How is it my fault that I get a tingling feeling down there when I think of men...

how is it my fault that I get a tingling feeling down there when I think of men? It's not like it's my choice or anything, so why do you blame me for this?

>It's not like it's my choice or anything

Stop being gay right now.

not Sup Forums related

fuck off spammer

You probably have your emotions confused cause you're young.

Learn to distingush your emotions before you claim you are mentally ill. That feeling in your chest when you see a ripped dude isn't sexual attraction, its envy.

Men strive to be the best, when we see other dudes that are fucking jacked and grab life by the pussy all day, we aspire.

If I had a nickel for every story I have heard with a dude thinking he was gay, getting pounded in the ass, then instantly regretting it, I would have nickel poisoning.

Think before you do user.

Even if you don't choose what you like you still decide what you do. No one forces you to act out your perversion.

I don't see how this is remotely political.
That's great for you that you get tingling in your cock OP.
Thanks for keeping us up to date, bro.

You watched too much porn as a kid? Maybe you stumbled on some gay porn back in the day and it got suppressed in your memory which is now mentally and physically making you attracted to men

Did you ever see MeatSpin? it used to be a meme back in the early days of the internet of a guy fucking some other guys butt while he spins he dick around doing the "windmill"

Maybe you should take some counselling?

These arguments about watching too much porn are stupid. Because, yeah, I bet in the wild animals watch gay porn as well.

>how is it my fault that I get a tingling feeling .down there when I think of men?

You are a degenerate pornography addict with no morals.

>It's not like it's my choice or anything, so why .do you blame me for this?

Yes it is. you are a future child molestation risk and should be sent to a labor camp

I blame your Mother.

Grow. Some. Fucking. Balls.

It's not that fucking hard mate.

b-but I have balls....

At least you're not a fucking leaf desu

please explain

The fuck are the both a you's talking about. There hasn't been a political thread on Sup Forums since like mid 2015, why bully this faggot

Explain what? Need more details

I said grow them cunt, just because you have a pair doesn't mean you're using them.

well, you sure are in the right place to confess it.

>muh dick gets tingles

I bet your ancestors would be proud you became a genetic dead end over such stupid reasoning.

That's fairly normal. People felt that way for centuries. The only difference is that until 50 years ago, if it happened they would mostly say "huh, that was weird. Now time to go back to impregnating my wife!"

It's only recently that we've adopted the idea that if you ever feel that slight twinge, that's that, you're gay, time to strip down and glue rainbow feathers to yourself and March in the Pride Parade.

You are in control of your actions. You can't choose what you want, but you can choose what you pursue. Feeling the urge to strangle someone doesn't make you a murderer; feeling slightly aroused by a naked man doesn't make you gay.

were you molested



Literally this, don't let people take away your ability to make your own decisions.

Suck all the dicks you want as long as you don't act like a faggot.


You just need a small dosage of electricity OP

Right? I don't give a shit about gays, but faggots are fucking annoying.

I don't get tingly, but I admire and respect greater men
it motivates you to be a great(er) man