Practice what you preach Drumpftards

How are you going to defend your precious God Emperor this time?

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Ones white


Also, we are experiencing the fourth turning, society as we know it is going to end, I don't care if he spends all of taxpayer money on grapefruit, but I'm glad he's doing it and not shillary.

Is that counting out of pocket expenses they pay to travel? Here's a little tip. Your normie ass ain't welcome here.

source on this.

So the debt is going down?

Trumps leadership has paid off 12 Billion off your national debt in ONE MONTH.

Obama doubled the sent from 10 trillion. To 20 trillion.

CEOs of successful businesses that run profits deserve bonus's. Prove me wrong
>You can't.

yes, politifact or whatever fact checking """"source"""" had to downplay it by only saying he did a 1/3 of what happened

he hasn't even proposed his full budget yet
they cant keep lying and keep their audience

also, faggot OP, that nigger obama gave away billions to iran
travel expenses are irrelevant when you help arm a country seeking nuclear arms you treasonous jizzbank

until we see a source for this no, I'll go make one for obama reducing national debt 10 trillions and its as legitimate as this random piece of text.

Well, you Americans did vote the guy knowing his family and holdings were much larger and harder to protect. His two sons were just in Canada here to open a hotel.

with all obamas vacations, i find this hard to believe

stay the fuck out of pol you fkn shill

The American people are obliged to support the president using whatever resources and services are available, putting a price on expenses for things that *have* to be done is just ignorant. For all intents and purposes the president's travel expenses are free, simply because it is expected for him to travel where and when needed; it's not his privilege but his right, and it has to be this way for anyone to take them seriously. Plebeians have to buy tickets, he simply goes to where he says.

Why don't the Brits tally up how much the royal family spends, or any royalty of any country for that matter? They don't even have any say in what goes on in their own country, so it's an even bigger cash sink, but again, it's their right to do what they want, costs be damned.

To be fair finding out what the current national debt is should clear it up.

>constant protest and threat of harm from the left leading to increased cost of security for the potus
>omg why is he spending so much of """""""our"""""" money!

debt clock is still rising.


He's not a CEO, he's the president
Anyways, the travel expenses seem to be justifiable since he has been doing quite a lot since the inauguration


adult tickets cost more,
cant get discounts becuase of race
trump is god

It probably wouldn't even seem that necessary for Trump to go to the winter White House so frequently if there weren't so many leaks at the White House.

You belong in a gas chamber. You move goal post and won't even cite a source for your information. Meanwhile half the anons here could link you the page the numbers were pulled from. KYS shill, and say the line first.

This photo is a lie. Trips don't cost NEARLY that much. Unless democrats are going to factcheck only their own inflated trip costs. Previous administrations have dragged 1000+ people around foreign countries and not paid THAT much.
>In Africa, Clinton was accompanied by about 1,300 individuals — not including members of the Secret Service — representing the White House, the Department of Defense and other federal agencies. The president visited six countries in 12 days, which means the trip cost $3.6 million per day.

>When Clinton visited China to conduct talks with the president of China, he brought along about 500 individuals. The trip lasted nine days, which works out to a little less than $2.1 million per day.

[Citation Needed]

They'll scream fake news or ignore it because he's their team and thus it's fine.

another rat bites the dust
why do they even keep trying?
oh right, they're payed in pedomoney

Michelle showed up on NCIS and Barack showed up on some stupid anthony bourdain food show.
The obama presidency was more about being a celebrity than actually fucking running a country.
Seriously, fuck em.

Obamas salary for 8 years
Trumps salary for 8 years
Really gets the noggin bogglin

>be liberal
>tell lies about the president
>be surprised when the secret service spends more money

Any liberal media.

>CEOs of successful businesses that run profits deserve bonus's. Prove me wrong
1. The president =/= CEO
2. We're still over $19Trillion in debt. We're miles away from running anything close to a profit.

He's making it up in all sorts of expenses for him and his family

Of course CBS says it Obama's economy. It wont be Trumps economy ever unless it fails.

>Obama just sorta sat there for the first month
>trump went to different countries to meet world leaders

>Liberal said without niggress there is no moon landing

>and they give oscars to nigger movie ,
because nigger who live in ghetto is so interesting to see

They don't understand shakespeare , they read hippies scribble

They don't listen baroque music , they listen ebonic music about violence and sexuality

they really don't understand basic math and Mendel's law

they olny understand liberal who sees everything as a metaphor of the patriarchy, sexism and racism

They Think like black , talk like black , act like black , dance like black

dating with black , and they become a black

here you go you retard

No, they actually said he did 3 times better but because he said the smaller number it was a lie

Tell the media to stop suggesting someone kill him. Not that hard to understand. Sage

So the media, academia, tumblr warriors and all those that blithely follow them spend 18 months screeching about how he is (((Literally Hitler))) and make countless threats, riot for 2 weeks after the election, two weeks after the inauguration and have carte blanche on attacking his supporters....

And he's getting criticized for having a high cost of security?

>obama travel expenses
>12.1 million dollars

op lies. michelle obongo spent a week in paris and rented an entire floor of a 5 star hotel and spent 10 million. one week.

Jesus Christ, did the US debt literally increase by 350%~ in 15 years?
That's way worse than i imagined.

Treating the government as a private business is literally so retarded. You're an embarrassment to Australia. >>>fuck off

I would like to believe it but i need a source for it.

Does the source originate from cnn as well?

By making up some absurd bullshit as usual.

Need sources for those figures, famalam.

good price to MAGA


What was Trump's specific policy that caused the debt to drop that one day?

Why is the debt continuing to skyrcket under Trump?


