>Worry about Bulgaria and Romania
>Have "Mohamed" as the most popular name
Are Britfags extremely cucked or are they just plain retarded?
>Worry about Bulgaria and Romania
>Have "Mohamed" as the most popular name
Are Britfags extremely cucked or are they just plain retarded?
We don't go to London anymore, Turk.
>conquer the world
>bred out by heathens with nothing but your little island left and some potato niggers
where did it go so wrong?
But Carl, Ireland mostly speak English in their country and we created you for Donald to rule. I'd say we've done pretty good.
Tell your brother Canada I said hello.
> mostly
Oh, the irony....
well the bad part is the brits still fall for the meme even though the vast majority of romanians there aren't filthy gypsies(I'd say 80%, and that still means there are a lot of gypsies but yeah, the nomads flee for the gibs)
The good part is that if a happening would take place, there would be less romanians blowing up/butchered/ran down by trucks
Help us.
good,deport all romanians on welfare, they'll move to Sweden anyways
Why do we have the choose?
Britain for the Brits (and Europeans who aren't slavshits)
Why do Slavs try to create a false dichotomy of Muslims or Slavs? You can say no to both.
If it's a meme then why dont you want them? #makeromaniagreaterthanitwasbefore
don't listen to the retard see
Foreigners who think they are entitled to stay in another man's country are below paki tier,esp if they're european. It's obvious now that anyone holding a job and contributing to the UK will not be deported,but you gibmedats left voting shills can't wait to degrade yourself below niggers.
>Want to throw muslims and curry niggers out
>Vote Brexit
>Throw Europeans out instead
The superior anglo """"""intellect"""""" at work
they can't say anything bad about Paki or african immigration because they could actually go to jail
so they focus on euro immigration, which is retarded
>all these mad slavshits
Funny how slavs all love mass immigration, globalism and multiculturalism when their gibs get threatened.
>extremely cucked or are they just plain retarded
There is no difference.
lol i didn't said i don't want the romanians back,more like the contrary really.
I just don't want back the gypsies that flee for your money.
Guess one of the advantages of living in a country that never was a world power is not seeing it turn to ashes in literally a lifetime.
Shame how the once mighty British Empire got to this, and not saying this because i'm a "slavshit", i'm saying this because the people that you once ruled are now establishing sharia islands in your country.
F to pay respects.
These anglo cucks reap what they sow - enjoy your pakis you fags!
Oh come on, it's not Europeans we want to remove, it's the third world shits, although our politicians and media will never dare admit it so you white guys are used as scapegoats that allow them to talk about immigration. EU immigration does not mean exclusively white immigration though, we're getting a lot of Africans and Muslims from places like France and Sweden, and while they have porous borders we do need to end EU free movement. I think the vast majority of Brits have zero problem with Slavs, you're very welcome here, it's the Left you need to be wary of, they simply hate white people and they want open borders as a means to ruin European demographics.
>where did it go so wrong?
>haha yeah fuck white immigrants, give us more pakis
>Still 80% White
better than 61.6%
half of whitty think they are robin hood
robbing white brother to give shitskin the gibs
America white is so liberal
Think niggress send a man to the moon
so many white women fuck with shit-skin
America is done
A million paki refugees move to Germany and claim citizenship.
>we euros now
>move to Britain
>we don't want immigrant from European countries to stay anymore but let's keep importing shitskins from muslim shitholes instead
lol bongland
not one burger post in this thread
fuck redcoats
>Funny how slavs all love mass immigration, globalism and multiculturalism
Even though they're actively opposing it and Orban claimed he'll only take in Christian refugees?
The fun thing is they can't. T.may tried to open up Commonwealth countries for more free trade with bongistan to make up for future lost EU trade and they pretty much said yes,but only if you loosen visa restrictions for our citizens.
So they'll be swarmed by curryniggers and similars in the future.
Are you the guy who larps as a South Korean bodybuilder?
She said no to them though, India already ruled out free trade because of it. So they will probably only get trade deals with the other Anglo countries.
You're right,but the other Anglos cannot offset the losses with Eu. What do bonvs have to offer in large quantities, that other anglos need?Jewish bankers the us has already enough of, I believe.
So once the losses will sting may or.her successors will cave in to the curries and English streets will be shat on the likes it has not seen since Shakespearean times
Your pessimism won't destroy my will to carry on. Fuck you, and fuck your snake tongue.
tfw I'm still here
most romanians here work like slaves for shit pay, dupe. thats just May's instigation to hate bcs romanians are universal scapegoat now it seems.
this is about throwing romanians out ; they dont know romania is actually white
romanians arent slavs dipshit
The problem with EU free movement law is that most of their shitty Muslims are actually immigrants from other parts of Europe who chose exploit the EU few movement laws and settle in Britain because its comfy in London for a brownfag, as all the way to the 90s, much of Europe, even countries today seen as SJW extremists were still relatively racist and Britain was seen as a multicultural haven for much of the second half of the 20th century. This is part of the reason why Every country in the EU was against Brexit. Britain had become for a long time Europes containment zone for extremist Muslims and welfare cheats, but now Britain wants the trash to go back to their countries, and European countries aren't prepared for extra shitskins.
Exactly why they should be thrown out. If Romanians are cheaper labour then they act as an undercut to native, more expensive, labour.