What's the final solution for MGTOW? These anime-watching snowflakes need to be taken out back behind the barn and domed.
Worse than potheads when it comes to threats to white supremacy.
What's the final solution for MGTOW? These anime-watching snowflakes need to be taken out back behind the barn and domed.
Worse than potheads when it comes to threats to white supremacy.
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How is killing whites going to solve the problem you idiot?
If you ignore the whiny virgins, the endgame is to make divorce and child custody laws fair for both sexes.
Shoot me then fucker, not that I even call myself mgtow. I'm just tired of seeing guys get fucked over time and time again.
Mighty pussy puffy rangers
the problem is black babies, not a lack of white babies
MGTOW is ok.
It was an analogy. It's okay though. The only worthwhile English genes left the British isles centuries ago; you shouldn't feel bad about not having much to work with.
by making western women great again
Why do you care if someone doesn't want to reproduce? How is killing them gonna solve anything, you fucking retard?
Fix the economy so that young men can afford to support a family independently. Both men and women will change their tune once that happens.
They spread their Jewish ideology indiscriminately.
Why even bother arguing with you? There's only a 56% chance that you're white.
Let them end their own bloodlines. Good riddance.
Pffffffffffft.. a real man who knows how to make a girl cum doesn't have marital problems.
All marital problems are a result of a lackluster sex life.
How can you have white babies if you have so many men not breeding, dick nuts?
Gladly! You use female tactics for your girly movement. You're a hopeless freak of Jewish programming.
Amen to that brother. But that will only happen when the final solution to the Jewish Problem is applied. MGTOW plays right into yid hands!
I'd be okay with this if their freedom of speech was revoked.
>need to be taken out back behind the barn and domed
Oh please do that Sir
If we kill all the Niggers, who cares if the white population decreases? We need to focus on meming niggerdeath
KEK! Love this meme btw. Great stuff!
You seem pretty butthurt about american hegemony tbqfh
Come on motherfucker. Come find me and kill me then.
Dinner mashers like you are gonna roast in the infernal void for all time!
These two guys are rob schneider larpity larp larps
They need to be shown that how stupid they look.
Go back to cripple chan. Address the symptoms to illuminate the cause.
I don't know. I haven't really been reading the thread. Im more invested in the other ones I have open.
50% of y'all do same. Crying into your mashed potatoes again john goodman
I don't want them to infect others with their bullshit.
How do we break their conditioning?
OP are you female?
Is this reddit?
I don't give two niggers about your fairy jokes you communist retard.
> t. unattractive roastie turned down by MGTOW
Go back to r/the_donald or wherever you came from roastie
Does it matter if I'm a female?
Inb4 "le epic show tits meme"
This is a quality thread and deserves to be bumped.
>"le epic show tits meme"
You don't have to, i can smell the inferior XX from way over here
Tits or gtfo
addressing the symptom would be trying to save an indoctrinated useful idiot
it's a complete waste of resources and time because they will not believe you
there have been countless "MGTOW", "Young men not married", "More young men are virgins" and "What is wrong with Western women" threads that the cause does not need an further "illumination"
go after the cause if you want to do it right
knocking back generations of "beautiful ones" will be endless unless you go after the cause
you dumbfuck possible shill newfag
>when you realize you won't have to tell your grandchildren about the years you wasted championing your cringe crusade against Stacie's because you won't have any grandchildren
>you dumbfuck possible shill newfag
It's some autistic girl (male) m8, ignore her
You have to take risks in life desu. They're afraid of women just like they're afraid of everything else.
>All marital problems are a result of a lackluster sex life.
my bad
Pussies are already weird enough.
If they roared, I'd be the queerest gayfag to ever plug man-butt.
Read the thread. Sup Forums itself is blue-pilled about MGTOW. This needs to be rectified, you humorless LARPing cripple worshipper.
It's not a meme, it's just realism.
Except OP never said "am femanon btw :-D" just to get the attention or a 1-up.
You're a cuckold and should kill yourself
>What's the final solution for MGTOW?
There really isn't much of one, these are by and large men who were failed by their families, communities and wider society which set them up to be victimised by women. This has of course reduced them to failures in the eyes of society that believes it would be better off without them. Being callously abandoned by men and ignored by society left these men emotionally malformed or damaged.
All this is compounded by there being far too much data backing their positions on marriage, divorce, domestic violence, gynocentrism and female mating strategies. With this data they've created a more comfortable world for themselves in which their own defeat was inevitable and any victory short of their own complete liberation from responsibility is worse than defeat. Their deep embrace of nihilism, hedonism or quietism, usually via biological determinism has rendered many of them unsalvageable.
