>I can't wait till the last holohoax survivor dies so this "muh holocaust" shouting has an end
>implying there will be a last survivor
Nice try goyim.
>I can't wait till the last holohoax survivor dies so this "muh holocaust" shouting has an end
>implying there will be a last survivor
Nice try goyim.
Its passed on genetically. Their offspring are also affected.
oh FFS
How many levels woke you on?
What's the difference between a cow and the Holycost?
you can't milk a cow for 70+ years
>muh epigenetic '''theory'''
>as though genetic coding occurs in a reproductive vacuum
>as though genes aren't more dynamic than degrading with age
Gee, it's almost like science is ever-closer to affirming what scientists in the 70s-90s were kicked out of universities over.
>Survived an extermination camp
How does that work?
How did he survive in the Ghetto and then fight in the uprising and then also manage to get in 6 different concentration camps
Why do future generation have to have the mistakes of the past rammed down their throats. Lets forget the death camps, the nuclear weapons dropped, the fire bombing, the blanket bombing.
Lets forgot 9/11 and all the fucking shit that baby boomers and their parents have constantly reminded us off and just flush it down the toilet like we should have done more than 70 years ago.
I hope this hologram gets fucked in every possible ways possible. London Sup Forums time to buy stink bombs, paint and fuck this exhibit up for ever.
He was good at sucking nazi cock.
Milo would have been proud!
So what happens if you're running 6 million copies of the program and there's a blackout?
inferior genetics, kek
That explains a high percentage of American negroes who can't assimilate physically/mentally/socially
>tfw the liberal media wants you to worship the hologram jew
It is one of the most well-documented facts in history that 6 million died in the holocaust. Each one of those 11 million has a unique story to tell. That is why we must never forget the 20 million.
A holo-gram-caust
this guy, as a 10 or 11 year old boy managed to fight nazis. wow.
Not only that, but this 11 year old boy also managed to survive six extermination camps in six months, as well as a death march.
Truly amazing, that when six gorillion others died, a malnourished boy managed to fight the SS and survive, as well as survive six death camps and a death march.
I'm absolutely sure none of this amazing story was embellished or fabricated
seriously fuck all this muh holocaust bullshit.
I don't deny the holocaust, but it definitely wasn't on the scale as the (((MSM))) portrays it.
Where is the outrage over the experimentation and euthanasia for faggots and tards?
In recent history there are groups of people that have had it so much worse than the kikes, even if you only count during WWII, and their constant shilling is starting to get to me.
We get it, a pissed off short guy tried to genocide you, that doesn't make you special you dick sucking faggots
>hack it
>install tellthetruth.exe
>nobody gets redpilled because fuck museums
wow mate, it was real in his mind okay?
This. This holocaust shilling is getting out of hand.
Whether it really happened is irrelevant because it's working in the favor of the jews anyway
>a pissed off short guy tried to genocide you, that doesn't make you special
apartheid speaking?
no for apartheid it would be
>a handful of fat, inbred farmers with neckbeards managed to subjugate tens of millions of you kangz, that doesn't make you special
Lets hope it's an AI with the ability to learn so that it can be redbulled.
The Nazis must have been pretty bad at executions. there are millions of survivors.
Was the first time the term death march was ever used after world war 2 in reference to the Holocaust?
What a bullshit concept. Has it ever been used by any other culture at any other capacity?
I understand Pacific POWs had a lot of marches but my understanding was it was to get from point A to B through treacherous terrain and the POWs were suffering from malnutrition which made the journey perilous where the weak would die.
I don't think they went aimlessly marching with the intention of walking people to death, which often seems to be how it's used by 'Survivors'.
Wheres virtual Hitler when you need him
Yeah there was only one deathmarch, and that was in the phillipines with captured americans being slave driven by the japs for like 90 miles without stopping with no food or water. If you stopped you were shot. People who collapsed would be run over by passing jap trucks who would swerve to hit them to the point they were ground into mush. It was a legit death march because the japs legit didnt give a fuck - they wanted any excuse to make the prisoners die.
The holohoax march this shit is talking about is likely about a time when jews were forced to walk a long distance and they didnt want to because their feet hurt. But now its a deathmarch??? because it sounds worse.
Fuckin leaf bringin the underappreciated bantz
seriously, COME ON
I've seen this trick before, but this was a fresh take on an old meme.
this is why i support islam and the destruction of the modern west
id rather be killed by an alluah akbar in action than destroyed by my own people over some century old bullshit
>Getting mad over European and American kikes shilling the holocaust
Those blindly accepting these facts don't matter, it's only important that you subtly influence people and bring up that you question the number of kikes that went into the oven.
lol I have a jewish friend that I've been working on for a while, he has started celebrating christmas and now believes that stalin was worse for jews than hitler
Merkel? Is that you?
Tell me, why do you flood Europe with shit skins?
that pic doesn't mean what you think it means. or maybe it does because you're a britcancer retard who has given the kikes unprecedented power for over a thousand fucking years