You wanted Brexit mainly because of immigration hurting muh cultural heritage. And what do you do after you win? Throw out first the Christian Europeans? hahahaha. This will make you more brown than you already are. Learn arabic Brits!
Brexit was a mistake
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>blames racists for causing Brexit
>is racist
its fine.
we are throwing out all the pro Europe people first.
this will make the kebabacaust much much easier
It is a step in the right direction
Remember Hitler took out the SA first
>old news
Basically, non-eu migrates who aren't rich or highly qualified can get fucked.
EU migrants already here for many years are up for negotiation with the EU, though likely to stay.
Fuck off bacon
>Implying I didn't vote brexit because the EU is one of the biggest shitshows on the planet
I'll put money on it being the EU who condemn their citizens to fortress Europe.
EU migrants work in UK, thus paying for non westerners gib me dats. You do realize that without EU migrants you will have to foot the entire bill + do the nasty jobs. Vote UKIP!
its a small price to pay my friend.
England for the English
And Pajeets and Pakis and niggers.
You don't get it, do you? You have a massive brain drain, not everyone is scrubbing your toilets, far from it, many work in finance, as chefs, you name it. They all didn't have to apply for citizenship. The brown people did. And you can't compensate the brain drain with Brits coming back from EU states.
>You wanted Brexit mainly because of immigration hurting muh cultural heritage
How did you arrive at that conclusion? Why start out with a false premise? Now I can't take you seriously.
>implying I give a shit about our economy or country (or yours)
Im looking forward to the collapse mate, kek wills it
no that was quite a large part of it.
it was an anti immigration vote 1st for most people.
a polite way of saying 'no muslims' is to talk about cultural heritage and the like
Look me in the eyes and tell me the refugees crisis, Rotherham and Muslims all over the place had nothing to do with it!
>nigger in picture
>coal burner
>christian Europeans
Fuck off commie.
Brits love pakis more than whites
Brits are pakis m8!
I hate this shitty island so much. I swear about half of the adults here would be certifiably retarded anywhere else in Western European, except Ireland.
Kick that cuck out first.
Denmark is shit, cucked like sweden, have fun at Merkel/Schulz's mercy
If you have two structural problems with your house and only have the opportunity to fix one, it doesn't mean that you like the other nor does it mean that you somehow make it worse.
I do not care how many European "whites" lived here and now have to go home because they are foreign filth. Less foreigners = good. And, in five or ten years when all your Syrian friends and their kids have Danish, German, French, Austrian etc passports they won't be able to come here.
I voted to leave because I despise Europeans.
Rotherham had nothing to do with Brexit, the public give a staggeringly low amount of fucks about child grooming because it's not seen as proper to talk about.
EU vote was generally anti-immigration & pro-democracy. Leave only started polling ahead of remain after the official (cucked) Leave campaign started talking about immigration towards the end.
>Implying Eurocommies are any better than Abduls
your daughter will never be tag teamed in the arse by a battalion of perfectly English tax paying citizens from Pakistan.
why even live
brritshits are finally getting what should have happened long ago in history
no one will miss them
Poland has never been and never will be relevant. That's why you slavshits shill for the EU because you think it makes you important - in reality you're just Germany's bitch...again
Its to do with EU forcing quotas for taking in people who want nothing to do with your culture and only wish to undermine/destroy it.
Yeah, because you and your fifteen kids going back home to Poorland makes tht happen.
The best bit is that we've had to read about MANLY BASED STRONG WHITE POLES BASED crying every week because someone told them to go home quicker.
You're the ultimate faggot why do you insist on living if you could do the world a favor and kill yourself?
Some good bait. Probably the one nigger who wished white people were still around in his country.
>turn Africa's breadbasket into a shit hole
>pls come back Whites
Why don't you just get absorbed by Germany? Then it would count as having one less cucked nation in the world
>You wanted Brexit mainly because of immigration hurting muh cultural heritage
No, we wanted Brexit because EU immigrants are taking British jobs, because EU law erodes our national law and sovereignty, because we're being forced to contribute more to the EU budget to bail out countries like Greece, etc...
There are numerous reasons to leave the EU.
Implying the right to remain WILL end soon (it won't), and if it does, it will be enforced (it won't)
I voted out to mess up the NWO, and prevent Turkey from mass immigration should they ever join the EU.
