Why were the Nazi's such embarrassing failures, Sup Forums?
Why were the Nazi's such embarrassing failures, Sup Forums?
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Because there was at least 5 times the amount of opponents.
How did you lose to rice farmers?
they put larpers like this guy in charge
Yeah, that's what happens when you decide to murder all whites.
They got the world and the jews against them
>Because there was at least 5 times the amount of opponents.
Really fires up the neurons
>glorifying communism
Hitler's government actually worked, but he pissed off the Zionists by cutting their banks out of the process.
The Reich was defeated by the Zionist allies, and it took all of the super powers to beat them.
Communism was defeated by the fact that it never works, because it's stupid.
nazis didn't even reach moscow...
But it wasn't REAL Nazism :^)
France taunting the Germans at military prowess ?
Whiter than you, Tyrone.
Hitler was a bad military leader, should've let the army guys be in charge and just be the fuhrer of Germany.
Shut up and clean my toilet
Hitler overestimated the German people.
What did it feel like the day after Brexit when you realized that half if your family would lose their job scrubbing toilets.
>not a failure
stfu berniefag
>he thinks it was the jews who did it
>not being anglopilled
>1945 + 72
They never had any chance. The German elections were hack-, i mean, rigged by the Russians, who knew that Hitler would sperg out and weaken Europe.
Stalin also knew that Hitler had no idea who Napoleon was, and because of that, he'd spend men and resources helping the Communist party genocide unwanted Russians (saving Stalin a lot of work) until winter came.
At that point Stalin would be facing 20m less unwanted Russians, tired German soldiers, and a Central Europe ravaged by war. He probably would have reached Portugal if it wasn't for the burgers.
What did it feel like knowing you would lose half your country to non-white people?
I dont have a family member abroad, however i do know that most Polaks literally dont give two shits.
It would appear americans on /pol are more concerned about it than Polaks.
I live in a state that will be white for another hundred years. It's too cold for the niggers and spics here. If the rest of the country wants to hang itself, what the hell do I care?
>kill all whites
>post hangedkikeness.jpg
Oh user...
Are you aware that the vast majority of partisans executed by Germans were jews?
sage all gommis
>believing nazi propaganda