Other urls found in this thread:
I agree they should be rehabilitated. That is by locking them up and doing so.
Though...how the hell would you rehabilitate a kiddy fiddler?
get them addicted to equally sick but legal shit like traps and feet.
it worked here, cp threads used to be a daily feature.
give him a paki passport?
>people who view indecent images of children
That's Sup Forums safe then
>it worked here, cp threads used to be a daily feature.
I think they just moved over to Sup Forums
On the BBC at the same time as this was on the front page. bbc.com
you guys know their just images and 99% of the people busted are from drawings and sexting right ?
Its effen gay locking ppl up for thought crimes. Lock up the people doing it instead, this destroys peoples lives forever over a stupid picture.
Chemical and physical castration.
Found the pedo, eat a 45 bullet you faggot.
The media is one step away from publishing a "So, I fucked a kid against their will -- what's the big deal?" op-ed
What's going on with the normalization of pedophilia? Is this just an another level of liberal propaganda?
This will be your future:
hot lead injection
the smoking gun
They've been doing that for a while
You know its almost impossible to tell the diff between 18 and 17 tard right?
All over a picture, ok 1984 minority report. Check that tin foil and conspiracy theory shit at the door next time.
That slippery slope argument was right after all.
Its called a state issued id you faggot.
>Adultery shouldn't be the death penalty
>Adultery shouldn't be punishable
>Adultery shouldn't be discriminated against
>Adutlery should be accepted
>Homosexuality shouldn't be the death penalty
>Homosexuality shouldn't be punishable
>Homosexuality shouldn't be discriminated against
>Homosexuality should be accepted
>Transgenderism shouldn't be the death penalty
>Transgenderism shouldn't be punishable
>Transgenderism should be discriminated against
>Transgenderism should be accepted
>Pedophilia shouldn't be the death penalty
>Pedophilia shouldn't be punishable
It might be a logic fallacy, but the slippery slope exists.
let me know when taking a picture or selfie requires that or has that embedded dumbass to call viewing a selfie they took or some drawing next time.... The law is retarded that viewing an image is a crime.
The crime is the crime, you dont go to jail for viewing a bank robbery or become a murderer if you see someone die.
You just reminded me of the vile horrors that used to reside on Sup Forums.
You're so dumb. It's not the picture. It's the contents of the picture.
Same deal if you watched a child porn video.
I say if they are not distributing, creating or paying for CP they should be fined and rehabilitated.
No good throwing them in prison if they are not actually hurting anyone.
You do go to jail for consuming drugs however since that creates a market for drugs and also makes you into an antisocial problem for others--porn is a drug and cp is the krokadil of porn; that is the slippery slope. It is only been one generation since pornography became mainstream and widely available to all and this is the result. I do agree that co viewers are in many cases only addicts who need rehabilitation.
really so watching a bank robbery by your logic makes you a bank robber or same with seeing one of those jihad videos, implying you suddenly become muslim waging jihad.
Your logic is impractical at best.
>. I do agree that co viewers are in many cases only addicts who need rehabilitation.
A girl sending a guy a selfie they get locked up for or they see online doesnt make them an addict nor does it make it porn. Cant look at all porn as bad or everyone will be in jail.
Slippery slope was never wrong; it's not a fallacy and never was. It's a fallacy that it's a fallacy.
You know what another term for the slippery slope argument is? The Foot In The Door sales technique.
You start with something small, to get your foot in the door, then you move on up to the bigger stuff once you've got people trusting you. Human psychology in action. The esteemed pedophiles and social engineers within the deep state have started with the small stuff already - gays, feminism, and transexualism, now they're moving onto pedophilia.
Where will it stop? Who the fuck knows. Given the control they wield they might take it as far as "it's okay for rich/well-connected people to murder anyone they want in cold blood". It sure as fuck wouldn't be a first for human societies. I mean, once the pedophilia's legalized pretty much anything goes at that point.
All porn is bad, in my opinion but that is not the point the point is that today people addicted to porn face the same problem alcoholics face, a life ruining drug which is available easily at all times and many people who refuse to get help end up viewing and therefore participating in the worst kind of porn; child abuse
>tfw brit posters are now covered
You need to leave the basement and get real life grown woman vagina you hopeless weeb. Pictures? Its 2017 yiu faggot go get laid.
