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Its common courtesy to clean up after yourself

10/10 well done cobber

> Abdul WTF!
> Clean your mess or the Jews will not help us to bring our family in the kuffar lands!

found the offenders


holy fucking shit ahahahaha


>Muslims arrived to show solidarity
i love how when its a terrorist attack we should never generalize and say "muslims killed people in nice, paris, london, etc" but when three guys are fixing some tombstones, then they do represent the entire Umma

Jews destroyed their own gravyard to get sympathy points and also paid muslims ot pretend to clean up to further the pro islamic immigration agenda. Jews are playing 12D chess while we are playing checkers.


lmao I bet this picture is them being caught in the act.

Your idol Le Pen has a Jewish boyfriend


I'm sure they showed up just to take this picture then forward it to social media.

OPs that make threads like this and all caps saying BTFO are autistic af. It's like you have so many problems that you crave attention and desperately jump on chances to attack someone.

This board was meant to unite everyone. Now we have this OP problem.

wtf muslims love jews now

>OP will not divide us


less and less people buy this bullshit the more its pushed

it's getting like groundhog day. the same fucking thing over and over and over, not verifiable, but packaged just right for their propaganda channels.

Does anybody here actually think someone other than jews is behind these latest rash of vandalism and/or bomb threats at jewish places?

I've become incapable of believing anything else unless confronted with rock solid evidence.

Way too easy, you sickkunt, you

Why is Sup Forums BTFO? Did Sup Forums ever claim responsibility for this?

How the fuck do you know it wasn't just some drunk idiots who did it for fun?

Nah, that's how they do it. They pretend that their everyone's friend and do helpful things until it's too late. When they are the minority, that's how they roll.

>Discovering Philadelphia
The fuck?
Also since google (no surprise) isn't helping me find it im sure somebody has the picture of all the refugees just trashing European cemeteries.

Crap correction: "They're"

they said it reminded them of the holocaust (of course).

also apparently a catholic church graveyard was also vandalized?

its starting to look like it may have actually been the muzzies not the kikes but who knows.

The Semite tribes joining against whitey again.

Didn't they try this shit in Spain which eventually led to their expulsion in 1492?

Criminals always return to the scene of the crime.
They probably remembered they dropped a Koran under a tombstone.

Heil Zamasu!

>this refugee was a rapist, but don't you dare judge them all by the actions of one person!

>this refugee volunteered at a soup kitchen, as you can see refugees are kind and generous people!

Fucking diaspora, letting filthy Arabs to touch their fallen's graves.

Jews (at least here in Israel) are too sensitive when it comes to graves. Its probably butthurt Dems trying to falseflag.

That's a very good goyim!! Good boy!!!

We shouldnt judge all muslims on the positive actions of just a few.




countersage these good goy faggots

>drop wallet in cemetery when smashing jewish headstones for allah
>panic and go back with cousins to look for it
>cameracrew shows up
>"uhh, yes, we're here to show solidarity and fix this"
>*phew, stupid white retards bought it*


I'm playing Monopoly.

Digits of truth!

Like that story with migrants in germany helping the inhabitants of a flooded town while they in fact just came for the photoshoot and then fucked off


>ignoring Mike Pence helping with the cleanup




If that is true, then shouldn't rebbi clean up his own mess?

It's obvious the sneaky jew vandalized his own cemetery, like the other six million times jews commit hate hoaxes, for the sympathy.

Until they get caught in the act.

I've always said this Jewish cemetery thing is being done by a Jew or a liberal, both, in most cases, attempting to make the US look bad.

Source? Genuinely curious here

A white male's decapitated head on a stick truly is indeed the best post.


Kek, that ID though!

One of them may have dropped his wallet earlier?

but did muslims show up on september 12th 2001 to clean the melted steel beams off the streets of NYC? no? then they still have a lot of work to do...

Muslims only care about dead Jews.

Also why aren't there Jews working to clean it up? Or the people who manage the cemetery?

It would be the logical thing to do if your FINGERPRINTS were already on the tombstones.



They should, since they're the ones who did it in the first place.

Aussies did it again

WTF I love Muslims now!

nice one mate


what a coincidence someone was there to turn this into a photo op. what a coincidence this story made national headline. guess what, your mitzvah does not count if you advertise it and say look how wonderfull I am.



Funny how their is always a vibrant muslim community near by to come to the rescue.


Nobody got that they did it for the image. OK.

That was debunked

This. Islam forbids tombstones.

>two guys barely pretending to work
>one guy dicking around on his phone
>two guys doing nothing

Right around the time of the elections, there was a truck with loudspeakers circling Hula's gay bar in Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii, shouting "Trump will kill all the homosexuals"

I have to walk past that place for reasons.

I had them yell stuff at me from the bar that overlooks the street from the second story. The same names and jingoisms the cops said when they were boasting they were going to murder me and nothing was going to happen to them.

Hula's is the bar that has it's employees escort kids and drugs to the local state government protected pedophile network in Waikiki that preys on poor and homeless kids. (I know because a long time ago I was one of them.)

There are some groups who are very familiar with false flagging.

She also has brown ish eyes. According to Sup Forums she ain't no white woman

Kek is here goys!

every fucking time
how do you bastards do it

Don't you see? We let it happen, little do they know we're playing checkers on a rook in a 13d chses board. Boosting their numbers is crucial to remove them, it forces their bullshit into normies lives and the normies are going to get sick of it.
Who's going to be laughing when the race war starts? Us of course.

Gotta destroy to rebuild.

Prove it or kys

Find Bif Skipman. Somebody did it once before.

I was one of the kids, not employees.

Ten years after what happened to me, they openly protected Leon Rouse.


This is why they have such a crackdown on the constitution here.


>"Quick, get the camera! Some anti-semites are destroying a Jewish graveyard! Get this shit on the front page!"
>"I took those pictures, but they aren't white. Can we still run the story?"
>"Shit. Give me a second to think...I'VE GOT IT!"

They both have a box of tissues next to them

>Find this one (of many) degenerate, govt. protected cockroach frauds, rapists and murderers who have ties to the pizza network
>Easy mode - I can get a gun
>Teddybear easy mode - I can get a gun and leave my residence (Residence, not house, I am not a snitch or trust fund sucker) without triggering one of the many military surveillance networks that detect biometrics, chemical exposure (Gunpowder or lube oil if you have recently handled a firearm), microwave scanners that act as a 3d xray, etc.
>Got my gun and get to the Hawaii Kai property.
>I live here, I know where this place is.

How do I die and get called a terrorist on the news?

>Skipman's "neighborhood watch" neighbors who are also pizza enthusiasts with special handshakes, decoder rings and aprons initiate gunfire from their residences around the Pakala St. operation and cops storm the scene
>I get in and find damning evidence, the cops swarm the place because of the armed intruder in a wealthy neighborhood, Bif calls in his situation and I get shot while handcuffed (I almost had this happen already, I am alive because they are afraid of people finding out what they are) and the news talks about the deranged white supremacist meth dealing child molester who committed suicide in front of the cops after killing a bunch of kids

>Vandalize Jewish cemetery like your ancestors taught you to do
>Take pics fixing it afterwards, the libtards will love you even more
>We good now, plz gib sharia we sweae we won't treat you like every muslim country does


How the fuck do Aussies have such god-tier bants?

Is it God's way to make up for them living in a literal death trap and having shitty internet?

thread's over there's a 99% chance they were either muslims or ((("""""white supremacies"""")))