uni people i ve met so far are vvd shills (rechten) tilburg

I would publicly execute Jesse Klaver if i was allowed.

Just talk to them and try. Voting PVV will just clog op the house with useless ignored seats. FvD will actually get things done.
Thierry Baudet showed up to the local JOVD here in Leiden with Yernaz Ramautarsing and stole cucked the VVD pretty hard, he's got them in the back.


Read through the FvD's positions on things like the EU and the partijkartel. Use the last 4 years as an example to show that shit is fucked and we need some drastic change. Shouldn't be too hard, seeing how hard Rutte has shafted the country.

I need some Jesse Klaver memes, alvast bedankt.

You might change my mind on voting PVV to FvD but i want some good convincing (I would like PVV to have majority seats so far but i dot want a coalition with FvD) So if you would like maybe tell me your personal views on this.

Alright will do.

>blendle paywall

Do want*

There's three angles to convince them I think.
>Partijkartel Corruption angle (VVDer's being the most corrupt bunch of them all), mayors not being chosen by the people but instead coming from a small pool of 10k people, and no referendums because corrupt politicians want to keep power to themselves. And the corrupt VVD-Banking clique that kept these white collar criminals out of jail with bonusses in their pockets
>EU is a totalitarian machine that will end Dutch sovereignty, and will turn our continent into a refugee free for all, with gibs for everyone, while simultaneously destroying member states like Greece through austerity and forcing us Dutch, (and the rest of north-West Europe) to give money to our corrupt banks
>The Migration issue. Only PVV and FvD are reliably opposed to mass migration. Last 4 years have proven that the VVD is only superficially against mass migration, and you cannot trust the rest of the parties at all on this point.

So depending on what your family members hate the most: 1. Partijkartel/Corruption, 2. Totalitarian European Union, or 3. mass migration and open borders for Islamic terrorism, you now have some ammunition to make their neurons fire




Goedemiddag heren, wie is hier ook een /loonslaaf/?

he went to my uni but i don't think he's convinced people.

Since it's foreigner friendly edition, I wanted to ask you where you'd study computer science if you had to choose between Universiteit Twente and Technische Universiteit Delft.

(For 1 or 2 semesters as an exchange student)

Most of PVVs plans are unconstitutional, so we need to amend it to make them happen. This needs a normal majority in TK and EK, new elections and then a twothirds majority in both houses. Consider the cordon sanitaire around the PVV and it's a lost cause.

The cordon sanitaire is the big one. Nobody will really want to work with Geert, and some parties refuse to vote for PVV initiatives regardless of the content.

This leaves us with very little of the already small list of things the PVV wants to achieve. They've also been around for over 10 years, but their plans are still little more than oneliners, which might do nice in the polls, but when it comes to making actual policy they're useless.

Now compare this with the more thought out and detailed plans of the FvD. They're also new, so there's no cordon sanitaire against them.

Thanks user this is good stuff!

Nobody will hire me i only work 2 days a week :(