Let's Start a Nation

In rust.

>Rust is a multiplayer online survival-oriented game in which players are charged with foraging for their own food, building their own houses, fortifying their own territory, creating their own weapons and using their own weapons to defend themselves from foreign raiders and looters.

It costs $20, and you can buy it here.

We'll claim an area of land for the "State", and all other settlements must meet standards set by the state.
A tax of 5% of all material gains (save those acquired by raiding) will be paid to the state. In exchange, the state will fortify the settlements of new members, provide for the common defense, and punish wrongdoers.

The fucking normies and retards who play this game will be incapable of vanquishing an organized, loyal band of Sup Forumsacks who are willing to honorably fight and die for the libertarian dream.

Other urls found in this thread:




Can you choose your skin colour?
Or do they force you to play some nigger?

I'd be so down if I had a decent PC at the moment.

AMD players are black and Nvidia players are white

not. even. kidding.

Did this before actually, turned out well.

ahahaha holy shit that's great. Was it a clan or just dudes who met on the server?

Wait what?

Good game, hard finding decent players though.

if you are playing on a unmodded server the grind is unbearable, 7/10 would only recommend if you have friends and play on modded servers

>early access


Just a bunch of dudes who met on the server and decided to play together for a few wipes. We walled off an entire island and built a mega compound, and even fought off an attempted twenty person raid once, and held gladiatorial contests for prizes. It was pretty cool. Rust is a gigantic timesink though for anyone reading the thread, though it's very addicting. Currently on a six month break from it but would still recommend.

Idk how it is now but I have an Nvidia and I'm always a nigger broad. It's awful they force gender and race on you though. I'm fine with no wacky character customization but at least let me pick to be male or female and a spook or white dude.

>République de Surrender


That's really fucking gay, not even gonna bother with this then

>60% white subhuman


Not true. Im a black woman just like 99% of the players ive seen.
Cancerous SJW shit game.

Why not do this in Unturned, which is basically free Rust?

are you 12?
literally 12 y.o infested clone of a minecraft survival mod

>we start a MLG qu1cks0p3r FaZe nation

Just by coming up with that, my brain is now screaming in agony at me. What gives?

>Creating a state
>Living the libertarian dream.

You have no idea what you're talking about do you

Apparently it's based on your Steam ID, and I just got lucky with all my friends

Unturned is 8-bit-esque and doesn't have all of the necessary features

Early access games are the only good ones tbqh

1v1 me intervention FMJ only, no nades N00b

Not an argument

Libertarian =/= Anarcho Capitalism you plebbit-tier meme ideology shitlord

I actually wouldn't mind playing some Rust.

I can't wait for the early access meme to die.

I've played a few early access games, naturally they suck. They're unfinished. Why would you pay $20 for an unfinished game?

>Having no respect for a country based on its shameful military history is not a valid reason

this is why france is AIDS

nice try Rust Devs

whats ur steam ID breh

also Day Z or even Arma 3 is way better than Rust top kek lad

also how is this political?

i already have it, join a server

thats unironically hilarious
nigger here

A corporatist fiefdom is superior to your gangland statist ideal

>wanting to simulate nation building
>not political

how are you enjoying your KOTH server and youre 13 year old friends

Rust homosexual though. It's all about 7 days to die.

Day Z is absolute shit.

7 Days to Die man. Wtf.

>Rust is a multiplayer online survival-oriented game

Fucking tossed.

LARP elsewhere faggot.

Micronation faggotry is not acceptable use of /pol

Wrong. I am Nvidia and black.

Day Z is way better, fill up a canteen with gasoline and give it to unsuspecting people who trust you

this is a rust thread
trash get out

the point of day z is to prove that to new fags
its thrilling because youre blueballing someone, its literally cucking

>commie doesn't want us to talk about micronations
>literally created the balkans


Rust homosexual though, fuck you round eye.
You another dumb round eye.

I use Nvidia though, and my character is a small dicked red-skin nigger

Fuck off, Garry.

Do you launch hellfire missiles at palestinians? If yes, I approve.

i added you negro

We made an alliance with a massive American clan and blew up this huge Turkish base if that counts.


>France talking about niggers

No you didn't

Post tits bby.

Just like in real life Sven, what's the problem here?

what was your previous names

Al Gore

whats your current name


I'm interested. Is it a persistent open world?

Global servers, Non ping dependent game?

I've always wished we had something like Terraria open to everyone that we could colonize.

Practice for when we do it irl in Siberia.

For anyone interested, this is the server we're on


the south park profile pic

Yea, sure.

>The fucking normies and retards who play this game will be incapable of vanquishing an organized, loyal band of Sup Forumsacks who are willing to honorably fight and die for the libertarian dream.
I am not sure how well the game would work on my old rig, but even if it would, I think you overestimate Sup Forums. Many likely would turn out to be fucking normies and retards uncapable of organizing themselves or willing to fuck each other up for lulz.

When I get home I'll get this game for sure, holy shit. Hope this shit stays active, heard of this game before but there's so many kids and my eardrums are sensitive.

>12 Online Players

>Wutang, JWALKER, Donald Yump, John Wick, Jamal, KbbQ, GASTON FLOSS, devil, smdjyfwq22123, -Sion-Blazer-, Gilead, Wewlad

Thanx, will try to join by the weekend.

>American Server

Are there any servers Aussies can do the same thing

Dumbass kike.

I think world is reset every week

server dependant i think

Cry me a river

Server owner can decide whenever to wipe the server and also, the admins of the game itself wipes all servers about each month or so.

This game was my shit in 2014, i got uninterested in it when the cheats got insane and when i came back it changed so much that it just looked plain unappealing to me, never played since

Im with you bro


playing with an aussie rn bruv

hmm this could be interesting. be warned finding places can be a mess since the maps are fucking huge

>my eardrums are sensitive.
Is that due to the grenade attacks?

Are there vehicles yet? Waited for that for years

i think i added you

and the discord


Not yet.

>Poland talking at all
I thought you people were too stupid to know how to use a computer

>it's dome retards with a rifle while naked: the game
If I wanted to to role play an autistic heavily armed redneck smacking trees with rocks and screeching pointlessly I'd go live with the swamp people of north carolina desu

No m8, I was fucking around. The other user said his name used to be Al Gore, so I joked that he changed his name to manbearpig.


>needing help from a country with a "shameful" military history to win your independence
even more embarrasing desu

the shame didn't start until after

>not ethnostate

Not true, I use nvidia and I'm black. Also

Can you play it without other players or at lest a private server

it has to be civ nat because you are forced to be a shitskin sometimes

joining now niggers

Everything is online, unless you have your own server with a password.

It is still online, but I mean that is the only option for solo play without players attacking.

>plz pol, go spend 20 bucks on this buggy alpha test
the dev is literally a sjw cuck

pls be real

It is not real.