Nice strawman.
The consumption of bank robbery videos does not contribute to bank robberies nor can the video be used to subsidies the events within the video.
>I rob a bank
>I steal money
>I make CP
>Sell CP
>Use money to make more CP
The slippery slope fallacy only applies if you claim that an extreme hypothesis will eventually happen without giving the method.
Laws are made on the basis of previous laws, therefore the slippery slope fallacy does not apply here.
You can think of it in terms of bricks being laid on top of other bricks
>Like Hitler, Trump did not accept his presidential salary. If we allow him to do that, eventually he will create concentrated camps.
>If we allow them to ban end to end encryption, eventually they will engage in mass surveillance of all text messaging (as automated AI data mining techniques are perfected etc.)
Gass all pedophiles
people are busted for just viewing it even if they never save it or made it. That is the problem with the laws. The creator should be the criminal not every person who views it, just like the bank robber is the criminal not every person who sees it is suddenly a bank robber.
>people are busted for just viewing it even if they never save it or made it.
I don't see any distinction between viewing it voluntarily and having saved it.
>the creator should be the criminal not every person who views it
>>It's the drug dealer who should be the criminal not the drug users.
Those who consume CP directly contribute to the actions of those who create the CP and therefore will be targeted, just like drugs.
>ust like the bank robber is the criminal not every person who sees it is suddenly a bank robber.
Viewing a bank robbery does not directly or even indirectly contribute to bank robberies.
>how the hell would you rehabilitate a kiddy fiddler?
Pic related
Amen brother
so those who watch bank robberies contribute to bank robberies? Think about that before posting, your making yourself look like a brainwashed automaton.
>so those who watch bank robberies contribute to bank robberies?
Are you retarded? I said
>Viewing a bank robbery does not directly or even indirectly contribute
>does not directly or even indirectly contribute
>does not
>does not
>does not
>does not
>does not
your implying one does and one doesnt in the same sentence which is the definition of hypocrisy.
Saying that people who look up muslims blowing up or bank robberies are all going to become muslim bank robbers.
Just wait before reposting... or at least take a break to reply, your redpill on this will come one way or the other senpai.
>How many men are pedophiles
I'm pretty sure women do that too
Too bad he didn't die.
>the creator should be the criminal not every person who views it
>It's the drug dealer who should be the criminal not the drug users.
This is true though.
The fuck are you going on about?
>Saying that people who look up muslims blowing up or bank robberies are all going to become muslim bank robbers.
Where did I say this? Give me the actual post and direct quote.
That assumes you are completely not responsible for your own actions.
>trying to equate CP with bank robbery
You can't hinge your whole argument on a false equivilance.
The harm that a bank robbery does ends when the crime is over. Even if its recorded and put on the internet, its over.
Some bank teller isn't going to be too concerned that people have videos of them being shaken down. Maybe a bit bothered, but not too much.
Child abuse is different. Being violated against your will on camera is horrifying, and having that being spread over the internet for other people to lust over is part of that violation. The violation continues after the crime has been committed.
You can't erase an incident of child abuse forever from the internet, but steps need to be taken to ensure that it isn't spread, and letting people know that its morally reprehensible what they are doing.
You can't just say that victims are being pussies. The psychological damage that child abuse and the spread of the images is well known.
And furthermore, denying that watching CP makes a lot of people more dangerous and likely to offend is naive. If you reinforce your sick fetish day in and day out, it is eventually going to get to the point where it could be acted on. Not always, but there is a correlation.
>Being violated against your will on camera is horrifying
So all those selfies, all those drawings are somehow against their will? How will you save the precious ink and people from taking their own selfies and such? Your making up that its against their will and have zero proof.
You sound like some climate change nutjob with your 99% of scientists say its real yet offer no proof or evidence that viewing an image somehow makes the crime happen again, as in watching a bank robbery doesnt re rob the bank.
Teens who take naked selfies of themselves need to be disciplined. They are at the age where they make stupid decisions that hurt them for life, and sexting needs to be discouraged. Even the hyperliberal sex positive crazies are starting to realize this.
