What did she mean by this?
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the funny thing is he's still wrong because a large rock would burn up in the atmosphere. unless it was a massive 100 ton boulder, it would have to be something more heat resistant like tungsten.
She should play some Kerbal Space Program and see how her little idea turns out. Fucking retard.
L2 Orbital Mechanics n00b
This. Wu is a retard
>your avatar
consider fucking off to Sup Forums
>starting a sentence with "Like, ..."
how to spot someone with the maturity of a teenager 101
'Rods from god' meme.
t. /K/
>Sup Forums
u wot m8?
then he should head back to /kpg/ my man
What did she mean by this?
>100 tons
Shit would need to be bigger than that. To do what is described by this mentally ill faggot would require a boulder many miles in diameter, and would also require that it be accelerated to a speed faster than any rocket we've ever put into space.
While the laws of physics do not preclude this scenario, in practice, it's impossible.
She meant you should check the catalog before starting a thread
faggots enabling the mentally ill
>in practice, it's impossible
If you mean now, I agree. If you think future armies won't hurl fuckhuge rocks at other planets you're crazy. It will happen eventually.
she even got that wrong, she is passing the value of "Gamergater" to "Tweeter' instead of comparing them, same with the else if block, also, shit indentation, wouldnt hire as jr programmer
If you have the means to produce enough energy to deorbit asteroids towards a planet, you better off with blowing that planet directly.
>the if statement comparison operator is wrong
Oh man how the fuck did they finish a game?
How do you get a large rock to lift off from the moon?
Fair enough, but it does seem feasible for some future space terrorists to do it as an improvised method of attack.
We (or our successors) are not likely to be doing anything like that for centuries.
Now Relativistic Kill Vehicles, those are something.
LOL he's using the plot of one side mission in mass effect
this timeline bruh...
This would be about the least practical way to wage war. If we are warring with them, they are sufficiently advanced that we can't simply destroy them outright? Meaning that if we possessed the technology to direct a meteor onto a collision course with their planet, they would possess the technology to detect and mitigate any threat given the time scales required to do something like that. Beyond that, strictly speaking about what was tweeted, I'll give you an example. The object that created meteor crater in Arizona was a 50m in diameter ferrous meteor. A ballpark calculation gives a mass on the order of 500,000 tons. But Meteor crater is a pimple, you'd need something at least two orders of magnitude larger to be truly devastating. The chixulub impactor, for instance, was estimated to be 10km in diameter, so ballpark estimation again would give us a mass of about 8 million times the meteor crater impactor.
This. Wu is a retard. Whoever the fuck that is.
Fake news.
Wait a fucking minute...
Elon Musk does seem like a perfect supervillain. And he has his own space program.
Perhaps he has a hidden agenda?
why are you even paying any mind to this mentally ill retard
Should be:
if (Tweeter==Gamergater || Tweet==Negative)
thanks moot for fucking up my indentation.
And this psychotic stoner is running for office...
So you're saying it would need to be the moon itself.....
Ok wait. Lets say this "rock" is actually an incredibly dense ball of mass that is mere particles away from collapsing into a black hole. I think she may be onto something guys.
She's retarded but there is a theoretical weapon platform based on kinetic bombardment. Rods of God are basically guided tungsten rods that would be dropped and directed at a target. Some cool shit.
Because posts like this are why Sup Forums exists; to bitch about nonsense spewed by irrelevant people on the internet who's arguments hold no water. It makes the largely autistic and underage userbase here feel intellectually superior. There isn't much to talk about these days besides Trump and antiftards.
Oh god, is he the new Chris-chan?
lmao this fuck plans on running for congress
>from the moon
>to planet earth
Ok lets go with 100 Tsar Bombs,
with blast radius of 35km you'd destroy about 1/4 of the earth at the very least.
I'm not a scientist or anything but that would have to be one hell of a rock.
>Brianna Wu flatearther confirmed?
Brianna Wu confirmed... moonman?
The USA is rumored to have massive tungsten rods installed on militarized satellites which they call BUNKER BUSTERS.
No explosive force required. The velocity and impact of such a thing would pierce very deep into the ground.
Ok but arent rods of god actually retarded because you can just use rockets to propel the same "rod of god" from A (the launch pad) to B (the target) without going to C (the fucking moon).
It's a huge fucking waste.
How is this only the 4th post?
Lift your fucking game Sup Forums.
Bunker busters are a fucking normal ass missile you moron.