Got no problem with euros who want to live here.
look at those fucking gooks.
at least I didn't travel half way across the world to clean toilets for a better future.
top kek.
fuck you bro, its a perfectly natural reaction to what is going on.
you think you can change anything, honestly?
you aint got a clue pal and your polish.
The country is so far gone with leftist/femenist/jew bullshit it deserves to die.
The biggest cancer is actually feminist way worse than jews muslims and niggers combined
>please come back
he never begged white parasites to return
thats just all anglo propaganda and an attempt to reignite colonialism there.
What a shoah.
>implying netherland still long enough to witness the EU collapse
We will have one less cucked nation when you bongs crash and burn.
I'd like to disagree with this, but I'm unable to.
>Boston: Britain's most multicultural town
>Boston: Britain's most eurosceptic town
whys the nose so big?
you Germans just can't help yourselves huh?
He is not Dutch, he is an English exchange student.
The only people with this mindset are pathetic little cucks not being able to fit into society. You're one salty loser for not being able to cope with things you disagree with.
over-immigration hurts the people already here, who are already multicultural.
when the jails are full, the NHS is failing, economy collapsed, housing problem - how can we invite people and say we will take care of them? looking after "our own" is already looking after people of all races and creeds. the "dealing with over-immigration = racist" angle is shortsighted mawkish bullshit. dealing with our current problems by tightening that shit up and being more selective won't suddenly create some white utopia
besides i'm not sharing open borders with fucking turk roaches.
2 . 1 4 M I L L I O N
but its not our society.
thats the bit you are missing here.
our society started to die out in the 90's
most of us were to young to realise.
yeah no, we aint cucks
Big noses are one of the favorite tools our cartoonists and satirists (is that a word?) use to ridicule a person. Really makes you think, eh?
And she's planning for another 12 million to come
I never understood why people in my country and in yours are so triggered by western Christians taking low skilled jobs or helping Greeks but totally ok with Africans and middle easterners pillaging the social security system and taking citizenship, creating ghettos etc. You are a lion against a cousin but a sheep confronted with an invader.
Slavs and gypsies btfo.
Stay mad.
Why are Yuropoor cucktinentals so obsessed with Great Britain? We don't want to be in your club. No hard feelings, we just don't like your leftist federalism.
Also Poles aren't based. That's the dumbest meme on here.
no, we are not ok with any of it.
we dont make the rules but we can support steps in the right direction.
you dont seem to know how government works in the UK.
they just do stuff, they dont ask they just do it.
then when we find out we get mad and it takes 10 years to change opinion in the public due to the MSMs power over the feeble and those with viginas.
I dont care who goes first but you HAVE to go back
>entire euromuslim union refuses to believe that we voted to leave
We aren't your cousins.
I want foreign subhumans (you) out of my country, my laws and my way of life. I wasn't given a referendum on Muslims, but I was given one on you. It wasn't a split choice.
Why is this so difficult for you to grasp?
hold din kæft abdul eller jeg banker din mor
>I wasn't given a referendum on Muslims, but I was given one on you
well said/10 lad
>taking a country seriously when they accept germanies message of islamifying themselves
>taking a country seriously when you've occupied them twice in the last 100years
No, don't be turd. We voted for Brexit for a number of very good reasons and out-of-control immigration was only one of them.
What we do after Brexit is become a more global facing country but most of our trade is already with the rest of the world and that trend is growing. Leaving the failing EU will simply make it easier for us to trade with the rest of the world on our own terms instead of being constrained by a protectionist EU. One of the reason for this is that only about 6% of UK companies export to the EU but the other 94% of companies still suffer the burden of EU rules and regulations. It has really killed off a lot of our small to medium size companies (SME's).
You're using upside down logic to think the UK will be more brown after Brexit. Try using critical thinking mate.
We're not Danes, we're not Norwegians, We're not Swedes, Germans, French, Spanish, Italian or Belgian. We're not Dutch. We're not Polish, Lithuanian, Latvian or Estonian. We're not Romanian. We're not Hungarian, Czech or Serb.
We're British, and we want you out.
It's as simple as that, OP. And we're prepared to fight for it.
Like they are going to leave. You cucks are too pussy to force them out.
Without the EU migrants, there would be less unemployed british people, as they could do those jobs instead
>no that was quite a large part of it
It was a part of it of course but there are other key reasons so not to mention those is just retarded.