Source? Because I don't believe this at all.

>Trumps salary for 8 years
Don't forget Uncle Vladimir is gonna let Little Donnie build a Trump Tower in Moscow if he plays his cards right.

Family of 4 spends less than family of 8!

Stop the fucking presses boys, we've got a hot story here!

his kids inherited multi million dollar businesses; maybe they paid for the trip.

Hey shill, if I were you I would run. Trying to give you a head start.

Those Shareblue threads payed off and caught traction.

>s the American press has shone a spotlight upon alleged Russian involvement both in the U.S. presidential election and its aftermath, Disobedient Media has identified a number of foreign public and private sector groups using DNC operations to peddle influence in American politics.

>An investigation into a shadowy world of shell companies and chains of influence stretching all over the globe has revealed that Democratic propaganda figure David Brock's organization Shareblue appears to be a apparent front group being used by a number of Chinese, Middle Eastern, British, Israeli, Mexican and American special interests to spread anti-Trump and anti-democratic rhetoric both during the presidential election as well as in its aftermath.

The day of the rope is inching ever closer :^)

Our debt is in free fall by the billions every day since Trump took office but you'll never hear about it because the ((((media)))) is busy choking cock trying to find their imaginary Russia connection which wouldn't even be illegal if it was real.

You are autistic if you think that's the reason Trump is spending way more lol. Especially at the level he's spent.

>Obama decreased national debt
>National deby increased ~12 trillion from '09-'16

You can only pick one

Man, there are so many autistic people in Sup Forums that defend their retarded daddy Trump to insane degrees lol

>Save $3.2 million over 8 years
>Spend it all in less than a month
Rly Jimmies the Neutrons

Dumbass, he didn't give billions to Iran, he gave Iran back assets WE froze. They weren't our billions, those were Iran's from the first place. You think it's ok to steal?

>Trump lowers national debt by 12 billion in first month
>Obongo INCREASES national debt by 200 billion in first month
My almonds are so activated. Fuck off shill,


I don't know of any billions but if you are talking about the $400 million in physical cash sent on a plane to Iran the same day hostages were released? That's fishy as fuck.

>How are you going to defend your precious God Emperor this time?
If everyone wasn't trying to kill him, he would not require as absurd security. The white house should not be a prison.

Says the guy from his mom's basement who has never tried to support a child.

An average child (average not president's) can cost almost 300k to raise.

lol... wow....

You autistic people need to do a little bit of research

Stop listening to Fox News

>Trump gets assassinated
>Mike "Edison's Medicine" Pence takes over and institutes Martial Law
>Millions of normies red pilled by Don's sacrifice
>Civil War
>Law enforcement and military side with the administration as support in the first months has shown
>The left are buried inside 6 days to actually serve a beneficial life purpose for once as organic compost
>On the 7th day we rest, watch NASCAR and electro-shock homo's

I never said they weren't legitimate as I'm an Ausfag and aren't up to speed on US-Iran relations. Nice way to sidestep my comment too shill.

I love that you prove you have no idea what you're talking about with every post :) I know how much it costs to support a child in one of the most expensive cities in the nation, it's not "11 million a month for 6 kids" bad.

There's like thousands of people trying to kill him and his family
Of course they require high security

Cause your retarded comment is unfounded...

Oh, but I'm sure you'll return with an Ad Hominem about Politifact (politifact's not perfect, but they're right here with sources)

>a politifact false Trump accusation
Boy that must be really well sourced

What you gotta say about your fav network covering it?

On the same day in January, the United States paid Iran $400 million dollars, and Iran released several American prisoners. While there appears to be a quid pro quo — the United States would not give Iran the cash until the prisoners were on their way home — this does not equate to ransom, experts told us.

>experts told us.
You are so fucking stupid it hurts. Yes this is ad hom. Yes you are still fucking stupid. Step up your game ShareBlue.

>How are you going to defend your precious God Emperor this time?
Fake and gay

>The National Taxpayers Union said Mr. Obama is spending about 29 hours of flight time on the trip that began Thursday, taking him to Kenya and Ethiopia. Operating Air Force One costs $206,337 per flight hour, for a total of $5,983,773.

>The total cost of the trip will easily reach into tens of millions of dollars. In the summer of 2013, Mr. Obama took his family on a weeklong trip to sub-Saharan Africa that was estimated to cost taxpayers between $60 million and $100 million.

>b-but muh colourful fonts!


SO are you implying that the president has to travel more often to get things done? Really makes you think... huh...

>Four family members, two adult, two school age
>All in same location

>Eight family members in photo alone
>Six Adults, four with own legal and business obligations to be in different locations

We're shocked by this why?

he saved 12 billion dollars in his first month in office

bullshit, obamas africa tour alone was above 100 mil

Is it still a tour if it's your home town?

This is a CTR shill thread paid for by the Democratic party.

These numbers don't even deserve justification because they are so manipulated. Obama and his family cost the tax payers over a billion in travel over 8 years (over 125 million per year) in travel and vacation expenses alone. That's not even including travel expenses for actual government and foreign policy reasons.

Trump hasn't take one vacation, and all the expenses for travel have been for government reasons.

Not true. Only way to pay down debt is to have more money than you spend on necessities. People with sound fiscal sense and cash on hand don't default on debts, they pay it down.

The United States freed up a bunch of cash by cutting funding to planned parenthood and re-prioritizing their fiscal policy slightly. Imagine what will happen when trump's first budget plan is implemented.

Trump has been attacked by the media more in one month than Barry was in 8 years. I'd want some time off too.

You mean sky-crash, right?

Saved 12 bil