Do we have to save Christianity or let it die?
Do we have to save Christianity or let it die?
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i came here wondering if this place was still autistic. so... yeah, looks like it
hang the pope as he is illegitimate and catholicism is heretical cuckoldry
The genie is out of the bottle. The majority of Christians themselves don't follow the bible.
The deranged and mistranslated stories from a jewish desert cult is not how we should govern. We can take the name of Christianity but use it for our own political goals.
Most of all, Christian universalism can die. A nigger Christian in Botswana is no closer to us culturally than a nigger muslim from South Sudan.
All of the Abraham sandnigger religions belong in the trash can.
Catholics aren't Christian
Christians are some of the biggest pussies ive ever met. Just let it die, these cucks will get us killed eventually
This, the current pope is an antichrist, why can't ISIS just attack vatican already
It is an ancient custom so why are you conservatives, again, whining about this? That's right. Nobody knows or cares the fuck they're doing anymore
>save soul
>wash a foot
>save soul
>wash a foot
Such decision much wow
>A nigger Christian in Botswana is no closer to us culturally than a nigger muslim from South Sudan.
True christianity will save itself by being in hearts and minds of true believers
good goy turn the other cheeck while you and your culture are being slowly destroyed by (((them)))
Conservatives are in favour of the status quo. They are impotent 60 year olds afraid of losing their retirement money.
We're a different beast altogether.
Good post. Also i believe there is no kissing involved that can come in whatever form later and only bathing with hair and tears. And that some think feet mean genitals. However. This sort of nitpicking with shoes are not the lessons to take from this kind of thing
its fun how retards like you have no idea about christianity and all you do is using le other cheek meme bcs its easier than actually reading a Bible and thinking about it :^)
All abrahamic religions are meant to serve the Jews. Christcucks play the role of humble passive obediant slaves and Mudslimes act as the tough destructive rabid hounds. Jews regularly take sides between the two and stand by laughing at how both civilizitions (Arabs and Europeans) eradicate eachother. This is the final redpill and the hardest to swallow.
Good little goy
>Catholics... Christian
Wew, lads
Fuck off leaf, I didn't give you permission to type.
Example of how Judes formerly took sides with Muds
let it die
there is nothing worth saving but nasty bullshit
but the other religions have to die first
because I am surrounded by idiots
Wrong! There is no such thing as a Christian Nigger. Hymn from the Pslams:"The Slave is our brother"
Born of virgin walk on water. Of Adam. Raise the dead. Said He would raise Himself from the dead. To be a perfect ransom for Eve. Said diaspora would occur. Did. Raze this temple and three days later and so forth and so on. Then just look at what the others believe. One of the others is more similar. The other is not. Yet both of them are controlled by the more different one? I don't think so
Revivify it. Save your dead father from the underworld.
Good observation Leb-user, the kikes imported the muzzies on purpose just so they can benefit from the resulting resurgence in the nationalist right wing. The Kosher nationalist right wing, that is.
it's already dead, it died a long time ago. what we're seeing now is largely the result of that. our culture is nihilistic, there's no meaning to anything. most religious people nowadays seem to have a daft and unsophisticated understanding of the things they are supposed to believe, and everyone else thinks science can offer meaning even though meaning is irrational in the scientific framework.
we can't remain nihilistic forever, we may end up in a totalitarian state where everyone puts their faith in a dictator and the state, like in soviet russia. or people will resurrect the old culture and add the necessary improvements in order for it to work in the modern world.
at least that's what jordan peterson thinks.
>posting a strawman image
sure, it's like your opinion man. But the funniest part is you can't do anything but sit on catalonian cartoons forum and complain about being edgy individual :^)
This is really stupid.All Jesus said is that those who claimed to be Jews were not Jews.Aka 2 factions of Jews.
Judean is just a Latinization of Judahite
Serpent Seed is not a theory?
Papacy was a mistake
Reinstate Pentarchy
English isn't mandatory in Quebec, is it?
Embracing cuckstianity because liberals abandoned it is the most pathetic and reactionary thing anybody could ever possibly do. Just let the christ cult die already.
>Do we have to save Christianity or let it die?
It was never 'alive' to begin with, my child...
ban Catholicism because of the cuckpope, and ban "protestants that don't take the bible seriously and allow faggotry.