MGTOW exists to justify to failed men their abandonment of responsibility.
This. And try a probe. Doesnt have to be a plug
>there's all these very blatant issues
>but it's really their fault anyway
>Read the thread.
>Sup Forums is blue-pilled about MGTOW
I have read more than enough "MGTOW" threads
Sup Forums has read enough "MGTOW" threads
if you lurked enough threads you would know that there are also plenty of people here that are vying to start a large, white family
Sup Forums is not one person
That's not MGTOW, that's MRAs. MGTOWs want to destroy the family unit all together.
>kids are a waste of money and time
>white females are all degenerates so if you do breed you should do so outside of your race
>if you do breed definitely don't marry because marriage is for betas
>take the red pill goyi--- I mean guys
I agree. MGTOW are faggots. Gas them.
>there's all these very blatant issues
this is in my post
>but it's really their fault anyway
this is not in my post
I didn't make any claim to know some Sup Forumstard's gender, I was just pointing out painfully obvious fact.
I don't care what gender anybody here is or claims to be, generally.
I also was a student of the original, real, MGTOW. Not this MRALite Kool-Aid horseshit that fuels these slide threads.
But, it is pretty cool how butthurt you can get the sharebleh dawn crew to be.
Give us women worth our time first mate.
>living in the attic
>What's the final solution for MGTOW?
Fix women. Fix the legal system. No more MGTOWs. Problem solved.
Not fooling anyone, triggered roastie.
MGTOW's are just salty betas who's manchild patheticness still makes me cringe to this day.
no wonder Germany is in trouble
Suspicious how every MGTOW will kill themselves at 40
t. le roastie
not an argument, cunt
shut your mouth roastie
Hitler was a MGTOW. Your pic is a proof how deranged stormfag logic is.
He's a beta orbiter. He needs men to do the work for him so he can pick up their leftovers etc.
>being upset that other men don't want to fuck women
this is some next level cuck shit.
what the fuck do you care about mgtow? I think you're just buttblasted that their red pills were too harsh for you
>this is some next level cuck shit.
I really would have to agree with you ,also it looks like they want to rest the blame on men that are opting out of relationships.
> when some straya underage cuntbag tries into le ebin memeys
you know what roastie means? doesn't matter, get the fuck out
The solution is to END SOCIALISM which creates all these r-selection type problems in the first place.
Hitler wasn't of the ordinary people.
If everyone in a population acted the way a leader did, a nation would go down immediately.
A leader has to commit sins for the greater good of the people. He sacrifices himself.
>Amen to that brother.
Faux wingman spotted. You're not a wingman. You're a beta orbiter.
this board is turning more into /r9k/ every day..
stay salty, children so I can laugh at you again tomorrow
Girls need to collectively improve
>this board is turning more into /r9k/ every day..
You can't stop the redpill from spreading, user.
Even the dumbest stormfags know by now that women are the enemy.
>You're a beta orbiter
A muffroach.
What's MGTOW?
Leaving the gynocentric plantation.
My favourite anime.
Why do you care? This should mean less competition and more selection for you. Unless you're a woman, and in either case may I suggest self-improvement?
Your ignorance makes me laugh as Libtard unable to understand "Shall not be infringed"
the words Own Way means there's other than anime porn watching losers.
Why bow to women? Take the one that really loves you and moves forward for a better life
Sup Forums have always disliked both women and MGTOW as nothing more then embarrassments. Nobody with a brain likes those white extinction promoting twats.
You should at least have white children through surrogates. Believe me a good chunk of women are cancerous whores. But not having whites and preventing yourselves from becoming minorities is even more cancerous.
>The problem is black babies
Actually it's hispanic ones, The black birth rate is about as equal as the white one. We have the chance to outbreed blacks in America. If DREAMer faggots leave with their parents. Hispanics won't even be an issue anymore.
I want to make white babies with Lauren Southern
MGTOW is exclusively for the top of the top of the tier when it comes to the Intelligence. It has always been like this. Before anyone had a name for it.
>leave propagation of population to average rated humans
>Really smart ones, see through the ignorance that is required to devote ur live to family and Raising of children
>look at history; every religion has a tier for the most
devoted ones that search for deep truths. What's common for all of them? Abstinence, that's what's common. Most advanced scientists, artists fall under this
practice as well.
MGTOW is not for your average fella. Unless he is Socially Retarded. But then he is not part of MGTOW, but rather Socially Retarded movement.
This one is also good.
MGTOW can't stop talking or thinking about women just like feminists can't stop talking and thinking about men. And most of them wouldn't even be part of those agendas if hadn't been heartbroken or disappointed in love somehow.