And reinforcing a fetish with images does increase desire and seeking out more ways to get off through that fetish. This is so self evident, I don't know why its disputed. That inevitably leads to the possibility of acting out on that fetish. Not always, but likely.
It must be stopped.
How is having the gvt decide whats morally correct create responsibility? If anything it passes it off to a governing body.
Fucking statist.
so people who view gore images or bank robberies have a fetish for it? So every image you save is something you have a fetish for?
Are you born retarded because I find it hard to believe you made it to the egg first. Go back to yelling BlackLivesMatter and your other made up BS with no evidence or proof like climate change and diversity because you sound like a libcuck by just being a parrot.
Whats your encore going to be He Will Not Divide us?
None of that meant to insult but seriously figure out what your typing before doing so, it is making you look worse and worse since none of it contains any logic. By your definition all those shows like SVU and CSI are watched by soon to be murderers.
>Teens who take naked selfies of themselves are at the age where they make stupid decisions that hurt them for life
How does a selfie hurt someone for life? How much of a snowflake are you?
What are you even trying to argue? That not everyone who downloads CP fetishizes children? That some people download it for the "artistic value"? Downloading CP is a pretty good indication that someone is afflicted with a pedo fetish and it should be discouraged.
>"Oh what? You don't support catching pedos? Then you must be like BLM, or CLIMATE CHANGE, or HWNDU or OTHER THING ASOCIATED WITH THE LEFT. Huh yeah. I bet you feel pretty stupid now that I proved you were a LEFTIST. You can't be a true enlightened redpilled rightist without supporting kiddie fucking
These kind of posts always show up in these threads. Its clumsy and transparent. Rightist don't like CP. They don't defend pedos.
Hell, even with all this crazy leftist degeneracy going on, even the majority of leftists wants you to fuck off
You must be blind if you can't see the harm done by the sexualization of the youth.
>Downloading CP is a pretty good indication that someone is afflicted with a pedo fetish
If they're already afflicted don't you think the rate of sexual assaults on children would go up if their outlet is taken away from them? Look at how the rates of sexual assault dropped across the board when porn was decriminalized in Europe.
That whole theory of "pedos will just act out on real people if their outlet is take away" doesn't make sense to me
These things aren't an "outlet" because the fetish is reinforced through repeated viewing. Theres all kinds of fetishes around these days because of the advent of online porn, and some of them are harmful. Pedos need to be kept away from all that so they can recover from their fetish
>Fetishism usually becomes evident during puberty, and may develop prior to that.[1] No cause for fetishism has been conclusively established.[14]
So we've gone from them being afflicted to needing reinforcement despite no concrete evidence for it. And I can still easily claim they're gonna experiment on kids because they don't have access to an outlet. No need for a developed fetish at all. Remember most victims of child abuse are family members.
Pedophilia, like all fetishes, can be developed through reinforcement and remains an affliction until its treated.
It should be self evident. Back when I was a porn addict, I picked up all sorts of wierd fetishes that went away when I abstained.
And I don't feel comfortable with the idea that we NEED to give these sickos what they want otherwise they will attack our children.
It feels like a hostage situatiin to me.
"Give us what we are entitled to or we will take it out on your kids"
Giving that to them isnt a solution. These people need to be fixed, not placated
>picked up all sorts of wierd fetishes
It might be self evident from your perspective because it seemed like a natural progression for you. But it could easily have been deep seeded desires embedded in your psyche driving your actions. These things aren't as crystal clear as you make them out to be.
>NEED to give these sickos what they want
You're not giving them anything by imprisoning them over pixels. It's pure vengeance driving you unless you provide evidence that it reduces sexual abuse. If less abuse can be achieved through greater freedom then I'm all for it. I don't believe incarceration fixes anything when it just provides an incentive for these people to not seek help.
What ever happened to the old British method - instant hanging
No, it's a good thing he didn't die. Leaves more room for him to get raped again.
Does anyone see this?
This is the most old jewish tactic ever made; change the name, change its connotations.
Your a fucking retard pushing a false equivalence to justify you're perversion mate, reported to FBI
This is a man that has never witnessed Banana posting
Then rehabilitate them in jail
The correct spelling is and always has been paedophiles. Like haemoglobin, aeon, aesop, aether, algae and a fuck load of other words