What did they mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
That Trump gets much of his false information from a conspiracy website that sells water filters to gullible retards.
Need me to spell anything else out to you that should be obvious?
I don't need water filters.
Thinking that Alex jones of all people has even the slightest influence on the Trump administration is fucking retarded
That's what he meant? Wow! For a second, I thought that's what YOU meant.
They are actually clearly implying that Alex gets his info from the White House
>Trump is a fascist!
>Questioning the government is wrong!
it's conspiracy theory, said Bezos' blog.
inb54 alex rapes jeff
>Trump gets much of his false information from
nice inference there retard
wow they are pissed
it just means that infowars is way more factual and people-driven than bezos' billions will ever make his blog appear to be
jeff is so sour that money doesnt buy credibility anymore, he was born too late as a billionnaire
I'll actually play the next deus ex if they put Alex into it.
But if Alex Jones is a Zionist shills then wouldn't that make Trump a-
Infowars helped get Trump elected, I don't see why this is a surprise.
Next they'll be talking about the shocking connection between Trump and Breitbart.
>it just means that
Stopped reading. I don't need your confirmation-bias interpretation, thanks.
See how many times he cringes in the first 20s alone
what did he mean by this?
>The Washington Post is now advertising Info Wars to thousands of people
Wew its like they truly learned nothing from the election.
Jews like to dance.