Rich men growing richer, but poor and middle class becoming poorer. But tax system taxing everyone equal e.g. in Russia we pay 10% income tax from 500$ middle paycheck, so average taxpayer left to survive on 450, when rich pays same percent from their 1488 gorillions $ income. They have their business protected by law and police, which are payed from regular taxpayer's wallet, they use infrastructure which also payed from taxpayer's wallet.
Look, for example, at this statistics of USA federal budget income of 2015 year. Almost 50% of federal income is from individual taxpayers, and only 11% are corporate income taxes. And now look at GDP and all yourself, who make more money: all individual taxpayers or corporates? I could make some economic mistakes cuz I don't know completely structure of US federal budget for good reason.
Why taxation system so retarded?
Other urls found in this thread:
70,000+ pages of loopholes and tax vehicles. YOu tell me.
>fuck the bourgeoisie and so on and so forth
We don't have a flat income tax, there are brackets. The highest payers are those with the highest incomes.
However, we need to cut corporate taxes and replace it with tariffs to encourage domestic production. Payroll tax needs to be abolished and replaced with a consumption tax.
And this.
When I wrote my post I didn't mentioned that corporates trying to avoid taxes.
Corporate Income taxes are the height of stupidity.
Yes corporations "make" money, but they are made up of people.
The corp gets taxed.
The shareholders of the corp are taxed via income/capital gains/ dividend taxes
The officers of the corporation are taxed via income tax
>trade deficits
But if there's a trade deficit your country is importing more resources than it exports. You can do it because your currency is valuable.
>Replaced with a consumption tax
Oh fuck no. At least the PRT is straightforward and hard to abuse.
Russia is a state designed and engineered to let Putin and his friends suck the country dry.
Not to allow for a better life for you.
>This tax is designed to even out imbalances in money flows across borders and reduce corporations' incentive to off-shore profits. This makes the DBCFT a tax and not a tariff: though it is a tax on imports and an export subsidy, "The key point is that the rate of border adjustments is paired and symmetric. Thus, the effects on trade of these two components – the import tax and the export subsidy – are offsetting. Adopting them together imposes no trade distortions even though adopting either separately would do so."
I guess tariffs is a misnomer
Well the idea is that if the host is full of life, the leech gets more blood. Laffer and all that.
It IS abuse. the money than employers pay in payroll taxes is money they don't pay their employees. its absurdly high. I could easily get a 20 percent raise if my employer didn't have to pay payroll taxes on MY PRODUCTIVITY
Payroll (or FICA) taxes have a hard limit, by replacing it with a consumption tax the very rich now have to pay the tax. A consumption tax would be the first step towards UBI as well, as everyone could automatically qualify for a refund of a certain amount every year.
Well, at least in our budget incomes 40% are oil trade taxes, not from regular men.
Also this is the tax plan Sanders was proposing, kek
Yes, equal distribution of wealthy
Good Goiyim.
Nice to see you learned nothing from the Soviet experience.
> Look I will make economy better by just raising taxes, it's so simple lmao
The very rich are already hit with Income Tax, capital gains, and estate tax-but for general fed expenses.
If you want to shift the burden of SS/MC to the rich from PRT to consumption tax, at least make a floor (either an Income floor or refunding first $dollars of consumption) to exclude people buying groceries but include people buying Lambos.
> Yes, equal distribution of wealthy
It's not about equal distribution of wealth. It's about rich must pay for the country, not regular men, whose real incomes are lowering every year.
Do you hear "Why should government pay for something from tax money, from my money". I don't think multimillionaires says something like that.
Also he wanted a tax on securities- something he ADMITTED on his site "may" "only" reducie trading volume by 40%- eg crash the economy.
The US has the most progressive tax system in the world, retard
The "rich" in the US pay more than their fair share. The top 10 or so percent pay about half the taxes.
I need a better explanation of the Russian system though