They have been around for years.
and see my above post.
you just sort of lob it up and it reaches escape velocity
He'd only be correct if the rock was moving really REALLY fucking fast. A baseball thrown from the moon hitting the earth at the speed of light would cause catastrophic damage at the location of impact for miles. A baseball thrown from the moon hitting the earth at the normal speed of gravity's pull would be nothing.
gas the moonrocks, lunar war now
>In the case of the system mentioned in the 2003 Air Force report above, a 6.1 m × 0.3 m tungsten cylinder impacting at Mach 10 has a kinetic energy equivalent to approximately 11.5 tons of TNT (or 7.2 tons of dynamite). The mass of such a cylinder is itself greater than 9 tons, so the practical applications of such a system are limited
has she cut his dingding?
Also she looks like a tranny mind years, lest give here 10 years more and she will look like a male again realize it and commit suicide
Just going from that one movie alone (gi Joe I think) and also maybe call of duty ghosts
This would entail the force of a nuclear bomb and explosion without the nuclear radiation and fallout
Also they would be quicker to target aim fire and hit target compared to missiles, also those missiles would need to be fuckhuge to match a nuke
>What did she mean by this?
That is a dude, and he is still an idiot. That is what he means by this.
How are you gonna compare 2 objects like that? You'd have to write a function that takes into account various gamergate statements, or pulls information from a database somewhere. Anyways,
That's one of the most retarded things I ever heard
This code blocks everything. Assuming that the variable GamerGater is not falsy, this code never hits the elseif block.
4 trillion pounds. Nice.
I don't think that this mentally ill fag understands just how many hydrogen bombs there are.
This sounds like the plot of Age of Ultron.
Ask Buenos Aires about that.
I want to know more.
Doesn't even matter. Compiler would optimize it anyway. They are fantastic at it. Hers is fine for readability minus the other anons point of types not being taken into account for comparisons.
To be fair, it isn't just a case of the density of the object, but also it's sheer kinetic force.
This could be due to a higher velocity vs density ratio.
>make thread on Sup Forums about yourself because you are a mentally unstable man
>screencap all the shit people will inevitably say about you
>post it on twitter along with a link to your patreon
Works everytime.
If a rock dropped from the moon can be that powerful, just imagine a nuke dropped from the moon...
We must stop the militarization before it's too late
if it's kinetic bombardment, no, a large tungsten rod dropped from space will only have the strength of a powerful conventional explosive, not to mention the costs and pain of getting it up there in the first place
She has a point you know.
Imagine if they fired a rock that knocked the sun out of orbit and it came crashing down onto earth. The entire surface of the earth would be decimated and you could only survive if you had a bomb shelter and enough supplies to wait for the surface to cool off which could take decades.
Our scientists can fire a rocket that puts the sun back into orbit so it's aight
This is the most ridiculous statement I have ever read... chemtrails & flat earth are bro-tier compared to this
It depends on the speed upon impact.
Say it was going 90% the speed of light, I'm sure then it would be much more devastating than a conventional explosion.
>try to throw rock at earth from the moon
>rock goes into orbit
Earth still has tons of ICBMs that could reach the moon and obliterate any settlement
you realize that ICBM means intercontinental ballistic missile right? I hope you are being sarcastic?
Oh man this thread is giving me cancer
in the ass
Brianna is a harsh mistress
and that thing wants to run for congress
Not unless said rock was travelling at a significant fraction of the speed of light. Using conventional propultion it would take thousands of years and more feul than we have plus far more distance than is available between the Earth an the Moon to achieve.
That being said, a tungsten rod fired from a railgun in orbit could cause a hell of a lot of damage.
Wu only gave us a code snippet to work with. Nothing in what he wrote blocks anything, or even does anything on its own. I just fixed what was there and made it neater.
yeah but not even in the kiloton range.
Good old thermonuclear devices are still dank as fuck.
I'd like to know more
Does this thing have butchered genitals?
I'm Thinking it's a good thing if it never breeds.
Yeah the bang for buck ratio would make it unfeasible for large scale destruction. Pinpoint destruction of HVTs however....
She would propel her penis in your ass like a mainstream meteor.
ask Mike
Literally wu?
No shit, but they can easily go to space, Russia uses it's ICBMs to send shit to ISS
That would be roughly 150x the energy of the most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated, approximately 30 exajoules of kinetic energy. That is still two orders of magnitude less than the chixulub impact.