But make it optional.
True - so much pagan idolatry, its hard to consider them Christian at al
why are strayans the most raging fedora faggots every time? is it because their convict colony never had any morals to begin with?
we have to rediscover out human spirituality and stop letting Jewish dogmas divide us.
As a Christian I should not even be on this site. Politics are a tawdry worldly passion and a distraction from the life of the spirit. The pope is not wrong to love his enemy; this is what Christ tells us to do--he is wrong for making a political statement of the fact--but that is the problem with Western Christianity in general. Death to the World.
Catholicism has always been crypto-paganism.
This image spooks me
it's an easter bunny
Khazar theory is bullshit and you know it. Theres no genetic evidence to back it up and it doesn't account for sephardic or mizhrahi kikes.
Yes but why inside that costume
[autism intensifies]
Probably left over from easter and they recycled it. It happens all the time.
is this the new NIGGERED meme because I like it
Better put the apostles on the right hand side, and don't forget your pedogod kissing nigger feet on the left
same here
>Every Pope I don't like is the Antichrist: The young Christian's guide to Divine Selection
Gotta fire up GIMP later
>Every Pope I don't like is the Antichrist: The young Christian's guide to Divine Selection
t. Rodrigo Bórgia
The current pope is a commie cuck from Argentina. Benedict was based and redpilled.
Anyone with a template for that nigger hand and the thighs, or with the nigger hand at the pope's head?
>The traditionally Protestant countries have seen a general decrease in church attendance since the 1970s. This concerns Germany, the UK, the Netherlands, and Scandinavia.
Traditionalist Protestantism is losing grounds in Europe and bring that image and blame Catholicism and Orthodox for that.
How do save the Archbishop of Canterbury instead?
As soon as he becomes the Protestant pope he'll matter :^)
Let protestcucks die off. They can't be saved. It's their punishment for being heretics.
Non praevalebunt
>Gerd Eva Cecilia Brunne (born 7 March 1954) is a bishop in the Church of Sweden.
>She became the Bishop of Stockholm in 2009. >She is the first openly lesbian bishop of a mainstream church in the world
>and the first bishop of the Church of Sweden to be in a registered same-sex partnership.
Sweden is fucking lost.
Traditionalist protestantcucks are truly lost. And Fedora Hats still sympathize with them.
>we have to save Christianity
We already did.
>all those blue shitholes full of idolatry claiming belief in God
You know there's something wrong with your country when you need to compare it with Turkey to have an argument.
We have to do it again
>there is no islamic terrorism goys
>just become atheists goys
>its okay to be gay
Yea alright fuck off Jew
Christianity is not longer is a means of population control. Nobody attends church and western religions are dying. Shitlibs who used to be religious now worship their ideologies, spreading ideas like charity and tolerance by supporting destructive leftist policies. They virtue-signal constantly to prove they are moral, good people.
Christianity will never recover.
>tfw protestcucks are the minority in Germany
Luther btfo
those feet look tasty
>Shitlibs who used to be religious now worship their ideologies
They do it because they have been misled and because people need to worship something to find meaning in their lives, but none of those ideologies is sustainable. Everything they currently believe in is false and will inevitably fall apart. And then the survivors will come back crying to the churches of their grandparents.
It's either that or becoming slaves to a religion that thoroughly embodies all the oppression they blame their own people for.
Being a minority in modern Germany is a positive
How about Switzerland then
Yep, there too
>The majority of Christians themselves don't follow the bible.
Alas, here aren't that many pharaohs around nowadays to whore your wife/"sister" out to - but I guess KANGZ come close, which would explain the obsession Christians have with the black animal.
you mean popecucks
>they are still believing in relligion which has been manipulated over centuries and fight with every group
How do you now that protestantism/orthodoxy or catholicism is right?
Just live by your morality as bible says
>How do you now that protestantism is right?
Those books were never scripture.
The pope has been overthrown by jews.
True Catholicism needs a resurrection.
This. Fuck everyone that hates. Read The New Testament m8s. Jesus taught us to not let others take advantage of us. That includes immigrants coming to rape and kill us all.
Old Testament = Jewish garbage
New Testament = Christianity
Learn the difference.
You = heretic
Are you sure about that? i'd advise to watch your back in the coming months.