I've never understood why so many of our fellow westerners demand we genocide our own ethnicities by flooding our countries with millions of slavs.
If millions of slavs start going to Denmark every year, they might be white, but they won't be Danish. And if you let the flow of slavs carry on unchecked, your country won't be Danish any more.
It literally doesn't matter where people are coming from once they're coming in the millions.
>Brits love pakis more than whites
Some retarded 'Liberals' love pakis more than whites. It might make you feel good to Brit bash but it ain't actually intelligent.
id say it was 90% of it
weather your man enough to admit it or not is a different story
>I voted to leave because I despise Europeans.
I voted to leave but I don't despise Europeans. I despite the EU and the globalist 'Liberal' ideology that drives it.
Unchecked immigration is one thing, user. Sovereignty to rule our own nation and tell the EUSSR to go fuck themselves is another.
You were not given a referendum on muslims because nobody has the guts and never will. Your impotence and frustration in dealing with the real problem: non western immigration found a pressure reducing valve: EU problems. You beat your brother because the bully punched you. You were conned!
that bit should of been obvious
>brritshits are finally getting what should have happened long ago in history
Get a brain cell.
Let us good ol boys know if you need a hand removing kebab.
You know us.
We love that sorta thing.
>The Dutch
m8 I lived in your glorified neighborhood of a country for two years and I've never seen a nation with less national identity than the Dutch. You're literally Murika Lite in all the worst ways possible.
I'm not for the EU, but this kind of statement coming from a cucked clog-wearer is kekworthy.
you are not my brother
lets get that fucking straight.
>You were not given a referendum on muslims
Europe is the con, user. England is the Dream
>he thinks migrants don't work
Why else would they import them?
>Pole in Denmark
You need to go back, you turbonigger.
Places with the highest amounts of EU migration voted leave by the biggest margins, EU nationals couldn't vote.
But you still won't answer this why should English people in England be replaced with Polish people just because poles happen to be "white"?
will do greatest ally. thanks
I voted Leave by proxy because I don't want any old Abdul or Slav getting a passport and then being able to go to Britain. A country without borders isn't a country. Also Europe is so cucked and self-loathing after WW2 that they want nation states to die and form a federal union - fuck that. Call it island mentality, but Britain has stood against a whole continent for hundreds of years and we've done well out of it. We can be friends, but threaten us and we'll unleash a thousand Dresdens on you. Nothing matters more to a Brit than sovereignty.
To fucking replace the indigenous population there.
Where you been?
How fucked are you when the EU collapses? I mean, will you automatically side with Russia in the hopes that your poor ass doesn't get stamped on again? Or are you going to come begging like a typical slavshit and ask NATO to protect you?
You slavs really are the niggers of Europe.
Nice paragraph but I didn't read all of it as I'm not Dutch
None of your countries got a referendum on Muslims and none of you got them on the EU. We got one on the EU and we voted accordingly.
Britain and Netherlands pioneered the EU you monarchy Christian retard. There isn't one refugee law or one organization that led to creation of EU that you two weren't part of.
Fuck off mate. As islanders we've always been separate from you and have enjoyed the benefits it offers. You continental monkeys are not our family, we joined for the potential of economic growth. Now we see this no longer being beneficial to put up with your shit.
Canada, america, Australia, new Zealand are closer to us culturally (maybe not canada cus French and cucks). I'd be happy with a cultural Anglo union.
I've been in reality where international American companies hire illegals like 60% of times.
What this bait doesn't point out is that the EU is a fucking disaster waiting to happen. The Euro Zone is primed to implode and it's smart to get in the lifeboats (((BEFORE))) the ship sinks.
Any genuine person in Sup Forums is going to be against globalism and so called 'Liberalism'. Therefore, any genuine person in Sup Forums, wherever they come from, will support Brits who want to leave the EU.
>+ do the nasty jobs.
thats one of the points, m8 except without a sub-human only demanding a pittance in wages for a nasty job (because he sends it home to Latvia where it's worth 10x) the nasty job will be payed adequately
listen to this man, you inbred island jew
>being this clueless
>coming to Sup Forums and screeching like a faggot
hi OP
welcome to the internet
Don't consign the loyalists over in Canada to the same fate as their french, liberal neighbours, user. Many English speaking Canadians share the same cultural values as us, and one day we'll embrace them as brothers.